Crusty Cat
Discord ID: 181134885115658241
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Got a skinny face but she THICC
To all the Father's out there Merry Hanukkah
If you think black on white is high should see black on black
Merry Hanukkah
Biden is too racist for me
That's my reaction
Is that ice cream?
And then they say fake news doesn't exist
Love how they keep talking about Trump's Rally but don't want to speak about the protests
In relation to covid
italian ice
I only like chicken when its fried
baked too
just make fried chicken yourself its not that hard
Love the cruch of my baked chicken
we all die
I failed english multiple times in highschool
Its semi fully automatic
1911 look good but I would never carry one
Love me my full semi automatic
Pretty sure officers still go through basic
Idk how my man's can shoot like that
Probably didn't even hit the target
I learned at 13 with a .22
A good starter rifle now is a Ruger 10/22
You can get a 10/22 cheap under $300 and .22 ammo is cheap too
I didn't get my own gun till I was 18 was a Remington 870
I prefer the Mosberg 590
But the Remington was cheap and I was broke
The 870 was as much as a maverick 88 so I went for the 870
I've been wanting to get a scar but them shits expensive
Can get 6 AR-15 for the price of 1 scar
Or 1 heavily modded AR-15 and a shit ton of ammo
@Lucas's Rage is it your first gun?
You can build an Ar-15 cheaper
Need to be 21+ to build an Ar-15
That's the downside
But you can buy one at 18 makes no sense
Idk if I would give a 6 year old a fire arm
Can buy a rifle at 18 but gotta wait till 21 for a handgun
Allot of states have that law
In my state you can buy a long gun at 18
Its so modified what's even original?
I always mess up when painting minis
I tried to get my mom a firearm had to settle for pepper spray and a tazer
She dosnt want anything to do with guns
1911 isn't that great
Get a shotgun
Very versatile
Glocks are fine
Its about how they function not looks
I would never carry one they are good looking though
Don't need a safety if you got a good holster
Safety is keeping your finger off the trigger
Open carry is not really that good
You are giving away the element of surprise
Gotta practice conceal carry draw
Can be really fast
If they see open carry they will be more careful with you and probably take your gun
You never know when a situation can happen if they see you got a gun they will sneakily target you first
Or just shoot you outright cuz they see you got a gun in your hip
I'm not thinking about movies more what has actually happened to police officers by robbers here
They sneak up to the officer and just take his gun
Not Wendy's talking about my area
I live in the Hood
Open carry wouldn't work here
You would get your gun taken and get jumped
Let's say your in a gas station theirs a line someones behind you takes your gun what you gonna do
That's what happened to the officer
Then you get sucker punched by the guy that was looking at the chips
Here not many people carry
They knew the cop holster is hard to take from the were felons
There were 3 of them
1 struggled with him for the gun the others beat him
Yeah they were against cops
They gave up once they beat him
But a similar thing could happen to a normal guy
Moral of the story don't go to a gas station in the hood at night
Pretty sure my state dosnt allow you to have a fire arm in the vehicle unless it's stored away
And can't be easily accessed
Only ones armed here the criminals
There isn't much gun control here though
Its more frowned upon
Allot of business don't allow it
Its too big to conceal carry not much ammo in one mag
In the heat of the moment you can panic and miss
Happens to anyone
Main reason why I don't carry revolvers low ammo
Even though they are more reliable
If you want a good conceal carry gun get a glock 26
Very easy to conceal carry even if you have to tuck your pants in
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