Willem Petzer

Discord ID: 343043979312365578

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Please share, I save the worst #HumanRightsDay post for last... https://twitter.com/willempet/status/976615937301467137

Man standing next to police van with poster saying "kill all whites" https://twitter.com/willempet/status/976673365963497472

Look whats happening in Belgium!

Protest in the Netherlands

I got 58.5M reach this week. Thank you guys so much for helping to spread the message of South Africa. The world is starting to take notice. https://twitter.com/willempet/status/977608169659797504

This is my first ever video, just some playing around on Premier plus... What do you think?

My first serious video guys!

Oh my goodness Ann Coulter literally learned that from me!!!

I told her about the Zulu coming here more than 100 years after the boer

She retweeted it when I sent it to her...

Another murder guys

Mandela was a horrible communist terrorist

I think burning 20000 people alive makes you sort of not so good (Mandela)

My new video is out!

Let's do it!

My YouTube stats for the first 4 weeks guys!


Kan niks hoor nie...

Ek soek ook admin Privilege bra

Lekker man

Ek lees tans Christiaan de Wet sรช dagboek tydens die oorlog...

Dis ou Afrikaans, baie naby aan Nederlands...

My oudste geskiedenis boek, gedruk in 1898

Hahaha dis goed...

En die boek is 120 jaar oud, hy is nog met die hand gebind in leer. Geskryf in Nederlands...

@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) ons moet gesels oor hoe ons jou channel gaan groei...

@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) aggressiewe bemarking...

@Rottenbadger is jy Lief?

@Rottenbadger bedoel Lien. Autocorrect

@Rottenbadger haha ek weet eintlik al lank van jou. Jy was gereeld op my eerste Facebook page: Southern African Memes

@Arcade_Hustle klink nie reg nie. Ek gesels vlot met Hollanders ons moet net stadiger praat

Vlaams is baie maklik Ja...

@Rottenbadger wat dink jy van Dietsland?

@Rottenbadger Boere-Volkstaat = Nieuwe Dietsland, eendag

Daar is altyd hoop

Nah it's more right wing than that, check the Afrikaans chat if you can understand...

No I know @rob he's /ourguy/

@ThatRightWingFish come back in the chat we want to meet you...

Join the voice Chat guys!

Gebruik jou foon...


Dis die f woord haha

I uploaded a video, wave incoming to this discord...

Ek gaan bietjie in die Afrikaanse voice Chat ingaan, enigiemand wat wil ontmoet is welkom!

Ek gaan bietjie in die Afrikaanse voice Chat ingaan, enigiemand wat wil ontmoet is welkom!

@Tjoppie jy kan met jou foon connect

@Emiel Thyssenee jy moet kliek op die Afrikaans met die speaker langs hom

@Emiel Thysse dit Sรช "Afrikaans Chat" en dit het 'n speakertjie langsaan...

@Tjoppie hier is my goeie geskiedenis...


Martin Bonsma is great, ek gesels gereeld met hom...

Hey guys please see the tweet I put in <#468389204133543946>, please help get tweet #CrimeFreeOrania hashtag so people can get familiar with it before our documentary we are making there?

Kyk gou die Tweet wat ek in <#468389204133543946> gedeel het. Asseblief Tweet bietjie #CrimeFreeOrania sodat mense aan die hashtag gewoond kan raak voor ons #CrimeFreeOrania documentary?

No problem man

@The Fleeb already working on it...

@Arcade_Hustle jy is nie in die Chat nie...



Tfw you will never have a beard as majestic as a Boer warrior

@szavanna no problem

@Kesh just doing my part

I will be voting Front Nasionaal, just to see if we can get them a seat...

Otherwise FF+

@everyone Ek gaan vanaand om 8 uur lewendig wees vir die eerste keer op my afrikaanse kanaal. Sien <#468389204133543946> vir die link.

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