
Discord ID: 497014897595383818

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Dude I just got into an argument with some kid from my school over snapchat and he blocked me because I actually had facts to back up my argument. Smh my generation is going to be the downfall of this country

Me too. But most gen z just believe anything they see on Twitter

Idk. I guess it just depends on the area because where Iโ€™m at most of the kids just parrot whatever their favorite influencer says

I hate this generation. As a conservative, I feel under represented in main stream media. Thatโ€™s why I like zeducation

I donโ€™t understand why Jesus isnโ€™t allowed in public schools, but they are allowed to teach you think that go against basic science also taught in schools like gender fluid stuff

Bro, who is the committee choosing these moderators?

Theyโ€™re so biased

Very true

What I donโ€™t understand is how Biden wrote the previous tax codes that have been screwing Americans for years, but as soon as you elect him he will fix everything

And people actually believe him

I hate my generation. As a part of the gen z I feel extremely un represented in the media as a conservative and a majority of my peers are liberal.

Everytime I try and take a stance on anything political I feel ostracized in my community because everyone is just parroting the beliefs of their favorite tik tok dancer

Where do ca taxes go?

Because donโ€™t they tax you guys for almost 70% of your income?

Or something like that

Any of yaโ€™ll midgets?

Thank you


Then youโ€™re safe

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