Discord ID: 463367078108463104
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wall thunder
@A Person you could make a cobweb wall of sorts
ewww a 279
that things too low br
we made a pile
You can land, at least in a B34, with nothing but the fuselage, left wing, and your pilot and repair
i dont get it, even with 7.92s the tail is torn off in my B17 and the 2 B25s
and i had a fire burning for almost 2 minutes before i was shot down, even though it was a self sealing feul tank
landed top first going almost 300 mph, and both pilots and 2 gunners were fine
get this: some idiot was dying in his bomber across the map, so he flew into my air space and drew the fighters to me, a very slow bomber, and i hadnt even gotten to the enemy base yet. then when he died i toldhim how much of an idiot he was, because now we didnt have a chance to win, and he kept trying to get me to kill myself and ended up telling the enemies where i was.
My cat is a bit, out there
thanks, i got him a little over a week ago and hes only 5 months old
anyone here play warthunder?
im looking for a 9.3 allied ground squad, interested?
not really
great gun, but it gets killed alot
go for panther, better in everything but turret rotation and post pen damage
dude no
america ROCKS tier 2
and 5.7/6.7 is the bad br for america
5.7, cant pen anything to save your life, literaly
6.7, good tanks and you can do really well but its boring
they arnt fun to play
but 8.0 up is fun
and 2.0-5.3 is ok, mostly fun but i hate the short 75
some do that, mine smiles when shes in trouble
anyone with kittens, how do i get my kitten to behave? i looked up online but there were no definitive answers, and he keeps trying to get food even when hes no supposed to
yes and no
theres still alot of bs with america
you can kill things, pretty well, but not as good as say a leopard 2a4
and, i bounced a 431mm pen ATGM on the side of a OF40 and it bounced
low tier american planes are good
mid tier, trash
med high, not very good
top, good
my favorite is the corsair
my advice is to not dogfight. the corsair stat card is bull, couldnt out turn a german bomber with a 10 second less turn time
the f104?
its decent, from what ive seen, but playing the p38 that high up?
its gonna suck
yes but you want to play roughly the same BR youre trying to research to get max efficiency
the grind in this game is too much
wait till you get higher
it gets alot worse
i didnt have fun getting to where im at
now it can be fun, but a lot of hate around
call someone out for spawn camping or revenge killing, and then youre the bad guy
not matter how polite you are about it
warthunder is for sure a bias game, but theres nothing that matches it
and gaijin knows it, thats why they dont give a damn
and the consiquence system is proof, everyone says what they want but oh, say the n word and you get banned
by brother defended poor people when someone was trashing them telling them they need to get gud and he got chat banned for 30 days, and he did/said nothing wrong
i get called a handicap because i get PL at the beginning of a game and crash on the airfield, and i get trash talked by both teams
and i do better than everyone it the game
its just sad
i get called salty alot, even though most of what i say is true
agreed, but i complain about the bs shots like bouuncing off the side of an OF40
with a 431mm pen ATGM
if its swedish then it was probably a ds shell
they have one low tier that has around 100mm of pen
but not, "sWeDaNs NoT bIaSeD"
whered he hit?
then yeah theres no way
>warthunder< anyone with 9.3 allied ground wanna play?
How do I discipline my kitten? The little fucker tried to get into his treats after he knocked them down
I looked it up and hitting, spraying, shaking, pretty much anything is a no no and I'm lost
He's not a bad kitten he just doesnt know what to do, I've only had him a week and a half and I dont want to make him feel unwanted
Well thank you, I'll try that.
He drives me crazy sometimes
Last cat I had before this one was an oddball. He was legit the best cat ever born. He was kind, gentle, listened, loving, chill, and trained. He never did anything bad, and he was always a joy to be around. RIP Cotton
why does my kitten love to chew on me
ive never seen a turtle with a tail before
well it hurts and he wont stop even when i flick his ear
what about a jam jellyfish
well mine is chewing on my feet when i play games
i let him nibble my fingers, is that good?
oh ok, thanks
so hes not just trying to mess me up
alright thanks
time to make lunch
all we need is a bread fish
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