Discord ID: 660532647445135366
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People are sick.
@jerpeau I was in that rally. Probably the most inspiring thing I have ever witnessed. There's another Trump rally next week and it's honoring Jay. It will be just as big, if not bigger.
@Jaeffsyan There isn't a single "I" "Me" or "My" in that campaign. Just "Us" "Our" "We" and "Together". That speaks so much volume.
> @Psychotics So Trump is a socialist? <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>
@mathgrant "We the people." unlike Biden "Me ponysoldier future. I mean yea, reelect Trump."
No because we're right.
I literally can't even sit in my truck in a parking lot without being screamed at by some liberal dumbass screaming "Fuck Trump and fuck you" when I have 0 Trump stickers or anything on it. Just a big American flag on the back.
I finished my shirt guys. I stole the Biden pic lol but made the banner thing.
I dunno if this was posted yet. I'm sure it was.
> This isn't as funny as I had hoped though
@VulpesVulpes We've only just begun.
> Let’s be real people are kinda stupid and will panic over anything
@Notliluzi1 Yea. Like the outrage at Chick-Fil-A over a chicken sandwich.
> Popeyes chicken sandwich
@Notliluzi1 Whatever, same difference lol.
Biden is involved
> @TheStarshipReport Biden isn’t doing terribly. But he’s not winning this far
@kalala He hasn't malfunctioned yet.
Did Joe fall asleep?
> Any of ya’ll midgets?
@starkey I'm legally a midget. 😄
He was so obvious when he was reading the teleprompter.
She was good in the beginning then she started interrupting. Probably from being triggered.
They briefly talked about Biden's fracking
Trump will win. by a landslide.
Oregon is actually very close to being red again.
C'mon man
Milwaukie power tools
Men like alcohol.
And Milwaukie power tools
> Gamers rise up 😈
@minecraftgamer420 That would require getting out of the chair.
4'10" stand tall.
He won't lose
He hasn't for 47 years
Who built the cages?
He can't DO a shit either.
Make it bigger
Paint your whole roof
Hell yea. I'm going to one this weekend.
Facebook will have a list in the events section
That plane turned beautifully.
Make Scarecrow Joe
LOL how does that make sense?
My mom and brother voted for Joe. -.- I'm ashamed to call them family.
> @Psychotics Time to change names
@Aletro I have my dad's name, and he's a Trumpeeter like me. Thank god.
If you have to be told how to act then you probably belong in jail. Just saying lol.
> i have an idea for hiding guns if biden gets in and they send people to take them. find a nice spot dig a hole with the appropriate size of the guns. make sure its deep though. put them in a bag then a box. burry them and put a large rock over the soft soil
@xd_gangster69 I keep mine in my truck under my American flag blanket. That way if any social workers touch it they'll burn and hiss.
Stand up for your country, kneel for your God.
Kid needs a few whacks with a belt.
I figure my truck is an obvious sign who I voted for.
@THINBLUELINEUSA I want that sweatshirt.
Yes, the bigger the better.
Yes, love it.
My pills counteract my mental illness. 😄
I have a party truck. Bed for the pool. Flag pole holder for an umbrella. And a toolbox to fill with ice and beer. 😄
> the world would get along so much better if it was just the boys and no women
@minecraftgamer420 You're not wrong. Women would get along better if there were no women.
No I'm Yee Yee
> Except he’s preying on people’s faith in god
@VulpesVulpes Liberals don't believe in god. If they did they would have morals.
He can't even answer a simple debate question. Let alone anything that could save his ass.
The democratic sequel.
I wish he would come to Oregon. Away from Portland. ):
He's already a dead, sad old man.
CNN said otherwise lol.
Oregon is very close to red like 40 years.
Unfortunately it's only mail in here. Dx I personally drop it off though.
Corona News Network
Portland, and I guess Eugene are the only obvious problem areas.
Crazy indeed, but day.
> @THINBLUELINEUSA There is no such thing as a “Biden supporter” they’re just anti-Trump
@Al <3 Literally the reason my mom and brother voted for him lol.
Because he says what we're all thinking.
Must be the cheese aroma pollution.
Climate change
I'm moving there.
WA is fucked.
Whenever I see a Cali plate I'm just like "You lost bud?"
My rental car in AZ a few months ago was a Cali plate and I felt dumbed down every time I climbed in it.
Only 11 more days until I can say "I told you so."
Mail in is dangerous. Fraud EVERY year.
More ballots than actual people living in the state. Makes so much sense.
Just one. ):
Oooh where's the other?
I didn't know that.
I thought we were special.
The mall is an off limits area for me. Too many liberals in the area.
A compilation of Joe.
It could be a comedy too.
At least he's being educated.
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