Message from @Liberty or Death

Discord ID: 791481376523812865

2020-12-24 01:31:39 UTC  

I see what you are saying. He has pardoned and granted clemency thoughout his presidency but Presidents do pass grant them near the end of their terms. They do the same thing even if they have been elected to a second term

2020-12-24 01:31:56 UTC  

Should Pence run in 2024. I think he will run for president.

2020-12-24 01:32:21 UTC  

I always thought it was funny when they tried to impeach President Trump, because Pence is even more conservative.

2020-12-24 01:33:11 UTC  

@busillis true, they may already be out of prison, but a pardon wipes the slate clean and restores all of their civil liberties

2020-12-24 01:33:40 UTC  

Yeah but they're already community leaders and fully redeemed... The first four or five.

2020-12-24 01:33:50 UTC  

This might just bolster their mythology.

2020-12-24 01:34:17 UTC  

Mr. II X runs a non-profit organization, Game Changers, which is dedicated to guiding youth to productive, meaningful lives.

2020-12-24 01:34:39 UTC  

Mr. II x violated numerous state and federal laws...

2020-12-24 01:35:03 UTC  

Back in the day.

2020-12-24 01:35:20 UTC  

Well, when you are convicted you have certain rights stripped from you. In many states you are no longer allowed to vote, no longer to buy, hold, or be around a firearm. In fact, if your wife/husband owns a firearm you can go to prison. A pardon restores all of your civil liberties

2020-12-24 01:36:30 UTC  

I saw a lot of financial crimes, I think maybe a robbery was in there. But, I did not see any murders and certainly no terrorists like previous administrations have done

2020-12-24 01:36:58 UTC  

If someone actually turns their life around and makes different choices and follows the law, I'm cool with a pardon.

2020-12-24 01:37:08 UTC  

Remember, just because you did it doe not mean you are guilty

2020-12-24 01:37:53 UTC  

Do you mean convicted?

2020-12-24 01:38:08 UTC  

So you believe in complete drug legalization?

2020-12-24 01:38:10 UTC  

I just mentioned the last 6 because their offenses were in relation to Campaign Finance / Real-estate Investing / A Kushner / Russiagate

Not exactly the pots you want to stir for optics. But he isn't exactly the champion of optics.

2020-12-24 01:38:54 UTC  


2020-12-24 01:41:12 UTC  

I'm a little irritated Julian assange isn't on there. There's time. That and/or Snowden would really ruffle some feathers.

2020-12-24 01:41:37 UTC  

It should definitely pardon them

2020-12-24 01:43:43 UTC  

@bullis no, I don't believe in "complete drug legalization." I think that Oregon legalizing heroin was retarted; however, I have my pocket constitution in front of me and for the life of me I do not see a mention of drugs in the constitution as an ability for the government to raise taxes to "combat"

2020-12-24 01:44:25 UTC  

But for keeping drugs from comming in across the national borders, the 10th amendment would see to point to the states to determine drug enforcement policy.

2020-12-24 01:44:38 UTC  

Plus the other folks from his campaign that conspired with Russia and lied for him.

2020-12-24 01:45:54 UTC  

Wow...Russia hoax talk. That is cute. You do realize that was primarily pushed by a Rep. Eric Fartwell that was caught in a honeypot with a Chinese spy, right?

2020-12-24 01:46:06 UTC  

FBI arrests woman for sending pictures of a mutilated body and threatening the family of election official who refused to certify Biden's win in Michigan.

Katelyn Jones, 23, was charged with threatening violence through interstate commerce in connection to the threats that were sent to Monica Palmer

Palmer was slammed for refusing to certify and then attempting to rescind her vote to certify the close to 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

The election official received numerous threatening texts from an unknown person who used a cellphone number with a 269 area code Company records that showed a 269 number that was made 10 minutes before Palmer got her first threatening message In addition to the text, Palmer was also sent threatening messages on her Instagram page on November 18 from a user named '@_etfere'

Palmer's address, phone number and her husband's phone number were shared by the user

A New Hampshire woman has been arrested for sending pictures of a mutilated female body and threatening the family of a Michigan election official who refused to certify the results for Joe Biden.

