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i was thinking about networking with a few artists here hopefully in the future after talking to Patrick maybe seeing if a few artists would be into making a few European inspired paintings, would be a good way to get exposure

california is such a crap hole, nice weather though

oh sweet, what instruments do you play?

in CA by SF it's crazy how the people are brainwashed. i wont go into detail but the people are brainwashed so bad it is like a totally different race of people, parts of CA are like another country/world

i'm from WI only been here 5 years and moving back soon

im by SF and worked in SF for a short time

i couldn't take the people any more so i left my old job

moving far far away from SF lol, i miss the midwest

ill check it out thanks

how are you holding up in sf?

now illegal immigrants can actually vote for the school legislation in SF

oh cool you are putting up posters?

@Freiheit - CA cool, i have to do like one more orientation thing and after that i think i can start helping with that stuff, i used to put up ads for guitar lessons so i actually have a kit i made for it

i'm in marin county next to SF

yeah awesome, would love to help. i think i do the orientation in about a week and a half, i did the 2 interviews and after that i think i can start actually helping after the pledge phase

i think it's in european genes and culture to be giving and it is what has caused the problems we have today because the people we given to have walked all over us

hey i g2g nice chatting. bye

@Reinhard Wolff awesome job on youtube

i had a fear she might win and was was dreading election night. its scary to think what could have happened

that guy is so full of bs

tim pool is like alex jones. he pretends to have facts and says the right things just to spin them and throw people off at the end

hey are any of you into painting art ect?

in one interview when she lost she said it was white males faults for not letting white women vote

lol. around where i work and most of my area every white female is a leftist. i havent dated much since ive left wi

freedom isn't inherited at birth its fought for, that's why we always have to stand our ground, be smart and educate others on why to vote for freedom and how the MSM is manipulating them, in a smart politically correct peaceful way. its hard times for freedom of speech but cannot ever give it up. sorry for late reply my roommate spilled my coffee >: (

by being smart and educating people is how to show them the way

im off for awhile, you all have a good night

Good afternoon

in CA by SF they care more about illegals. many vets and families in the streets in SF while churches offer help to illegals. same crap here

i just dont get it

nice is it on youtube?

thats so messed up. it makes m so mad to see families suffer in the streets without housing being being ignored by the people who are doing that

however it's so easy to get mad lol. have to focus on positive things

same, for awhile i lived in my car when i was between housing and couldnt find any resources.. it's so easy to focus on it and be angry it distracts from how to focus, and fix the problem i think thats why the media spends so much time to anger the public

i think people are awaking and starting to see the problem however it's a vocal minority of people who run things, the key is freedom of speech, after the people are able to speak without having accounts blocked that will change

i really want to move back to the midwest but however if we do things like move etc they win, just have to stand ground and work on educating and advicating for our rights otherwise they win

its rough i know what you mean, just have to stand ground and not be pushed out.

like in my building i am the only white guy. all the jobs here hire mexicans so i focus on freelance work.

its ok for them to be openly racist and not hire whites

just have to stick it out and keep on keeping on. people know it's an issue and if enough people advicate and raise awarness things will change.

thats where i am having problems is working round it

it sucks, just have to educate people and work at it, it's difficult but the more we as a group grows the more we can do to expose how our tax dollars are being taken to fund that crap.. strength in numbers

the more people for example join here, the more people will be voicing and shining light on the issues and supporting others to do things like get into politics etc, just keeping at it and growing and educating the public

i would love to get into politics but messed up when i was younger and got a dui ๐Ÿ˜  but thats a great way to start by helping guys out getting into politics and etc and using our time to expand and raise the next generation around us smarter, better

best way to change a system is from the inside

my typing is awful rofl

i think i was in gym class when it happened, everyone freaked out later that day to get gas it took us like 2 hours at the gas station just to fill a few cans

me too i was in gym class when it was announced

if the meeting is at 8;30 tonight that means its in how many hours? im in CA time zone

same. i used to have dial up for awhile. i have been using an ethernet cord to try to avoid wifi. wifi is really bad for you it causes cancer

i was shocked to see how bad wifi is for our health

it has radiation, thats why brain cancer etc is becoming popular. i found a really great video on it ill get the link, anyone that uses wifi and cell phones should see

anything that uses wifi causes radiation, its crazy

this is from someone on youtube named Dana Ashlie, very nice person i have spoken to her via e-mail. this is her video about wifi and its links to cancer

um what button do you press to talk again lol

i used to use ventrillo like all the time for world of warcraft, still a bit new to this program so still figuring it out

thanks ill fix it

love that movie

sounds like a fun road trip

the media wil try to make us lose hope and give up, things are always better than you see on MSM

its a tactic they use

GOP (Grand Old Party)

exactly, need allies or all will attack us

the meetup app has republican meetup groups

all most done with purple phase ๐Ÿ˜„

demos used to cost a LOT of money

studio time is pricy

i use to play wow a lot

always run into flakes in any type of group

hey guys i have to run ttyl

the orentation thing thats 5 our time?

have the flue so kind of spaced out

im in the north bay how about you?

nice, is that like a country area?

im from WI but moved out to the north bay for a job at the time, close to SF. i hate this area lol

how are the rents?

out here its around 2200 for a 2 bed room

i might be moving back to wi, im not sure yet things are kind of up in the air

you might have your headphones muted, try clicking on the icon on the lower left of your screen

so easy to have words taken out of context

crazy people out there

@Reinhard Wolff what did you say about cyber strike channel?

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