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Hello there, I've been observing the conversation for about half an hour and I'm interested to hear what are y'all opinions of younger MGTOW are

also it's 4:00AM where I am

From where I stand I would like to think I'm MGTOW cause about a year or so ago I found the red pill/MGTOW and ever since then I've just noticed all the girls that used to be around me climb onto the cock carousel and go sour like bad milk

The government shouldn't have lowered the age of consent

Y'all think of bitches fucking at age 16?

How old y'all just for frame of reference?


Do any of you guys have a "path" or "way"?

Like no interraction with women?

Or blue pill guys?

I try to avoid both unless I really need to interact with them cause I've had 2 jobs in retail and it fucking drains you mentally

Yh, supoose

You ever have a voice in your head shouting at them when you talk to them?

(*hands MoonCore a flamethrower*)

(*torches feminists*(

(*puts vest on a feminist*)

(*detonates vest*)

Some bitch comes up to you and asks why you're "recovering" the isles "because the one true God Allah wills it"

Just hold a liberal feminists arts conference

The period blood art gallery?

So... . .. cold... ...


Do you think society will auto-correct itself someday or it it doomed to fall?

Yh but like reset?

I think that if society was to fall then it will happen in this lifetime

Yh, think, 20 years ago the world was nowhere near this situation

What do you guys think about Britain?

I live here and even where I am has gone to shit

Honestly in Britain where I live men are already cucked by age 17-18, girlfriends twisting their balls till they rip clean off and they wander through life as blue pill betas

They group together and destroy communities

Have any of you heard of the Muslim "sexual emergency" case a while ago?

Feminism and political correctness in the media

One of the first defining thing we are all taught in a relationship when we are kids is for men to be gentlemen and for women to kick men in the balls

It still does

What would you guys say is your favourite videogame?


If I want ANYTHING I've got to buy it with my own money

I know but ever since I was 16 I've had to pay to live in a house I cannot leave

I can't leave without my parents consent until I am 18

The reason I say this is because my mother is a "baluga whale feminist"

Do you think it is right for a mother or father to take keep if they won't allow you freedom?

Keep as in a cut of what I earn

That is my point


This sounds Dodgy but my mate has offered his loft bedroom if I want to leave my mother and fathers house

It isn't really but it's trying to get everything sorted around that

Yh, he is like a brother to me but his mum is divorced and is "weird"

He's not red pill but I've been dropping red pills into conversations and he agrees with MOST of them

Yh, I'm trying to get to the point I know I CAN stay at his without him potentially getting a girlfriend who wants to move in with him and me to move out

Cause I know if he does get a GF she will manipulate him through sex


Thinking longer term me, him and another lad have asked my mates dad if he'll rent out one of his houses to us

Yh, his dad has known me for about 5 years and I know that he's MGTOW but he doesn't know it

My situation is that I'm at college, on an apprenticeship I'm looking to move out in 5 months and I cannot stay in a house with my fucking whale of a mother, a cuck of a father, my three younger brothers and my spoiled sister

Yh, would you like to know what my mother does if she doesn't like something?

She throws it in the trash


Too fucking right

I want to look out for my younger siblings

I have reckoned that I'm gonna stay in my mates dad's house, he has offered to rent out for ยฃ100 a person as it is VERY basic, I'm gonna get set up, grind until I've got enough to make change to my life and better myself while I'm doing it, that is my plan, that is my path

Focus on the grind rather than the females

I own the mattress I sleep on

The only good thing about buying all my own stuff is that I legally own it which is why I'm entitled to take it with me

I COULD vanish if I had a half hour and a small van

I'm considering telling them that I've moved out but just not telling them where to

Yh, they'll try to get me to stay

They know about 3 friends but not their actual names

My mother will

My mother is on Facebook 24/7

Right now if I'm at home alone I'm expected to complete all the jobs and get dinner ready before she comes back, if I forget to do a single job she'll shame me for the rest of the night

But my friends know about my mom, that's why my mate offered me to stay with him

Literally if I had a small transit van and half an hour to get there I could get set up already at the new house

Not at the minute

But my mates can

I COULD ask my mates dad

That's Dodgy

I have all the pieces in place, I simply need to enact my plan, my path

She can't drive

My dad is never free in the week

Honestly man, as soon as am 18 I do have a plan of getting everything set up, going out with my mates in the evening and not coming back in the morning

If I can be my mother's perception of PERFECTION I could get away with moving my life unknowingly piece by piece to the house

Small at first

A total shock that she doesn't know about or has prepared for

I will man, thanks for the advice, I think I just needed to hear someone tell me cause I've been thinking about it for so long

Bring the sword down swiftly in one motion to remove the head of the snake, but remember, the head may have a reflex action waiting to kick in and bite

Sage how old are you?

I am in England and want to be an engineer for example which England is lacking ATM

@themysteriousSage what's your passion?

I'm asking for opinions

Yes you do you legend

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