Message from @Reedy777s

Discord ID: 776903158060023819

2020-11-13 20:04:31 UTC  

> moral compass is strong one
@mightytrump it can be shift, though. some people who hates war now doesn't care if they're putting biden (and basically, the war machine) back in office

2020-11-13 20:04:42 UTC  

@Reedy777s I'd also like to point out that my moral compass is compelling a strong response. Emotion is not the motivator but a symptom of my response

2020-11-13 20:05:03 UTC  

If I view something as fundamentally wrong I am going to reject it

2020-11-13 20:05:26 UTC  

If violates multiple beliefs of mine it provokes a stronger response

2020-11-13 20:05:29 UTC  

> @Reedy777s how can you distinguish the two? we're always under indoctrination, from one side or the other. we -- in this centrist-conservative server -- are listening to a different propaganda compared to the mainstream leftist-progressive propaganda
@isoboto the there definitions which do vary but and a generalization education allows you to freely choose whereas indoctrination enforces a predefined believe without question

2020-11-13 20:06:16 UTC  

We are listening to people who want to tell the truth and do their honest best. The other side wants to gatekeep reality and peddle divisive conspiracy theories

2020-11-13 20:07:12 UTC  

yes its called a dictatorship but its doomed to fail because its fundamentally flawed

2020-11-13 20:08:05 UTC  

dictatorship also includes an individual steering the majority of government policy and action

2020-11-13 20:08:31 UTC  

> @isoboto the there definitions which do vary but and a generalization education allows you to freely choose whereas indoctrination enforces a predefined believe without question
@Reedy777s yes. but i am asking how do you distinguish. you can do your own research on this, but one way communism enforces the illusion of freedom is to have manufactured disagreement. it looks like everybody disagreeing with each other but really it's not.

2020-11-13 20:09:34 UTC  

> We are listening to people who want to tell the truth and do their honest best. The other side wants to gatekeep reality and peddle divisive conspiracy theories
@mightytrump i definitely think there are two realities going on. And I'll also say this, "truth" is your perception. because if there is only 1 truth everybody would agree with each other. What you perceive as true, people might not see it so obvious

2020-11-13 20:09:38 UTC  

@isoboto Like how there are multiple fake parties within the national congress in China

2020-11-13 20:09:59 UTC  

> @isoboto Like how there are multiple fake parties within the national congress in China
@mightytrump yup. you're a smart cookie

2020-11-13 20:11:51 UTC  

> @mightytrump yup. you're a smart cookie
@isoboto my opinion its a global dictatorship fight to control the media

2020-11-13 20:12:14 UTC  

this goes into complex economics

2020-11-13 20:12:41 UTC  

and Operation Mockingbird is doing a damn good job of subverting the press

2020-11-13 20:12:43 UTC  

> @isoboto my opinion its a global dictatorship fight to control the media
@Reedy777s oh yeah, it's undeniable. china has everybody in its pocket. america is also in china's pocket, but trump is giving it a good fight (or attempting to, anyway)

2020-11-13 20:13:35 UTC  

> @Reedy777s oh yeah, it's undeniable. china has everybody in its pocket. america is also in china's pocket, but trump is giving it a good fight (or attempting to, anyway)
@isoboto so if you see this why do you think others dont

2020-11-13 20:13:37 UTC  

> and Operation Mockingbird is doing a damn good job of subverting the press
@mightytrump i don't know much about that. i thought that's cia controlling the press

2020-11-13 20:14:19 UTC  

> @isoboto so if you see this why do you think others dont
@Reedy777s because i was from Vietnam and I knew it first hand. I've met people here who laughed in my face when I talk about China's concentration camp, communism and its overreaching power

2020-11-13 20:15:02 UTC  

but quite clearly half of america voted trump with you

2020-11-13 20:15:47 UTC  

and probably 25% would have supported you and stood with you if you didnt let them play you against each other

2020-11-13 20:16:00 UTC  

do you understand now

2020-11-13 20:16:02 UTC  

China is clearly a big superpower nowadays.

2020-11-13 20:16:11 UTC  

@isoboto It's the CIA operation to control narratives on foreign policy, economy policy, legislating freedoms, etc in the press and media. In the mid-70s it was exposed along with the MK-Ultra program by a ballsy senator. Needless to say the CIA quietly backed away from the program when it was exposed initially, but never renounced it or announced its closing.

2020-11-13 20:16:23 UTC  

I think China will challenge the US (if we have two superpowers, that’d make the polarization go further)

2020-11-13 20:16:27 UTC  

> but quite clearly half of america voted trump with you
@Reedy777s i'm canadian. china still got 2 of our citizens and our country got called "a worthless pos that shouldn't stand in China's path" and yet our PM knelt to them

2020-11-13 20:16:59 UTC  

It's called hostage diplomacy

2020-11-13 20:17:06 UTC  

We can do just the same

2020-11-13 20:17:10 UTC  

If China wants

2020-11-13 20:17:53 UTC  

> It's called hostage diplomacy
@mightytrump yeah. but the fact that China insulted us and Canadians still think China is our friends is my biggest anger with Canada

2020-11-13 20:18:23 UTC  

The woes of a neo-liberal government in charge

2020-11-13 20:18:26 UTC  

> If China wants
@mightytrump well, the huawei's executive is extradited to US already so that's good. But the two hostages are still half-dead so

2020-11-13 20:18:57 UTC  

We can play the hostage game using the CIA's resources

2020-11-13 20:19:00 UTC  

> The woes of a neo-liberal government in charge
@mightytrump it's like having obama 2.0 up here

2020-11-13 20:19:03 UTC  

> If China wants
@mightytrump yes but if you stopped acting like a raging homophobe then probably a lot of the gays would have voted with you. they gay not stupid but you let them turn you against each other now we all taking it up the arse

2020-11-13 20:19:15 UTC  


2020-11-13 20:19:37 UTC

2020-11-13 20:19:49 UTC  

What are these comments i keep finding lmbo!

2020-11-13 20:19:54 UTC  

> We can play the hostage game using the CIA's resources
@mightytrump well, i don't know what Canada could have done but I absolutely hate it that we still beg China's for (defected) masks, resources and installed the 5G network and took on government contracts. We're spineless

2020-11-13 20:20:26 UTC  

> @mightytrump yes but if you stopped acting like a raging homophobe then probably a lot of the gays would have voted with you. they gay not stupid but you let them turn you against each other now we all taking it up the arse
@Reedy777s bruh. there ARE gays people voted for trump lmao and there are gay conservatives

2020-11-13 20:20:28 UTC  

@isoboto I heard about how liberal opposition voted to hold an investigation on the We Charity scandal. And the liberals threatening a snap election to unseat those who would have voted for the investigation