
Discord ID: 169624315518517250

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Someone should drop templates for RFIs so people can actually submit requests in a standardized format

*wink wink*

I’m down with making one unless someone has them on hand

If you want to use a secure message protocol that’s not reliant on a social network. XMPP is a versatile one. I use Pidgin with OTR.

That is also an idea

Still based on someone else securing and hosting the network


XMPP is like an IM protocol that you can use and host without relying on an network like Telegram or FB

Using a program like pidgin you can create accounts and conferences rooms on a computer or server and invite users to connect from their device.

It’s 2020 my guy

Discord isn’t secure

And if wickr terminates your acc?

Doesn’t matter. It’s possible is this issue

We should be careful about outsourcing communication

Hey there bud

The media is a machine. They find information and make into content they can monetize. They aren’t “evil” they’re a product of sensationalism and they exist as a business not a public service.

No more 🅱️ointing at 🅱️enis?

Everyone should select a starting class and can only take on a new class after completing enough challenges (training). Classes would be like Medic, Armorer, Communications, Surveillance, Mechanic, Info Ops

In all seriousness. After people get a basic kit and training together there should be a push for specialization

Y’all still want an RFI template?

Discussion: What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about the need to prepare ourselves and families in the face of apocalyptic pandemics in the future.

I personally think it reinforced the idea of “prepping” more than just food and water. Learning what I actually consume every month to survive and what I either need to stock up on or substitute in the event I cannot go to store that will have basic necessities stocked for weeks.

I’ll copy/paste

Discussion: What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about the need to prepare ourselves and families in the face of apocalyptic pandemics in the future.

Where can I get a regional assignment.

Imagine welcome people to the server and then immediately breaking the rules

North Carolina @Reno

Badum tiss

Who the fuck posted a signals manual from 1943?

That shit is so irrelevant

We should get a team together to aggregate info from library channels and <#704770092159860788> into an organized encyclopedia of knowledge

> @Copbot1001 - if you and yours learn obsolete methods to signal, that are a lost art, and can get your message through and others are left scratching their head, is it really irrelevant?
@[VA] JediComms Yes. Yes it is. That manual is useless.

But dead ass I have a lot of free time rn. I can start making a catalog

It’s also hella stupid

Was that supposed to make the method less stupid?

Suggestion: Actually organize by category

If I had nods I definitely wouldn’t let you use them

@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ Just throwing stuff in random categories

The way it’s organized works

You just have to follow it

And maybe add a tactics category as well.

Wow. That’s very mechanical

Information regarding Emergency Procedures for Onslow County ARES Repeater.

> Seen it in use. If done correctly would be inconspicuous and not draw attention. Just another way to keep in contact with people and pass information within a small group
@BugsyBaldwin Why not just put the info in the dead drop?

A manifesto should be written by someone of high regard in the movement

What does everyone think about going on the offensive with information and smear campaigns. I’m talking about finding the people who support these unconstitutional measures and visiting them, making them publicly known, and exposing them. It’s what they threaten to do to us. Would this type of activity be too far or is it what we need to do in order to scare off those who oppose liberty?

Maybe I’ve been reading too much NYT comments, but I’m down to start knowing on doors and running some shakedowns for these bootlickers.

Kudos to the Ag support idea though

How dare you engage in free commerce

So what do we do when someone violates our morals

When we have people who want to associate with us but clearly are just not the the people who need to be with us

That’s actually not horribly outside the realm of possibilities.

How do we ensure we distance ourselves and let people who don’t know us see that.

@[TX]YimYam Lets not encourage transmitting over emergency freqs

So <@&704861045386117220>, whats it gonna be

Now or never

> For now, we wait
@INNATRUCK Then you have surrendered.

We should set up an IOC

Y’all can’t pass and disseminate info for shit

That’s the issue

Teaching is great but we need people who know what their doing first

An IOC is an Intel Ops Center

A central “hub” for gathering, analyzing, aggregating, and disseminating information.

For those that don’t know. TOC = tactical ops center, G-2 = general staff officer 2 (intelligence)

Military intelligence terms

But yes. We need a “G2” so to speak. It should be a group of volunteers who have actual experience and knowledge of the intelligence process

Training you guys up on local Intel and collection is good but we need national capabilities as well

Also a weekly “sync” wouldn’t be a bad idea either

Do we have people here willing to work with and represent regions/areas of intelligence?

I’m in NC but I’m not as familiar with the region as a whole as I’m from the north, but I can advise on cyber matters.

That would make sense

It’s more to divide up monitoring and reporting

Funnel information through a single point for aggregation and validation.

As stated. I can advise on cyber/electronic warfare matters since that’s my area of employment

The page would remain for disseminating and general discussion for the rest of the community

Also let’s not forget the need to train members in local collection and reporting ISO national missions.

Who has recommendations for IFAKs?

I’m looking at pre-made but if you have a list of basic gear for a build your own that could be helpful as well

I’m a rescue scuba diver and I’m thinking about getting a kit for emergency O2 and a basic aid kit centered around dive injuries but I could also expand it to be more versatile

Just planting the seed and seeing if anyone else wants to join us in this endeavor

PMs are always welcome too

Role requesting/requirements?

Sounds good

So at what Point do we start showing up at people houses?

I would hope so too

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