Message from @NemesisV
Discord ID: 778459444954529792
Basically dominion voting and it’s fake results
I have a healthy skepticism for a red CA for good reasons, but knowing how fucked up the governor in that state is and how understandably fed up the people are there, I think a red CA is something of a matter of time.
The challenge for them is going to be trying to justify how it was stolen from them
The mental gymnastics would be interesting to listen too
The term used in this election for the massive evidence Trump's legal team will have formalized and address at court in a formal trial and be made publicly available that will show the darkest most corrupt acts of fraud and impropriety committed ever in this election.
I believe the Kracking is a Sidney Powell bomb shell she is threating to drop one of these days.
They just need to drop it
Let it be known
I hope we aren’t hyping up the kraken too much
Don’t want to be disappointed
Oh this is perfect
If these results get uploaded
Watch the liberal eyes melt down
I can’t wait for all the stupid anti trump pro Biden memes to be irrelevant
Could all of that evidence be released to the public? Or will we just hear a verdict?
They are irrelevant
its us against all of the media and big tech so it will get buried fast
That would be pretty funny
Honestly, with what we know now from the available clues from project Veritas, Rudy Giuliani's report of some circumstantial evidence surrounding the battleground states, and the statistical bs of that Biden surge; yeah, it's not a stretch to call the other deep end of this iceberg a literal Kraken.
The third strike on Trump Tower symbolizes a swift decapitaion of fraud as Trump is given his rightful 2nd term.
I think the kraken is real because I’ve heard about it from a dozen different sources and I’ve suspected dominion ever since it flipped votes in MI
All I know is that once we find out the literal fucked-upness behind the scenes in this election, middle America will be piiiiiiissed *hard* and that will be hugely bad for the globalist elites that "assured us", that "everything is ok".
Yes, this Kraken thing is everywhere
I do think it's real
It’s not like some random guy on 4chan making shit up
It's coming straight from a Lawyer's mouth
Mostly because I suspected something like that before the kraken was created
Stupidest thing ever
The kraken is the term used in this election for the massive evidence Trump's legal team will have formalized and address at court in a formal trial and be made publicly available that will show the darkest most corrupt acts of fraud and impropriety committed ever in this election.
Yeah that
I remember
I’m pretty sure I only heard the 410 number
That doesn’t mean it would look exactly like that
bruh, literal copy-pasta.
Yes I did
It’s very good
So I copied it
~~You forgot Alfredo sauce and cheese!~~