
Discord ID: 538932224620363779

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hey guys,I read HHH's book and wanna explore the MGTOW philosophy further. What books should i check out?

sweet, ill check that out


cool, ill make a note to check that one out too

thanks man

@Happy Humble Hermit i found that the book flowed well and introduces the reader to MGTOW's foundations with a good rationale behind each foundation

for example how you explained the difference between solitude and loneliness

yo what you guys think og group projects


the amount of arrogant fucks i have to cooperate with in my design project is a joke

good q

what kinda stuff u wanna accomplish btw

@Deleted User ye man, atleast you're trying to figure it out though

@Deleted User nice ๐Ÿ‘Œ

solid goals

@Deleted User yeah, perhaps instead of pursuing things for their own reward, instead pursue things because you would inturn enjoy the process that is associated with it? for example you keeping on mastering logic/programming is enjoyable in itself

do you think it is possible to work a job that is enjoyable? -since surely the pressure associated with deadlines would result in stress, which inturn would make on not enjoy their job

you not enjoy the job*

like league of legends ahri?


@Deleted User yeah, personally i don't see any benefit of keeping up with politics

@Deleted User yee. btw what made u get into programming?

yeah, btw i heard of this programming ranking site called "LeetCode". People go on it to solve problems and then you get ranked relative to others

@Deleted User nice man, sounds like your interest are moreso towards the practical side of science. Compared with the theory side like pure math n physics

@Deleted User ye it's natural to desire female validation, however try and dampen the desire over time so then you reduce the risk of you pursuing women out of pure anxiety (like when pursuing women you never feel content, only anxiety of not being with one results in you continuing to pursue them)

@Rhunespire loool XD


@Deleted User another perspective you could look at it from is to ask yourself is this really worthwhile. like is the reward worth the investment of time/ could i be spending my time in a more efficient way to result in yourself attaining a more optimal mental state

yeah, do whatever makes you happy

once you have money, what are you gonna do after that?

atleast it gives u options

ye man, so you enjoy getting better at things?

ye, how did you filter what things to improve at and what things to not improve at? what it jus the things that were of interest to u




new attack on titan episode came out today, hella good

yee, the guy who produced shield hero must have some mgtow root, like in ep1 with that girl who basically set him up

then he went lowkey down rejecting society

how did you guys find the red pill? was it through jus observing them or did you go through some gf shit which made you question stuff?

them i mean womenXD

what you guys think of reasoning your life from an absolute truth? like if we assume there is an absolute truth of human being desiring happiness, then if so, what habits do you think lead to happiness?

@Deleted User yeah, what you mean by feverant idealogical cling saying such?

because the reason why i think there may be an absolute truth for what motivates us to do things, is that there must be a cause and effect relationship starting from our brain wiring of which propagates to the actions/ behaviours that we do every day

@Deleted User yeah man

i mean i think it's nice to know that your beliefs are built open facts and logic, thus leading to you knowing that your actions can be reasoned to yourself as being optimal. else one would always think in the back of their brain "am i doing the right thing"

@Mr.Black ye, but what if one could somehow know what specfic combination of chemicals result in optimal happiness, and thus can live their life to result in one receiving that desirable mix of chemical


because if were to know that humans are wired to optimise the happiness endured, then we can work backwards from there to then know what results in happiness being felt

yeah, but your destiny is the end goal of happiness right? enjoyable feeling? then if so wouldn't it be good to know what things result in that

hey guys, anyone here who knows anything about electrical and electronic engineering?

@conker @Baron Doom cool thanks

hey guys, I asked a couple days back about whether there are any people who are familiar with electronic or electrical engineering. I was curious because I'm doing a course on Udemy named "Crash course electronics and PCB design" and wanted to get the opinion of electronic/electrical engineers on how good the course is i.e. does it cover alot of the curriculum of a typical electrical/electronic degree?

@Baron Doom haha ye same

i like ponies

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