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2018-11-03 22:57:32 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I actually have. The point is that you want everything crucial to be defined the way Marx did. AT best you will prove that Marx was coherent.
Marx is not the biggest materialist thinker. Why don't you get your materialist thinking from the biggest names? Why you try to get every position from Marx?

2018-11-03 22:58:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Who do you think is the best thinker and proponent of Materialism?

2018-11-03 22:58:13 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

It surely isn't Karl Marx

2018-11-03 22:58:44 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Social Constructivism and Essentialism

2018-11-03 23:01:30 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Ok, so why do you think "race realism" is untrue. Lets do this in a dialectical way.

2018-11-03 23:02:56 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

What do you mean by post-hoc?

2018-11-03 23:04:16 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Do you think a particular group of people can be genetically predisposed to aggression?

2018-11-03 23:05:31 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You are comparing what normal people say to academic studies

2018-11-03 23:05:51 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Do you think tendency to be aggressive can be acquired genetically?

2018-11-03 23:06:20 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

But some of it is genetic?

2018-11-03 23:06:46 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

There is no such thing as secondary there. Genes express themselves in an environment

2018-11-03 23:07:18 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, what is the problem then? It is just a matter of degree.

2018-11-03 23:07:22 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Not of principle

2018-11-03 23:08:34 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Black people commit more crimes per capita, that is a fact.

2018-11-03 23:09:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

And if you control for them, they still commit more crime

2018-11-03 23:09:46 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You can perform the analysis yourself

2018-11-03 23:11:24 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You can control for poverty

2018-11-03 23:11:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

By examining all samples having equal household income

2018-11-03 23:12:00 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You compare a white man with x salary and a black man with x salary

2018-11-03 23:13:08 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You can control for that too. Do you think that if a black family which is rich is living in affluent neighborhood for several generations, there would be no difference to whites

2018-11-03 23:15:17 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Of course you cannot control for all factors. But if you will set such a high criteria, then we would have to throw all statistical studies

2018-11-03 23:45:10 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You have to make some assumptions for every field. The assumption here is just that if you control for some factors that are known to produce higher crime rate, then the difference between crime rates of two groups must be innate.

2018-11-03 23:49:52 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

It is definitely not cherry picked. And bias in these fields is against race realism.
Now, it may be that the there are limitations in current analysis. But as it stands, there are many studies which you can read yourself that show that race is a factor in a lot of things.
Actually you can do the research yourself. I did one myself. Do you want to see the results?

2018-11-04 00:00:33 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You can link those studies. They are very problematic. .
However, coming to the main point. It is a question of distribution of resources. You cannot improve condition of everyone. It is impossible. From where would you get the money?

2018-11-04 00:06:28 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, give me a policy proposal you would want to enact?

2018-11-04 00:10:29 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I have seen the picture. The point is that these options that Communism proposes are very harmful for productivity. And I am not sure about Black National Self Determination. Whites don't have that. The only thing that it will do is a collectivise blacks.

2018-11-04 00:11:00 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  


2018-11-04 00:12:54 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Yes, and what that will do? It will create a conflict with Whites who won't have such a region.

2018-11-04 00:13:41 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

They don't have an autonomous region for themselves.

2018-11-04 00:14:21 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  


2018-11-04 00:15:40 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, what is National Self Determination? I don't follow. What would a White man in Texas feel different if he visits that black autonomous region?

2018-11-04 00:18:55 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I want to know what National Self Determination means in terms of policies

2018-11-04 00:22:44 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I am asking just that. What autonomous region means? Does it mean that only black people can be in government?

2018-11-04 00:24:06 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, a black person can emigrate to that nation whenever he wants?

2018-11-04 00:24:41 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

White people have to follow same rules as blacks in West

2018-11-04 00:24:46 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

to immigrate

2018-11-04 00:27:01 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I am not sure why you believe Whites have an autonomous region in West.

2018-11-04 00:31:25 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

You gave the criteria that the such region is one where any person of said race has a right to go.
No one has a right to emigrate to other country in West, just on basis of race.
Your own definition contradicts you.

And if it is true that White identity is based on false victimization and they are not victims, then cool. Whites have an interest in continuing that way. Case closed

2018-11-04 00:33:29 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

If Whites have such power over others, why they should lose it? Why they should give it away?

2018-11-04 00:39:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Your analysis critiques the bourgeosie but fails to explain why they should make way for Proletariat. The only way is if the Proletariat goes against the bourgeosie. But then they would be the new bourgeosie.
So, where does this cycle end?

