
Discord ID: 539041935785197578

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2019-01-28 12:36:42 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

Antivaxxers are a good meme tho

2019-02-01 01:15:05 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

Is it gay to eat popcorn? I mean your basically eating a busted nut

Are you ok fam

I came to spread the good word of JESUS

dead memes are always funny

Only with derpina

No I'm trying to find Karen

She took the kids

Nah I saw daddy pappert sent a link and I didn't know this server exsisted hey

Anything is better that then shit pool that is Facebook

Aww y'all so nice ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Was she actually far right?

Iv literally only met one actually alt right person in my life and yeah they insane

Sounds like it would make a great metal album


I spilt the blood of Saxon men

Mr Lee was actually amazing

Lol there's actually a guy in my city who literally every day has a megaphone shouting the word of JESUS

Bless his heart he tries so hard

My religion is the religion of good Bois

I live for good doggos

Same with trans

What's happening fam

They both wanna destroy the west

I dream of going to America one day!

I live in Brisbane ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland Australia ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

And nah not religious

Ah ok nah sorry no religious reason behind it

@the good jew can you explain to me what Yherushalaim is?

It's 5:12pm here

There are no Africans on the internet, being on the internet requires one to read above a third grade level

Jew her up boi

Anyone here from new York?

@the good jew I'll give you shekels if you tell me fun stories of ny

No shekels for him then

The recoil would snap their wrists

Luckily in straya we don't have these

Unless you in Melbourne

Fuck Melbourne

We need a walk

With a fat chick?

I can't talk about fat chick's but let me tell you fat Bois are so god dam grateful

As soon as there's pubes you lose interest hey ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

How old are you sir Briton?

Must of been a good day then

What a waste of good cake

That's so wholesome

Iv only been to Britain once and it was ok hey

London is actually where I went

It's the only place we know

I dream of going to America one day! And nyc is the only place I know with trump tower

Fuck yeah cunt

Is there a trump tower tho?

Ya girl only wants to stay there

Exactly why I haven't been yet

It's actually amazing how nice everyone is here

What is Israel Like?

Actually didn't Israel open up something named after trump? @the good jew


We don't have mice or rats over here, the sneks eat them

@the good jew yeah mate most people head to the Murray darling to see them but there also in the brissie river

Fucking oath mate

Most of the jokes I know have done under in them

First of all lads Steve Irwin is a legend

And we have emu jerky now we won

Like pork only sweeter

Also y'all heard of Harold Holt?

He's one of our old PM and we fucking lost him


I'm not big on sports

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