What Would Jack Conte Do?

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i think the current zeitgeist is that people are giving into nature

but nature is chaotic

Jordan Peterson baby

that's right out of JBP

a feminist rpg module

wtf is that all about, I think sargon, vee and the guys need to run a session

but they'd have to give it money

poor germany... liek if u cry evertime ๐Ÿ˜ญ


all around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out places

germany commits suicide, the musical

that claim of racism she leveled was insane

"The state handed the group 45 acres of land, after it occupied a beach for a year."

so they got land for free?

native american reservations are playing out in real time almost

2018-07-23 21:58:14 UTC [Sparta #general]  

there are some really creative names for places out there

2018-07-23 21:58:47 UTC [Sparta #general]  

like when the british came to where i lived they were like "Well it was discovered by Columbus, and it's british because this is british territory, so we'll call it British Columbia" BRILLIANT

2018-07-23 21:59:00 UTC [Sparta #general]  

why is saskatchewan called saskatchewan

2018-07-23 21:59:05 UTC [Sparta #general]  

i dont think any canadian knows

2018-07-23 23:23:23 UTC [Sparta #general]  

america is the land of contradictions

2018-07-23 23:23:31 UTC [Sparta #general]  

"land of freedom except no one is free"

2018-07-23 23:23:34 UTC [Sparta #general]  

also origin of SJWs

2018-07-23 23:23:42 UTC [Sparta #general]  

"We want social justice, except there's no social justice."

2018-07-23 23:24:04 UTC [Sparta #general]  

"We're the nicest most individualist people you'll ever meet" and yet everyone's always talking about money and how to use other people

2018-07-23 23:24:29 UTC [Sparta #general]  

rather I should've said, "We want social justice, except our ideology won't bring social justice. It'll increase injustice."

2018-07-23 23:24:53 UTC [Sparta #general]  

and the origin of the alt-right, "We want to liberate people by removing the tools of liberation, such as democracy."

2018-07-23 23:25:56 UTC [Sparta #general]  

"We want to emphasize american values, by removing liberal ideas such as equality under the law."

2018-07-23 23:26:13 UTC [Sparta #general]  

"Only white people get to be equal under the law, everyone else is less equal."

america is the land of contradictions
"land of freedom except no one is free"
also origin of SJWs
"We want social justice, except there's no social justice."
"We're the nicest most individualist people you'll ever meet" and yet everyone's always talking about money and how to use other people
rather I should've said, "We want social justice, except our ideology won't bring social justice. It'll increase injustice."
and the origin of the alt-right, "We want to liberate people by removing the tools of liberation, such as democracy."
"We want to emphasize american values, by removing liberal ideas such as equality under the law."
"Only white people get to be equal under the law, everyone else is less equal."

american melting pot, and yet there's identity politics

SJWs, "Women should be given special treatment under the law."

maybe it's because US is still new

it's a newbie empire

but to make you feel better, europe can be pretty bad too

im canadian ๐Ÿ˜‰

so your saying that europe has conquered canada

europe will conquer fortress murica?

when you guys run out of money because the debt is at like 20 trillion right now

yeah but how do they repay citizens

i probably did miss that

so that's the whole rise? it isn't because the EU is just shit

yeah you got us there kebab

was from britain... so the point i make is meaningless in this conversation

yeah, china is buying up west coast property

however, BC increased the foreign buyer's tax

they'll keep increasing it until people stop complaining i imagine

foreign buyer's tax!

its keeping us alive a little longer

they can just flee to the kangaroo savannahs

canada's too cold though, we have grizzlies

if you've seen the movie the Revenant

that's like rural canada, every day

they still use muskets up here

"I'm a good person, but the feel good policies are the ones that are bad for civilization!"

don't you fucking love humanity

I mean, if you want to be on welfare, chances are you don't want kids

but both sides are like NO I KNOW WHATS BEST FOR PEOPLE

and they talk while food falls out of their fucking mouths

Shweed, just get on twitter anyway

doesn't matter what the cucks on the right and left say

I figured out why leftists stole the term liberal

it's because liberals were detached from capitalism and tended to think of individualism in moral terms all the time

the left started moralizing more than the right

they converted a lot of liberals in doing so

liberalism was it's own ideology to do with culture and social stuff

this was back in the 60s or so, when people didn't really anchor politics and economy together as much as they do now

people would say "politics gets in the way" when taking about economy and that economy should be allowed to do its own thing outside of politics

even though that's impossible

RAW steak would be "Fuck my lover!"

and burnt up steak would be "Feudalism as a result of anarchism is a good thing."

it would the Chad anarchist position

raw steak is completely uncooked is it not

so it would be like communism

or an attempt at socialism

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