2018-11-04 00:43:25 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

But there will always be a class that has power, right?

2018-11-04 10:15:17 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

That makes no sense. Chieftains, theocrats, leaders etc. are those because they are respected by people who are willing to give them things. What you are trying to do is to reset society to zero.
Eventually, all these leaders by virtue of their power would become richer than other people. So, you will have economic classes again. The only way to stop that would be to put strong rules in check and verify transactions made by people to a high extent. That will be exactly like the Stalinist Russia.

2018-11-04 23:25:53 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

They are not. Fascism is the belief that collective is as important as individual while Communism is a belief that Proletariat's individualism suffers due to creation of collective classes

2018-11-04 23:30:11 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

That is the only similarity. And in that there is a distinction too. Fascism allocates resources to benefit everybody. Communism allocates resources to benefit Proletariat.

2018-11-04 23:30:51 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Communism does not care about common benefit, but benefit of only the oppressed.

2018-11-04 23:31:50 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

No, ideologically too. Who would you regard as a great thinker of Fascist doctrine?

2018-11-04 23:32:59 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

I am talking about the great thinker and what he wrote.

2018-11-04 23:35:24 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Hitler was not a great thinker of Fascism

2018-11-04 23:38:31 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Communism's defining feature is that Proletariat seize resources from bourgeosie.
And if you think Hitker was the greatest thinker of Fascism, then I have nothing more to say

2018-11-04 23:40:45 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Marx wrote that in his own works. That is not attempted Communism.

2018-11-04 23:43:06 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Communism is a form of Marxism

2018-11-04 23:43:14 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Marxism is the analysis

2018-11-04 23:43:32 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Communism is the answer to the problems raised by that analysis

2018-11-04 23:43:48 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Marxism says Proletariat are oppressed. Communism offers a way for them to gain power

2018-11-04 23:45:38 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

System design of Communism is grounded in the idea that the validity of Communal ownership is due to the exploitation of Proletariat.

2018-11-04 23:48:20 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Fascism is not decentralized governance

2018-11-04 23:48:23 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

For one

2018-11-04 23:48:39 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

So, what?

2018-11-04 23:49:08 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Fascism is also not dependent on communal ownership

2018-11-04 23:49:33 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Nothing of that definition is necessary in Fascism

2018-11-04 23:50:32 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Lol. No. The aggregated Consensus means that everyone owns the resources.

2018-11-04 23:51:12 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Yes. If the whole society gets to vote on my stuff, how is that my stuff?

2018-11-04 23:52:08 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Even after allocation, society can vote to take that out of my hands

2018-11-04 23:52:52 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

You are one making the defintional case and then complaining about autistic comparison. Neat

2018-11-04 23:53:25 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

So, I have high IQ

2018-11-04 23:54:02 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

> Says that Fascism and Communism are same
> Cries autism when shown differences

2018-11-04 23:54:49 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

I showed another one and you said I was being autistic for showing you are wrong

2018-11-04 23:55:27 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

So, Feminism and Monarchism are same because in Monarchism, it is possible to have equal rights for female?

2018-11-05 01:02:24 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

They are larpers

2018-11-05 01:20:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Who would have thought that "Right" in 21st Century would be filled with Marxists๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-11-05 01:25:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

๐Ÿ˜‚ I don't know man. In whatever Right Wing servers I go, I meet National Socialists, Bolshevists, Marxists and Communists in much larger quantity (as active debater).๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-11-05 01:29:15 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

I am not a leftist, liberal, or a Marxist. So, I think I would fall on Right. I am not a racialist like many guys on Right are right now. I am also not a complete traditionalist.
I am a Reactionary though. I think that word would best describe me.

2018-11-05 01:30:20 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Lol, what exactly.

2018-11-05 01:30:55 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

I think modern world is toxic, retarded and immoral. And we should revolt against it. _Tips hat to Evola_

2018-11-05 01:32:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Even if that is true, it is not completely because of them. Do you know about Fascist views of cycles and Spengler's analysis?

2018-11-05 01:33:28 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Must watch ^^

2018-11-05 12:55:00 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Capitalism is merely a system where capital owner gets the share in profit.

2018-11-05 16:24:57 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

It is not defined by relationship to production. Marx believed that power exercised by bourgeosie over Proletariat was due to the wealth inequality and the biggest source of that inequality was the ownership of capital/means of production. If it was such that controlling means of production would not make the class get richer by a huge margin, Marx would have had no problem. This is why Marx puts greatest emphasis on Industrialisation. The ownership of capital has been prevalent since the man formed societies. What Marx was upset about, primarily, was not ownership of capital, but the fact that such ownership allowed certain people to keep on getting richer and exercise undue power over Proletariat.

