
Discord ID: 177845312742752256

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-8ball should I go study?

-8ball does Angie have more than 50 boyfriends?

-8ball does 36 really mean 36 an hour?

-8ball does santa give Nazis coal?

-8ball does 8ball have a boyfriend?

-8ball does 8ball have a girlfriend?

-8ball is 8ball a virgin?

-8ball did 8ball have sex last night with someone on the chat?

-8ball is @Deleted User in a relationship with Heather Swanson?

-8ball will @Monke|Golira gang๐Ÿฆ be President in 2024?

```In Mein Kampf, he wrote that Britain would join Germany in an alliance due to their hatred of France``` He was incorrect. Didn't want a French or German dominated continent.

The UK didn't want a strong continental Europe against them, so a divided Europe was preferable.

Chamberlain was terrified of a continental war and made colossal mistakes as a result.

Yep. Opposite of Chamberlain in that regard.

I got into a debate once with communists who got triggered by me saying that Chamberlain was a bad prime minister. That was fun.

It was odd. I figure it was because the USSR was still at peace with Hitler then.

So it would be critical of Stalin...who was the slimest critter of Europe at the time.

Franco was smart.

Franco stayed neutral and kept out, so he was able to secure his regime whoever won.

Nazis somewhat emulated the USSR, even though they hated them.

Yep. They were fine with open trade, and weren't as insanely centrallly planned as the USSR.

For a bit...till the night of the long knives.

He wasn't entirely wrong.

He couldn't handle criticism. He put his movie idol Charlie Chaplin on a death list after all.

```Hehe Iโ€™ve dropped a letter grade in history because of this discord``` Use the channel mute while studying? ๐Ÿค”

Essays are easy though...just suck up to your teacher with whatever you write. I wrote SJW shit to do well in English.

Stalin was misunderstood...he had great ideas for the industrialization and transformation of Russia...commie professor gives you A.

@JesusHand Become a Reddit mod and start the Great Purge of 2019...๐Ÿ˜œ

Does the server have a swear jar?

Reddit is the best for reps. You can get -1000 for just saying hello.

@Pelth I don't use Reddit. I moved to Political Stack Exchange. ๐Ÿ˜œ

@y e s Being a non-NPC is illegal.

```But why do you hate gays?``` I think people don't hate gays...they hate folks that use being gay as an excuse to be a total ass to everyone. @y e s

@JesusHand Already have a long term bf.

Lol. My bf is a conservative bi guy who loves watching Crowder, and might vote Trump. @rain^

The best political system results in the annihilation of the human race...on account of humans being able to screw up any political system they create.

The CyberTruck looks like a perfect surface to cook me some bacon and eggs.

Is she Xis second or third wife?

@Pelth I hope you pronounced it like vagina...the way Trump does.

Food. Lots of it.

You should hand out all your credit cards and your social security number in chat to increase your chances of becoming a mod... ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I want more blacks in my coffee... ๐Ÿ˜†

End racism by putting all the sperm through a blender.

Baby Yoda 2040

@JesusHand I think my next thing is to ruin Cards Against Humanity by putting Baby Yoda in with anything close to sexual.

There is no kill yourself first option.

Mao marched all the boys in the yard.

16 hours.

B. I want to be R2D2.

I want a helper monkey that carries a mini lightsaber.

Should require to cut off and mail in your finger.

I am a billion years old and I can still smell the fresh paint from the space Titanic.

```The chinese have always wanted authoritarian type governments
With a large degree of centralization``` Which is why I tend to lol at sinophiles, as command economies tend to wreck themselves.

Folks going on about how China will replace the US and dominate the world, tend to gloss over the flaws built in to the system that will make that impossible in the long-term.

China is making a lot of the mistakes Japan made early in it's development, like a) aging population and low immigration, b) bloated infrastructure spending leading to high gdp to debt ratio, 3) economic development over environment.

Oh they are...but they are long-term problems that don't hit them till ages down the road.

I was describing early on...Japan has laid off that.

China right now is funding zombie construction.

Meaning cities that no one will live in, and economically unviable transport.

I like when folks talk about the glittery high speed trains in China, that run on a massive deficit and are losing money, not to mention have shoddy safety records.

China has just so many inefficiencies in their economy that are state driven, that the US could take advantage it finally cut out it's own govt spending issues and ran a surplus one day.

Lol. Not for many decades at this point...the debt is too high.

You couldn't run a surplus for ages away....but then the China-US competition is going to run deep into the future.

I know that it is a long-term thing, you have to pay off over a long period of time as to not cause issues. ๐Ÿ˜›

I used to live in New Zealand, which purposely doesn't pay off the debt, as to not mess up the economy, even though it could probably pay it off outright.

Well yep.

Though you can still keep it to a low level.

What is low as a percentage varies by country.

The US would really have to mess up to end up like Greece of course.

Well of course, though my point is that what you can do varies by country.

Greece had widespread government inefficiencies and corruption that led to that mess.

Think we are talking about different things. I am talking about a government budget surplus, and the debt directly related only to that.

```gov budget surplus is terrible goal under fiat monetary system``` No it isn't, it is a long-term achievable goal. Only if you try and achieve it all at once do you mess up.

Eh...multiple countries run at surplus, with gdp growth.

I think that when a country reaches a certain size it can't achieve an outright surplus, as it will require more resources/goods than it can produce internally.

That isn't always the case in smaller economies, even if it might be in larger ones.

If we talk about the Asia-Pacific, countries alternate between deficits and surpluses.

Australia is the most advantageous I'd think as it has massive mineral wealth, and avoided a technical recession.

Tbh, grew up in New Zealand, so larger economies are harder to fathom for me.

NZ is more simple in that it can survive on tourism and niche exports.

Well, NZ did its own version of austerity, which was a mistake as far as healthcare spending for sure.

Basically, the last government raised sales taxes, and cut healthcare and social welfare spending.

So now the current govt is having to pay for the gaps that resulted.

Well, it is more problematic than NZ has a house price boom, and general costs of life are high.

Mostly, NZ is doing well due to exports and foreign investment, but that has its problems.

Housing is built that is not affordable for residents and is more of an investment for foreigners, and never lived in.

Residents can't afford housing, and the government tries to help by subsidizing housing for the poor.

But there is still not enough to go round and there are state housing waiting lists, as well as a lack of affordable private housing.

@Sh0t If you can see a lot of flashy apartments, but also you can see folks living in cars.

Well, govt policy in NZ is to gradually decrease the ratio.

It is openly talked about.

Well, NZ used to build sufficient state housing, though over time governments slacked off, and the mood was to just leave it entirely to 'market forces'.

Though...NZ went through a major economic transformation in the 1980s-1990s, as well as being cut off from the UK market and having the oil shock all at once in the 70s.

NZ used to be an economy that was way more regulated and restricted.

In NZ, policy tends to fluctuate by political party.

Labour is more willing to be flexible, though National has a major policy platform around running surpluses, low govt debt, and decreasing welfare spending.

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