Message from @Draco

Discord ID: 509041004674809856

2018-11-04 01:41:16 UTC  

@Deleted User Check his roles debil

2018-11-04 01:44:59 UTC  

Probably cuz yer a filthy commie

2018-11-04 01:46:04 UTC  

i owned the first server for a period of time

2018-11-04 01:46:06 UTC  


2018-11-04 01:46:14 UTC  

for like

2018-11-04 01:46:16 UTC  

12 hours

2018-11-04 01:48:58 UTC  

it was based

2018-11-04 01:51:46 UTC  

@Doctor Anon is he or is he not

2018-11-04 01:52:16 UTC  

how about

2018-11-04 01:52:18 UTC  

u check his roles

2018-11-04 01:56:15 UTC  

i guess he is

2018-11-04 01:56:23 UTC  

oh wait, this is serious

2018-11-04 10:15:17 UTC  

That makes no sense. Chieftains, theocrats, leaders etc. are those because they are respected by people who are willing to give them things. What you are trying to do is to reset society to zero.
Eventually, all these leaders by virtue of their power would become richer than other people. So, you will have economic classes again. The only way to stop that would be to put strong rules in check and verify transactions made by people to a high extent. That will be exactly like the Stalinist Russia.

2018-11-04 11:47:57 UTC  

generally speaking classes willa lways form, if not by material means then by other immaterial means. Such as leadership, Strength, glory achieved in battle, intellectual.

This of course has already happened and can be observed today, example the military. an officer in the field and during battle isnt endowed with incredible material wealth however he is superior to his peers and htey listen to him. Or even we cna look historically where tribes form, these tribes then create casts

2018-11-05 06:34:06 UTC

2018-11-05 11:58:54 UTC  


2018-11-05 11:58:56 UTC  

edgy tard

2018-11-05 16:07:21 UTC  

@Draco I'm more than not pro Stalin era USSR, and I actually have no issue with some people being richer than others. In the way Marxists define class it is not defined by being a hierarchy or by income. It's defined by your relationship to production

2018-11-05 16:13:45 UTC  

To clarify I am more authoritarian than not, I think authority will always exist and I don't believe in equality. I think I mentioned in this conversation that equality is not possible and Marx and Engles argued against it

2018-11-05 16:24:57 UTC  

It is not defined by relationship to production. Marx believed that power exercised by bourgeosie over Proletariat was due to the wealth inequality and the biggest source of that inequality was the ownership of capital/means of production. If it was such that controlling means of production would not make the class get richer by a huge margin, Marx would have had no problem. This is why Marx puts greatest emphasis on Industrialisation. The ownership of capital has been prevalent since the man formed societies. What Marx was upset about, primarily, was not ownership of capital, but the fact that such ownership allowed certain people to keep on getting richer and exercise undue power over Proletariat.

2018-11-05 16:27:13 UTC  

We know that to be the case as we know that Marx did the Marxist analysis of not only workplaces, but also families. He supported masculinised women, i.e., women doing the role of men. It was not because in a marriage, men controlled means of production. But because Marx believed that unless women had their own earnings, men could exert undue influence on them.
It is a white washing of what Marx actually believed that is done by Cuck Philosophy, Three Arrows and other Marxists. Marx could not be more clear about this.

2018-11-05 16:30:42 UTC  

_"Under private property ... Each tries to establish over the other an alien power, so as thereby to find satisfaction of his own selfish need. The increase in the quantity of objects is therefore accompanied by an extension of the realm of the alien powers to which man is subjected, and every new product represents a new potentiality of mutual swindling and mutual plundering."_
_"Political Economy regards the proletarian ... like a horse, he must receive enough to enable him to work. It does not consider him, during the time when he is not working, as a human being. It leaves this to criminal law, doctors, religion, statistical tables, politics, and the beadle."_
_"And now as to myself, no credit is due to me for discovering the existence of classes in modern society or the struggle between them. Long before me bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this class struggle and bourgeois economists, the economic anatomy of classes. What I did that was new was to prove: (1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with the particular, historical phases in the development of production,
(2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat, (3) that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society."_

- Marx

2018-11-05 16:44:22 UTC  

Bourgeoisie eliminator

2018-11-05 18:11:43 UTC  

Doesn't understand Marx

2018-11-05 18:12:06 UTC  

Tries to claim comparison with shit like masculine women

2018-11-05 18:13:29 UTC  

Class is defined by social relations of production in Marxism

2018-11-05 18:13:40 UTC  

This perpetuates the wealth inequality

2018-11-05 18:13:47 UTC  

Not the other way around

2018-11-05 18:18:33 UTC  

So, the only classes in Marxism are that of ownership of means of production and not?

2018-11-05 18:24:34 UTC  

I love the least defense of a Marxist. You don't understand Marx, 😂

2018-11-05 19:17:03 UTC  

Social relations of production is the determinant of the base

2018-11-05 19:17:08 UTC  

You're just drooling

2018-11-05 19:20:43 UTC  

Control of labor power and relation to production are the criteria for class as written by Marx

2018-11-05 19:23:58 UTC  

The conflict caused by contradictions between each echelon creates the descriptive; wealth inequality arises because the bourgeois hold control over labor power and their relation to production enables them to create disparity in their own interests while the working class seeks parity with it's goals - higher wages and benefits

2018-11-05 19:27:18 UTC  

In fact Marx didn't do an analysis on families, that was Engels and Engels did not come to that conclusion

2018-11-05 19:28:45 UTC  

Marx does not put greatest emphasis on industrialization, you'd know how much a socialist society relies on abolishing commodity production if you had read Marx

2018-11-05 19:30:03 UTC  

M-C-M, M-M, C-M-C

2018-11-05 19:31:20 UTC  

His critiques of the political economy are almost entirely against capital

2018-11-05 19:33:24 UTC  

And yes a Socialist society is not prescriptive to the abolition of commodity production but through developments under socialism as transition relies on C-M-C but you wouldn't know that either

2018-11-05 19:39:03 UTC  

I love how you did not answer this question.
_"For Engels, the result was "the world historical defeat of the female sex. The man took command in the home also; the woman was degraded and reduced to servitude; she became the slave of his lust and a mere instrument for the production of children." (Sydie, pp. 120-121). Engels notes that "within the family he is the bourgeois, and the wife represents the proletariat." (Sydie, p. 137). The husband, father and patriarch became the master with slaves, and with wife-servant (s) and children-servants. There were many different forms that this took in different societies, "but in all cases the general relationship is seen to hold that women are subject to men in and out of marriage." (Sydie, p. 97)."_
So, tell me. Was Engels blind to not know that most men, who worked as service men did not own any or much means of production or you are ignorant or dishonest?

2018-11-05 19:43:42 UTC  

Engels views of relativizing the hegelian master-slave dialectic to man and woman was him positing to allow the entire female sex into public industry rather than man or in the relation, the bourgeois, to dictate the economic unit