Message from @cataphrat1
Discord ID: 460784021497184267
Sultan Erdogan will remain forever ruling turkey, thank you
that explains anadolu
Just a good guess. Get on my level rookies
Police caught guys with a car full of fake ballots
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honestly the CHP should have requested international observers
eco-miserabilism π€£
so, from what I gathered
Terf people are feminists and LGB people who sees trans men as still a threat?
and also reject the notion that transwoman = woman etc?
and trans community spawned helped create the terfs by forcing the idea that trans-whatever = whatever?
Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist
I am of the opinion that Trans should be seperated from LGB
it is so fucking confusing seeing these people duke it out
like, they are both using the same terminology
but attacking each other with the same accusations
im going to take a nap
@cataphrat1 Don't forget, People who transition from man to woman are forever tainted by their patriarchal Y chromosome
People who transition from woman to man are just chasing after privilege
so the anti-male bias still exists?
It's still 3rd Wave Feminism
Both are though!
anyways, stumbled on this from my search into the schism between gay and trans commuity
this is from, talking about gay men responding to trans
The Left always eats itself. Sooner or later <:covfefe:440543908846632980>
I tried explaining that to some Progressives on the World of Tanks forum, they didn't get it
Where were going, we don't need facts
plain facts rarely influence the masses as well as any form of propaganda