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2019-01-19 10:07:07 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

The article seems bogus, they source tests and data founded before 1970 which is widely known to be a prejudice era. Read the 'Bell Curve' if you're ACTUALLY curious about the difference between races on a deeper biological level. You might not like the results though.

2019-01-19 12:27:53 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Site your sources, thats news to me but I've been wrong before. @Children.Deserve.Cancer.REBORN Im a girl and think my name is cute ๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-01-19 12:28:31 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Ooh good point^

Because no one can without a doubt prove heaven exists, so we cant prove the children wouldnt die in vain. Besides, that destroys the notion of human autonomy.

How incredibly disappointing.... is that recent???

I just dont understand what they thought they could POSSIBLY gain from acting that way. Like, it literally does nothing besides make you and your movement look bad

Wait, why do people think that the Gillett commercial is about hating men?? If anything I would argue it shows the opposite

Okay this video is just a series of out of context clips and dramatic music. Do you really think men are being attacked?? And if so, why??

I was referring to the domestic violence video. And sure, feminazis ARE a thing and they suck. But the video didn't portray domestic violence at all.

I'd be more than happy to hea your argument though!! Especially if you have one about the Gillet commercial.

Patriarchy never left. And what do you mean Women have more rights??

I highly doubt there will ever be a war against men and women

While i agree child custody rights are rarely fair- do you know the osychology behind WHY courts usually choose the mother??? Also men have some EXTREME advantages in daily life and work.

Not to mention ^

@McBacoon you technically have no proof it was because she was a woman. She might have had some very real qualifications and experience that made her more qualified for the position. @TheNobody The statistics are from the National Sexual Violence Records, you can google it if you doubt me. And slate magazine isnt exactly a reputable source....

Whats the debate about today???


Men can cook just as well. Its a learned skill not a genetic ability

Ooh ive a debate for you guys. Do you believe in Toxic Masculinity??? And what about toxic femininity??

You gusy are just talking about rape which is stupid. Unproductive and not even possible through a screen

I dont see why any of you entertain this

@Maxine Ride why are you entertaining this??

What was the original debate about anyway?

Do women cheat just as often as men?

2020-02-04 23:24:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I'm really mixed, both my parent's are mixed- And I'd say I'm pretty blessed. Also, the articles above don't seem very credible in all honesty.

2020-02-04 23:27:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I just don't see how a study can rule out all other variables except race- its not possible. And therefore you can't prove race was the deciding factor in the complications they talked about.

2020-02-04 23:29:07 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

What. Nah mixed people are great. We get along with everyone. At least where im from thats how it is

2020-02-04 23:30:17 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

You're missing out, genetic diversity is instrumental in long term species survival.

2020-02-04 23:33:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I just don't see whats not to like. You blend cultures, gain a better understanding, you don't look like every other person of your race. And Black people can produce any and every hue, albinos can have blue eyes.

2020-02-04 23:35:37 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I just said yoi cant trust a study that fails to single out its independent variable

2020-02-04 23:35:41 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  


2020-02-04 23:38:19 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

What country are you in??? Your belief is a dying one. The world is becoming more cohesive and borders are beings crossed. The world is changing and regardless of what you or I think it can't be stopped.

2020-02-04 23:40:34 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Again, thise studies can't be trusted

2020-02-04 23:41:09 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

They fail to single out their independent variable, the results could have come from any number of things

2020-02-04 23:41:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Causation vs. Correlation

2020-02-04 23:41:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

So you HAVE no evidence

2020-02-04 23:44:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I agree to that they face social adversity, but that only happens because of people with metalities like the ones expressed here

2020-02-04 23:45:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

And how'd you reach THAT conclusion??

2020-02-04 23:45:47 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

It makes the assumption that some races are more cognitively developed than others. Which is false

2020-02-04 23:46:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

So then how would there be damage from mixing??

2020-02-04 23:47:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Just for the brain part please

2020-02-04 23:51:50 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Okay, in the meantime I'll sumarize my argument. Racial mixing isn't a negative thing, if you've ever read a book called "The Bell Curve" which is about the genetic advatages and disadvantages of the races. (Like low alchohol intolerance in asians, Higher muscle density for blacks, etc) and that mixing them allows for the advantages to mix. Plus genetic diseases and conditions are less likely to develope.

2020-02-04 23:57:17 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Well no. I'm not racist, But I hadn't read the book all the way through, just the first few chapters. My mistake on that end

2020-02-04 23:57:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

But you're essentially arguing the same things as the book so how can you call me a racist??

2020-02-04 23:58:45 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

@lololol you can just tell me what the study about the brain is called and who its by and I'll look it up

I just wanna say there is a difference between sexualizing a woman *or a man* and finding her sexy. One is objectifying ๐Ÿ˜

@NobleBeing So you're main arguments are that A) By doubling the workforce wages are cut in half and now require 2 incomes to support a household and B) With women working and going to school they can't produce as many offspring for the 2.1 standard. But excluding Japan, whose cultural views on sex prove the most detrimental factor in their birthrates, most nations are doing just fine when it comes to this. We're not booming in population growth like we used to be- but that's not necessary to maintain. And with technological advancements the natural male advancement on strength becomes a mute point. You exemplify this in your bit regarding powered steering. So there's no real evidence that says men need to be the breadwinners. I'd say things are on a good route and will balance out with time.

2020-04-29 16:06:50 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Culture can't cause poverty, but when a culture faces constant set backs from a broken system then yeah- there will be issues. Causation Vs. Correlation

2020-04-29 16:08:12 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

@SinOfDrip very eloquently put

You're not making any arguement as to why you think transgender people SHOULD be normalized other than "being mean makes people sad"

I'd argue we should help people love their natural self

So if someone chooses to abuse their child, we should let them??? If someone chooses to commit suicide we should let them??

Shouldn't we adress WHY they don't feel okay with their bodies first???

Like if you dont like being fat, you work out

If it's a hormone issue, then like depression there is medication for that

Like with any mental illness


Why should the world change because someone cant accept who they are???

Okay but one could argue that allowing people to go through horrific surgeries to accommodate a mental illness is Not the direction we need to take as a society

Why not preach self love?

Help people learn they are beautiful in any form

If I were to see someone attempting suicide I would help them. Gender dysphoria is a cry for help too

Okay but what makes you believe that transgender issues are NOT a mental illness??? If someone said they wanted to get surgery and change their race or species we would think that's unheard of

And wrong

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