(((The George Borjas)))

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Buying this idc how fucking retarded it is

Department of labor introduces a bill that would allow employers to take workers' tips. Workers would lose around 5.8 billion dollars annually

What these very same pundits ignore is the fact that low skill immigration to the U.S. costs workers around *402 billion dollars* as a result of labor market competition every year

@๐ŸŽญ๐ŸŽต The bill hasn't been put into place yet, so not yet

Gonna be pissed if there's no chain migration/E-verify policy

CEO of Dunkin Donuts says he wants to 'increase the labor pool' through immigration to make hiring workers cheaper

Another Valedictorian lmao

@๐ŸŽญ๐ŸŽต Out of these which ones are safe seats?

I wish we could return to pre-obama era levels with 300k arrests a year

>How do you see gender roles evolving?

Women are going to become even more "self empowered" and miserable as time goes on. They want more "power" because everything outside of being a mother/wife is unsatisfying to them. Their despair is their fuel for making everyone elses life shitty.

Women are going to stop being mothers and be workers instead, the system is structured today where money is everything. With research suggesting having a child decreases a womans income by 20% in the first year alone, there is little hope many women will want to be real women. This is a blackpilled take but it's true

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Book written by a Jew documenting their involvement in various movements throughout American history, all up to 1968 when the book was published.

turn the heat up in your house if you're gay, that way you get used to the flames of hell

@gaybird lifting is for fags

@Bret You look classy and agent enough to be a leader, have you considered going to your local GOP meetings?

@Bret You look like ed sheeran with darker hair, as long as you look good in a suit youre fine

@Solipsistic Vinarchy The worst part about the bill is that it's going to give amnesty to anyone who comes to the U.S. illegally in the next four months if passed.

It's not going to prioritize them for deportation, leaving them free to stay here in the U.S.

What's even worse is that it's supposed to allocate 2.5 billion $ every year for wall funding over the next ten years, but that's only on the condition that the president signs a form saying that it's necessary. You can be absolutely sure that any democrat president isn't going to approve the funding as necessary.

Cotton ripped into it this morning actually

@Solipsistic Vinarchy It was a "bi-partisan" proposal that would give DACA amnesty and wall funding of 25 billion dollars, it'd still allow chain migration too. It just failed though

It needed 60 votes to pass to the White House Executive office, but only got 54

@Solipsistic Vinarchy Goodlatte's bill is great but I don't think it will pass.

@Broseph Lmao someone did it, beautiful

@BottomoftheNinth Ryan and Scalise are backing it, so there's some hope.

I find it funny that open borders libertarians have the audacity to accuse republicans of pushing "unpopular garbage"

Honestly I have no idea, democrats won't want to restrict anything on immigration since it's their own voter recruitment program at this point

@donut are you fat or human

Cuts to welfare wouldn't be good for D's either, that'd make it less passable imo

chapter 3 is helpful for self defense

Costs for Medicaid, Education, and Welfare for illegals amounts to ~25 billion, if you cut that you'd have enough for the wall

Dwayne Dixon, Teaching Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill's Asian studies department, Antifa supporter, member of Redneck Revolt and overall embodiment of soy.

This is him openly admitting to a class 6 felony of pointing an assault rifle at James Fields. Timestamp (37:40) and (1:31:30)

@the_ecclesiast (Letters) Holy shit not even /k/ would link me to the ark

Is there a mega link you know of at all?

@Phallogos Fucking based

Are you SoCal or NorCal?

I'm still hoping for mass deportations tbh

I hope trump can do something to fix this

Guys... after my wife's boyfriend showed me this I've decided to turn in my AR-15 to the police to be destroyed.



Sam's at it again fellas

The holocaust happened, but Hitler didn't know about it and Himmler did all of it

David Irving proposed a 1000$ reward for anyone who could present him a war time document showing that Hitler knew about the holocaust, that reward was issued nearly 20 years ago and still has not been claimed

Hitler ordered that the answer to the "Jewish Problem" be postponed till after the war

If you're trying to lose weight, try fasting

"Within the past several years, overdose deaths are overwhelmingly attributable not to prescription opioids but to illicit fentanyl and heroin. **These โ€œstreet opioidsโ€ have become the engine of the opioid crisis in its current, most lethal form.**"

We actually have some chads in here, nice

A new study shows California has the worst quality of life in the United States

California has little to no skilled workers due to immigration, and it's making their housing crisis even *worse*



>buying guns from walmart in the first place

tfw have to get a background check to buy .22

YouTube Hiring for Some Positions Excluded White and Asian Males, Lawsuit Says

Can someone explain to me how these tariffs are good? It sounds nice at first but wouldn't we get tariffed in response? Wouldn't this make goods produced with steel more expensive?

Wouldn't it be easier to just use Chinese imported steel to make American products?

America's leading Immigration Economist explores the effects and costs of Immigration has had on American Society. Using empirical data, the author debunks the supposed benefits of mass, liberalized immigration policy. The entire book is a refreshing and informative take on Immigration from what you would otherwise hear from the msm.

Epub Download



@BottomoftheNinth#4227 Tbh thanks for breaking that down, I sometimes pigeon hole myself by thinking solely about economy when the prospect of National Security is much more important than the economy ever could be. At the end of the day I hope it works out, with the tight labor market steel producers are having to pay higher wages for workers, and I just hope they're generous enough to start paying more for steel too

Study by the lolbertardian CATO Isnt. says that Illegal Immigrants commit less crime than Natives in texas

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