Message from @1000 JEWS
Discord ID: 521578475576885259
@GingerSnaps nice or not, you have to find an end and focus on it. It'll draw your towards it and you'll be able to gather all you need (money, etc) since your focus isn't what you need to get to the end but on the end itself
I'll agree with that and that's primarily what i had in mind. Like a lot of the houses around the train yards in philly. their foundations are being shaken to the point of collapse. DId any of the eagles players that made millions winning the super bowl do anything for those homeowner/dwellers.. no. They probably spent it on new shiny things.
The fans are idiots, and so are the players.
People who just want to be rich get there about. 05% of the time... But people who have found a cause (not always a good one) have a far better chance of becoming rich if that's needed since being rich isn't their end but happens to be a means to their end
Yes fans are fanatics (basically lunatics)
and people who have money are usually idiots as well
You're not taking a red cent with you. You better stop trying to save your life and assets and invest in others and other things so when your time comes to exhale once more and lie still, you won't be scared to die because you've truly lived
On that note, bedtime. Work calls at me for tomorrow. Night
Night mna
@Change Order Eh...I wouldn't beat yourself up about not ever being in one. It's not that big of a deal really. Just make sure that if you do go after one, you do it on your own terms and you do it for yourself and not for things like social validation.
I don’t really care; was never for social validation.
I do put on a good show especially in large, small, or even no audiences
Just do your own thing. I know it sounds cliche but in reality the only opinion that matters is your own.
Never listen to jews
and water is wet bruh
everyone tells me im racist for having such a 'hateful' image of them jews
Exactly what a jew would say!
Your name should be 6 million Jews
Hey if you can't beat'em, join'em
Oy vey
There is a guy named 1000 Jews in this chat. Autism meter off the charts
did someone say autism?
Oh no you summoned @ʇsıdɐᴚ ılo˥ ʇɐƆ ɔıʇsıʇn∀
I was gonna vent my fustrations on Facebook but then I remembered I have a penis
Don't wanna lose my job lol
My name started because I couldn't think of something better to name my steam profile. The only reason why it stuck was because it pissed off so many people. I have jewish friends and I show them and they laugh their asses off.
I report people I don't like on steam for their name
Not because it offends me, but usually I know the person and don't like them
Not my fault if they make it easy for me to give them a little fuck you lol
lol same
It's hilarious too because my name never started out to be offensive. It still isn't.
But some people can't ever learn to relax and take a joke.
People who get offended by everything are themselves some of the rudest people
I don't give a single fuck, Damm or shit, call em a dirty jew if he a jew, call me kikes, whatever they are
Either none of it is ok or all of it is ok