Discord ID: 548567624209006595

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Yeah but those people are dumb dumbs

So why did you say UAE is socialist then?

Ah ok

@alois y u no has roles?

Not mandatory, but it does help with knowing your stances

And it helps us trust you and know if you're gonna stick around. People with roles tend to be more accountable, active, and stick around more often from my observations while being here

Granted I know you since you're based and have been around for a bit

But still

@GussTR hey....got any grapes

And then he waddled away

The duck song

Bruh ffs

Tyranny is when your mom grounds you after finding the poop sock



Lmao /pol/ users <:pepelaughingemote:767137824998686751>

Idk how good this is since I havent read or fact checked it all(its a 54 minute read, let alone checking every fact and source it uses) but it seems like something cool to just leave here, especially since the election fraud claims are just getting tiresome to talk about

It's a election fraud debunk megathread btw

<:pepelaughingemote:767137824998686751> vaush

@the_maven yeah pretty much, he has said some questionable things, but most lefties hate him because he isnt the best at theory and has advocated for market socialism and shite. Also because he endorses voting and a substantial amount of ~~idiots~~ lefties disavow voting

@some random dude because it's part of the bourgeoisie institution and never changes anything as the two parties are hardly different and so on

I disagree to an extent


Like especially this election tho it was just stupid not to vote lmao

Like it's literally quite a decent difference between biden and trump



I think its important to vote even if it hardly matters, but I dont think we should get caught up in electoralism

Change wont come from above

Trump was isolationist?

Eh I'd say he was comparable, at least policy and action wise

Like they all did drone strikes and shit

Yeah, that's why I question the isolationist thing lol

He was pretty aggressive

Ofc lol

He still hasn't pulled the troops out like said tho right?

Or has he?

Oh ok

Idk either


I'm not an antisemite

But god I hate Zionists, like they do realise israel is a hardly functioning ethno state that has done horrors to Palestinians right?

That too, like we are so caught up in feeding them because we need to fuck over muslims, cause instability, have a base in the middle east, and because evangelical christian fucks think we need to reclaim the holy land to start the rapture

Idk I didnt follow the war there

Fucking liars dude

The only way to tell if a world war is going to happen is if it involves austria in some way

Imagine being a baby

Illegal votes? @Ricky Bobby

What illegal votes?

Where? What votes?

**Where hoe**

Michigan? Wisconsin? **both**?

Bruh, ya got any proof or just accusations?


New admin?

Yin is still admin

They have been for a while yeah

She doesnt come on much

When she does she mostly watches

Nah lol

Its more fair and balanced tho so dont worry lmao

Lol ye he is chill

The only person I have anything not positive to say about Is the HAM, but he is just him lol


The boomer of the staff


I'm talking about the moderation team in general

Because he misses stuff

He misses alot actually lol

So it I'd safer to just nuke every once in a while

He doesn't nuke every night anymore tho

Because mod team is generally active

Lmao why does everybody obsess over key economies

Like it's just keys omegalul


I'm a retard at economic and socialist theory, but som people really know their shit

Large ones are too restrictive and small ones are dead

2020-11-08 21:58:09 UTC [Political sensation #👤│partners]  


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What should be our top priority?@NumberOneSilver

To them successfulness might've been gathering 50 berries every day, for you it would be producing 50000 iPhones every day

I can think of a couple yeah


And more economic mobility

@Jakob it works better

Than what we have in America rn

America isnt #1, spoiler

@Jakob yeah but even that is better, harm reduction and slight improvements are better than none until we can reach the ideal state

Yeah they are rarted tho

Probably energy doing wack shit

So god/the universe always existed?

Yet they had to create themselves?

Made by humans

For the last claim about republican watchers

This addresses the sharpie thing again, the dead voter claim, and some other claims that you havent made (yet)

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