1000 JEWS

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@Blimp Just need to eat more. Used to have that same problem too. That and the workouts have to be geared towards what you want.

Smash or pass?

Pretty much

@Peace & Quiet You can fap every now and then but don't let it control you.

@MufflePuff Join the PC MASTER RACE

@Prinz Eugen MGTOW getting bigger is actually a good thing. We need more men to wake up and smell the pile of shit in front of them.

If it wasn't for mgtow's popularity growing and causing videos to get recommended to me on youtube a year ago I would have never learned a bunch of things I wish I knew years ago.

December 2016. It started out as me just surfing youtube and one of mgtow101's videos ended up in my feed talking about women hitting the wall. I thought it was just funny as shit at first but then the more I started thinking about it I realized it was all true. And then it was just a slippery slope from there.

Before that I had never heard about mgtow

Yeah it was junior year of HS for me too. I'm glad I found out about it when I did because I wasted so much time before over pussy.

But after mgtow I never saw women the same way.

After that I just focused on myself really. Got good grades and hit the gym hard. Now I play football in college. I'm not celibate, but I don't interact with women as much as I used to.

@Change Order Shit man that sucks

@Change Order Sorry to cut this short but I gotta get on a flight. Just getting home from the Army-Navy game. Catch ya later.

@Change Order Eh...I wouldn't beat yourself up about not ever being in one. It's not that big of a deal really. Just make sure that if you do go after one, you do it on your own terms and you do it for yourself and not for things like social validation.

Just do your own thing. I know it sounds cliche but in reality the only opinion that matters is your own.

@Yowilkat lol I'm not even jewish



Hey if you can't beat'em, join'em


My name started because I couldn't think of something better to name my steam profile. The only reason why it stuck was because it pissed off so many people. I have jewish friends and I show them and they laugh their asses off.

lol same

It's hilarious too because my name never started out to be offensive. It still isn't.

But some people can't ever learn to relax and take a joke.

Exactly. There's a time and place to get all huffy and puffy about shit. Those types of people must be the greatest buzzkills at parties or bars lmao


You know, as fucked up as those muzzies are, they got the right idea when it comes to women in some ways.

lmao I don't know if it'll go that far but that would be funny

Like if they all of the sudden became super liberal. I honestly just think it's a publicity stunt. Make'em look all tolerant to the West. I don't know why they would want to prove anything to the West anyways because of how much of a shithole it's becoming over here

True. But it won't be for a long if this internal shit doesn't get fixed. Seriously, mgtow is literally the last place for a free and open conversation. Left wants us as slaves, right wants as slaves. Fuck, when does a man ever get a brake?

I'm sure if society did collapse the gender roles would go right back to traditional. But dude, I was always right wing for the longest time (still right leaning) and never really questioned anything about it until I found mgtow and the thought occurred to me that both sides want us men to be chained up and neither side gives a flying fuck.

I'm really wondering if there is really anything that we can do to stop it?

Because both sides of the aisle avoid it like the plague

Get things on steam sales

My brother plays mount and blade all the time lmao

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon Bro download the OG battlefront 2

Me too but it's even better on PC

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon Bro you're missing out man. You need to join the PC master race. Fuck that console peasant shit

@Happy Humble Hermit You like FPS? I'd destroy you in Insugency

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon Oh I see. Any good recommendations for RTS?

@Happy Humble Hermit Yeah if you're new you're gonna get rekt. I have almost 1500 hours in the game. I'm pretty much a god in it now.

@shadowlessnexus Did you get on insurgency? It runs on the same engine as cs go

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon Nice. Yeah I feel the same way with Insurgency 2014 and then Insurgency Sandstorm. I absolutely love the original but I'm not digging the new one.

lmao. Insurgency is nothing but spawn camping.

@Happy Humble Hermit Yeah the PTSD is strong with the RPG's in that game

@Happy Humble Hermit The OG one or the new one?

Oh I see. You like it?

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon I'll have to check that out

@Happy Humble Hermit Nice. I still play the original. Never gets old

Funny thing was I never downloaded it off steam. I got it from some random site

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon lol same with me when it came to Halo CE

Me and my brother played a demo version for the longest time and then I finally got the full game a year ago.

Yeah, it was actually pretty damn good for a game that came out in 2001

Morning boys

@Eritrean MGTOW I understand. I've always wanted a family but I just don't think that's possible anymore. At least in the west

@shadowlessnexus Can I have the link?

So my brother and I somehow started talking about why our dad always does whatever our mom says while we were playing video games. He said it was because he loved her so much and I was like nah bro. My brother looked at me all confused. What is it? I said in a sarcastic way it was pretty dark and it would ruin his view on marriage forever so I wasn't gonna tell him. My brother all curious demanded to know. Jokingly, I told him it was the biased family courts and that if our mom ever took our dad to court he would lose 99% of the time. My brother just laughed it off and said no way but I was being dead serious. My brother, instead of talking about it more just laughed some more and then changed the subject as if to avoid the hard truth. So sad lol

Couldn't have said it better. The sad part was he kinda paused to think about it for sec as if a lightbulb went off in his head but then he quickly shrugged it off like he didn't wanna think about it

Lmao. My dad dropped red pills to me as jokes. He would always say that his life was great until he got married. Little did he know that I was actually listening to him.

@Whats gay anymore Yes. Protein shakes are really good to have right after a workout.

Just make sure you eat a meal an hour or so after that protein shake.

Lol. Depends on what you're going after. I need those gains man.

No dude, you shouldn't rely solely on those shakes to replace a meal. That's bad for your health dude lol


@Happy Humble Hermit merry christmas. Hey have you been getting my DM's? Just wondering if they went through.

Wow Hermit's ignoring me right now. I feel sad ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

No lol

*sigh I need more beer

I've been drinking, need to amp it up some more.

Rodger dodger

@ยฐยฐยฐ Do you accept 3 inch penies?

You know it pleases women more


@Happy Humble Hermit K, just wanted to know if you got it. Make sure my DM's were working.

What's better, Madelos or Coors?

Nigga, what are you into shots?

Bro you always drink water in between beers

Gotta keep yourself hydrated

@Whats gay anymore You like the pain in the morning then?? lol

Use in moderation

I work out a lot so my body is sensitive as fuck to alchohol

I don't smoke though. Drink every now and then. I'm just drinking cause it's Christmas now

@Happy Humble Hermit Also, next time, make sure you tell me to do that. Kinda pissed me off for a bit, thought I was being ignored. But better late than never.

Coors is pretty good.

Madelos are kinda the same

@ToastMcGhost Not really.

I always need more

@Happy Humble Hermit I'm over it now though. Merry Christmas man. Love your videos.

@ยฐยฐยฐ I heard tiquilla is the shits.

Probably didn't spell it right

You guys are a bunch of old dudes. I'm 19 lol


@Whats gay anymore Come at me daddy.

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