2018-11-05 16:27:13 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

We know that to be the case as we know that Marx did the Marxist analysis of not only workplaces, but also families. He supported masculinised women, i.e., women doing the role of men. It was not because in a marriage, men controlled means of production. But because Marx believed that unless women had their own earnings, men could exert undue influence on them.
It is a white washing of what Marx actually believed that is done by Cuck Philosophy, Three Arrows and other Marxists. Marx could not be more clear about this.

2018-11-05 16:30:42 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

_"Under private property ... Each tries to establish over the other an alien power, so as thereby to find satisfaction of his own selfish need. The increase in the quantity of objects is therefore accompanied by an extension of the realm of the alien powers to which man is subjected, and every new product represents a new potentiality of mutual swindling and mutual plundering."_
_"Political Economy regards the proletarian ... like a horse, he must receive enough to enable him to work. It does not consider him, during the time when he is not working, as a human being. It leaves this to criminal law, doctors, religion, statistical tables, politics, and the beadle."_
_"And now as to myself, no credit is due to me for discovering the existence of classes in modern society or the struggle between them. Long before me bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this class struggle and bourgeois economists, the economic anatomy of classes. What I did that was new was to prove: (1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with the particular, historical phases in the development of production,
(2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat, (3) that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society."_

- Marx

2018-11-05 18:18:33 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, the only classes in Marxism are that of ownership of means of production and not?

2018-11-05 18:24:34 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I love the least defense of a Marxist. You don't understand Marx, ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-11-05 19:39:03 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I love how you did not answer this question.
_"For Engels, the result was "the world historical defeat of the female sex. The man took command in the home also; the woman was degraded and reduced to servitude; she became the slave of his lust and a mere instrument for the production of children." (Sydie, pp. 120-121). Engels notes that "within the family he is the bourgeois, and the wife represents the proletariat." (Sydie, p. 137). The husband, father and patriarch became the master with slaves, and with wife-servant (s) and children-servants. There were many different forms that this took in different societies, "but in all cases the general relationship is seen to hold that women are subject to men in and out of marriage." (Sydie, p. 97)."_
So, tell me. Was Engels blind to not know that most men, who worked as service men did not own any or much means of production or you are ignorant or dishonest?

2018-11-05 19:44:40 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Let me ask the question again. Is wife a proletariat to the husband? If yes, where is that husband's means of production.

2018-11-05 19:45:33 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, the husband does not own means of production necessarily but is still bourgeoisie?

2018-11-05 19:47:49 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Oh! So he says that the husband is the bourgeois. Thanks.

2018-11-05 19:48:49 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Bye Commie. Lie to someone else:)

2018-11-05 19:50:55 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Yes, Marxist circle jerk works very well. Btw, I thought you ran away to your daddy Marx.

2018-11-05 22:15:29 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

@Enigmaticโ˜…Chromatic I never said that under Communism everyone would be equally rich. I said that Marx's critique was that some classes of people have undue power over other classes of people. This power comes from the fact that one class is richer than the other and one of the reasons for that is ownership of capital/means of production.
We know that because (Marx and) Engels said that in most cases, husbands are the bourgeoisie and wives are proletariat, though they also said that most men are Proletariat. The only logical way that both can be true is if the class analysis is not restricted to just means of production.
_"It's really disengenuous to tell a Marxist what Marx thought"_
Just because you are a Marxist, does not mean that you know more than others about Marx. I quoted their exact statements to back my assertion.

2018-11-05 22:17:00 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

That is more probable, except the bourgeoisie of the Communist Party

2018-11-05 22:18:17 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Yep. It is the fallacy of assuming that hierarchy goes away if you protest against it. Natural Law > Communism

2018-11-05 22:19:32 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

None of that was allowed to not be seized because government had almost unlimited power of seizure.

2018-11-05 22:20:19 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, I guess potatoes, potatoes

2018-11-05 22:21:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Potatoes can be excellently transported using helicopters

2018-11-05 22:22:00 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

What does bourgeoisie mean? Define it please?

2018-11-05 22:22:34 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Yes. I don't drink Marxist Kool Aid

2018-11-05 22:24:30 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, is a husband a bourgeoisie?

2018-11-05 22:24:43 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

So, why Engels said that?

2018-11-05 22:24:56 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

I quoted him.

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