Message from @Reedy777s

Discord ID: 776896514756313108

2020-11-13 19:43:56 UTC  

shit the teachers likely to flip

2020-11-13 19:44:08 UTC  

most of them are decent people

2020-11-13 19:44:43 UTC  

them what now its a problem with all the teachers

2020-11-13 19:44:45 UTC  

> you tell them to stand up to the teacher and explain the conflict of interests so we can make an informed decision
@Reedy777s kids are getting kicked out of classes, though. plus it depends on the context the kids are brought up. for example, a majority of Asian household raised kids to respect authority. If the teachers are angry for the kids standing up, the kids may be schooled or learnt it as negative reinforcement. I think it's important for you to keep in mind solutions aren't one-size-fit-all

2020-11-13 19:45:28 UTC  

physical or not its an emotional trap

2020-11-13 19:45:51 UTC  

the pen is mightier than the sword you win with reason and logic

2020-11-13 19:46:02 UTC  

thats how people take your side

2020-11-13 19:46:13 UTC  

don't stoop to the level of an idiot though, he will beat you with experience

2020-11-13 19:46:46 UTC  

Yes. But the propaganda machine has bigger pens with better ink

2020-11-13 19:46:55 UTC  

> don't stoop to the level of an idiot though, he will beat you with experience
@mightytrump who will beat me with experience

2020-11-13 19:47:18 UTC  

@Reedy777s stooping to idiots who fail to see the point means you lose because you fail to connect

2020-11-13 19:47:22 UTC  

> Yes. But the propaganda machine has bigger pens with better ink
@isoboto you cant unsee the truth

2020-11-13 19:47:40 UTC  

> @isoboto you cant unsee the truth
@Reedy777s but the lies are much easier to swallow

2020-11-13 19:48:10 UTC  

> @Reedy777s stooping to idiots who fail to see the point means you lose because you fail to connect
@mightytrump thats a you problem if you cant explain it you need to articulate yourself better

2020-11-13 19:48:48 UTC  

not necessarily. if people are not wanting to change their mind you can't articulate or argue and "help" them see the light.

2020-11-13 19:48:56 UTC  

its easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled

2020-11-13 19:49:10 UTC  

Some people are too manipulated and brainwashed to even believe in the truth anymore.

2020-11-13 19:49:13 UTC  

but thats what a mean they gaslight you to send you in with a chip on your shoulder so your already the bad guy before you start whose gonna take your side

2020-11-13 19:49:18 UTC  

> its easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled
@mightytrump yup. the more you told them "You're being fooled" they will dig their heels in

2020-11-13 19:49:23 UTC  

no one

2020-11-13 19:49:38 UTC  

> but thats what a mean they gaslight you to send you in with a chip on your shoulder so your already the bad guy before you start whose gonna take your side
@Reedy777s yourself. believe in what you believe in

2020-11-13 19:50:28 UTC  

yes but that not how democracy works you need to convince other people

2020-11-13 19:50:30 UTC  

if you feel strongly about an issue you speak strongly about it

2020-11-13 19:51:30 UTC  

> if you feel strongly about an issue you speak strongly about it
@mightytrump you dont have to shout that the sky is blue you just say it because its the truth remember that

2020-11-13 19:51:57 UTC  

woke lefties will say its not blue

2020-11-13 19:52:30 UTC  

> woke lefties will say its not blue
@dumb idiot so let them be the crazy one

2020-11-13 19:52:35 UTC  

@Reedy777s i may be yelling but i am not shouting. its a whole other thing to start using children as pawns. its incredibly damaging and sets a dangerous precedent

2020-11-13 19:52:37 UTC  

and leave it at that

2020-11-13 19:53:14 UTC  

> yes but that not how democracy works you need to convince other people
@Reedy777s i think you look at the world a bit too 2-dimensional. logic and facts don't necessarily convince people. in fact, you can google anything and have an article that support your thesis. so you can't always rely on facts. it's also emotional appeals. that's why the climate change crisis took off -- fear is a huge driving factor. again, that being said, some people seek out new information and they're capable of changing their mind. secondly, democracy isn't convincing others -- it's about give-and-take. You and I may have differences but we will work within our similarities to achieve a common goal

2020-11-13 19:54:07 UTC  

> @mightytrump you dont have to shout that the sky is blue you just say it because its the truth remember that
@Reedy777s *technically* the sky is colourless. It's the air make-up that the sunlight passed through that made it blue/red/etc.

2020-11-13 19:54:07 UTC  

> @Reedy777s i may be yelling but i am not shouting. its a whole other thing to start using children as pawns. its incredibly damaging and sets a dangerous precedent
@mightytrump i know this but i also know how this game works composure is king you dont need to fight for the truth it speaks for itself just simply state it and leave it at that

2020-11-13 19:55:06 UTC  

lefties always portray themselves as smart because they have a fancy degree in something so they must think they will have a really good political opinion

2020-11-13 19:55:08 UTC  

> @Reedy777s i think you look at the world a bit too 2-dimensional. logic and facts don't necessarily convince people. in fact, you can google anything and have an article that support your thesis. so you can't always rely on facts. it's also emotional appeals. that's why the climate change crisis took off -- fear is a huge driving factor. again, that being said, some people seek out new information and they're capable of changing their mind. secondly, democracy isn't convincing others -- it's about give-and-take. You and I may have differences but we will work within our similarities to achieve a common goal
@isoboto yes thats called emotional hijacking

2020-11-13 19:55:57 UTC  

nope. hijacking is too strong of a word. we're constantly making irrational decision and then justified it. we make our choices based on feelings.

2020-11-13 19:56:38 UTC  

only if you allow youself to emotionally hijacked

2020-11-13 19:57:38 UTC  

that's impossible. take hypnosis, for example -- the people who claim they are resistant to hypnosis are easier to be hypnotized. similarly, the people who viewed themselves as more educated are easier to indoctrinated

2020-11-13 19:58:02 UTC  

that's called an emotional decision as opposed to an intellectual one and is normally followed by regret or remorse when our intellectual reasoning catches up

2020-11-13 19:58:18 UTC  

see and thats sign of imaturity

2020-11-13 19:58:27 UTC  

"educated" means you accepted my dogma

2020-11-13 19:58:50 UTC  

like "you need to be educated"