Katelyn Jones, 23, is accused of calling Wayne County chairwoman Monica Palmer a 'racist b****' and a 'terrorist' after she refused to confirm the 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county.

The election official received numerous threatening texts from an unknown person who used a cellphone number with a 269 area code.

'Damn it was not hard finding all of your information disgusting racist b***h,' one text read, according to a criminal complaint and an FBI affidavit. 'I don't tolerate people like you, in fact I consider you to be a terrorist and do you know what happens to terrorist.'

2020-12-24 01:46:24 UTC  

FBI Special Agent Emily Muchiando said in the affidavit: 'The messages were immediately followed by two graphic photographs of a bloody, deceased, nude, mutilated woman, lying on the ground.' Palmer was slammed for refusing to certify and then attempting to rescind her vote to certify the close to 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

Palmer was slammed for refusing to certify and then attempting to rescind her vote to certify the close to 878,000 votes from Michigan's largest county

The number was traced back to the app TextMe Inc. Company records that showed a 269 number that was made 10 minutes before Palmer got her first threatening message.

FBI agents then tracked the IP address that was connected to the TextMe account, finding an IP address subscriber that matched the Olivet natives' mother, Linda Jones, according to the affidavit.

'Therefore, the account that used (269) xxx-xx68 that sent threatening text messages to (Palmer) was created at Linda Jones' residence,' Muchiando said in the report.

In addition to the text, Palmer was also sent threatening messages on her Instagram page on November 18 from a user named '@_etfere.' Palmer's address, phone number and her husband's phone number were shared by the user.

'Feel free to leave these disgusting racist (sic) a nice little message on their voicemail or for more fun stop by their house,' the post read.

'Racist terrorist b***h,' another post read.

In a separate post, that included a photo of Palmer and her family, the user shared: 'Your daughter is beautiful. I'd (sic) be a shame if something happened to her. Hmmm I'd (sic) be a shame if something happened to your daughter at school.'

2020-12-24 01:48:32 UTC  

@William Dinan Convicted as well. But, that was more of a "joke" in relation to the difference between an underlying crime and the defense for one e.g., you may have killed someone and are charged with murder or voluntary mansluaghter, but it may have been in self defense or something.

2020-12-24 01:49:23 UTC  

Then that is not Murder.

2020-12-24 01:50:13 UTC  

exactly. that was my point. Comes from a billboard I saw for a criminal defense attorney that stated that. I thought it was clever

2020-12-24 01:50:38 UTC  

I could care less about chinese mccarthyism 🤷

2020-12-24 01:52:36 UTC  

Fang Fang Boytoy?

2020-12-24 01:58:13 UTC  

If Trump wants to make himself complicit with all his minions working for Russia 😂

2020-12-24 02:05:22 UTC  

@Dedkraken did you even listen to the stream??? Trump's entire purpose is to block Russian and Chinese (CCP Specifically) from interfering with the US's Security...

2020-12-24 02:07:02 UTC  

Trump couldnt secure a big mac

2020-12-24 02:11:14 UTC  

Odie Doe... @Dedkraken is a trump derangement sufferer.

2020-12-24 02:12:33 UTC  

to anyone looking for the Veto Msg from Trump to Congress - that Robert was sharing - here it is:

2020-12-24 02:12:39 UTC  

Perhaps one day @Dedkraken will smarten enough and realize POTUS is a marionette.

2020-12-24 02:13:54 UTC  

Unquestionably votes for Biden? What a trash article 🤦

2020-12-24 02:14:53 UTC  

None of us know anymore than what our trusted election officials tell us...

2020-12-24 02:15:50 UTC  

Well - funny hhw trump is soo hated here - seems even the Japanese are supporting him in hopes of stopping the CCP -

2020-12-24 02:16:01 UTC  

What's the remedy they want? Go to their house. Determine if they should have voted. Then ask them which candidates vote should be discarded? 😂