Message from @cataphrat1
Discord ID: 469025356343672833
There's a chance he did something
Who knows what that something is but the important thing is that he might have done it
And yes, this article is not satire
It almost reads like a trump news template, but they forgot to replace the key words
*deep breathe* evidence or gtfo
this looks to me like something they just pulled out of their ass to stay relevant
Demanding evidence? What are you some kind of fascist?
I'm obviously a russian bot
@Deleted User It's time to clean the floors.
So anyways, I'd like to provide a list of reasons why Trump is treating Putin this way
1. It weakens his legitimacy by accepting that Russian meddling won his election
2. Being critical of, or hateful of dictators have never yielded positive results
3. The west has burnt almost all easy avenues for punishing Russia. Any further will involve significant self harm to the western nations. So any verbal accusations would carry no weight.
4. There isn't actually any reasonable way to stop the meddling that occured, i.e. facebook posts, twitter bots, etc without sacrificing significant amounts of public freedoms, so the only way to minimize it is to try to convince Russia to stop doing it. Trying to be on good terms with Russia is an approach we have never truly tried before.
5. It generates large volumes of publicity. For Trump, it appears all publicity is good publicty to varying degrees.
These are a few of my thoughts
Found this on Twitter:
Twelve theories, some more plausible than others, on why Trump does not accept Intelligence Community verdict on Russian election interference:
1) He really doesn't believe it.
2) He can't admit anything that casts doubt on his victory.
3) He thinks it's an Obama plot.
4) He doesn't want to give even an inch to his adversaries.
5) He really wants to improve relations with Russia.
6) He believes Sen. Charles "Six ways from Sunday" Schumer, suspects elements of IC are out to get him.
7) He really did collude.
8) He's been a Russian asset since the 1980s.
9) Putin has something on him.
10) He's just messing with the political class.
11) He enjoys media freakout.
12) He was paying attention during the Iraq War.
#4 is quite evident from past actions. He will only give an inch if he can take a yard in return
When he admitted Obama's birth location, he summoned all the media to broadcast him
And in the last 2 minutes, he said oh ya, Obama was American
The media was furious
#5, #11 are also plausible
this is one of the reasons why I don't buy into the idea that he is an idiot
@Deleted User whore
He plays his strategic assets far too well
never giving them out for free
@Deleted User cunt
and always using everything to his benefit
poo poo head
@M4Gunner retarded ass teamates
are classical liberals right wing?
They are now
I tend not to jump to such a conclusion
just because dave rubin says so I don't want to automatically believe it