
Discord ID: 143127061987328000

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Until I see some evidence that the mass genocide of people in Germany and Poland did not take place, I won't care what the actual number is.

Also Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

we're talking about how the nazis weren't that bad

pls read this wiki page at least the first two sections @Tonight at 11 - DOOM

check this dank page out @Veyd

you took the bait

obviously the free state of prussia isn't prussia

I said that because I knew you would hook on that srry i baited you

a Prussian LARPer sure

why strawman me hot damn

I'm not talking about conciousness, though.

2018-05-02 20:39:25 UTC [Sparta #general]  


2018-05-02 21:59:48 UTC [Sparta #voice-general]  


2018-05-02 22:38:27 UTC [Sparta #general]  


it's not gay to admire the structure of a penis


no you misunderstand

it's the admiration of the structure itself

the concept, if you will

Tommy Robinson got arrested m8s

and jailed

he's going to jail

jesus christ

kill me

"Progressivism is the support for or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. "

my sides

Is internalizing your Identitarianism the alt-right version of internalizing Racism? ๐Ÿค”

@HURR DURR ROCKY TOP i see you're a fan of the york <:Chad:426417002295459844>

of course

the york tribe

but what about tudor

tudor best

tudor rules

tudor forever

tudor never dies


tfw even if you take into account the "rural-urban divide" the rates are higher

๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ”ซ

2018-06-03 06:17:02 UTC [Sparta #general]  

i miss bravingruin already

age of consent is arbitrary and if we wanted it to mean anything it should be based on average puberty cycles ๐Ÿค”


start making content again

does ape believe all action is political <:Sarthink:448914953483583499>

i can kill myself if I want to

you can't stop me


that was supposed to be reverse psychology

Friendly reminder these are not Democratic Socialists but Marxists in disguise. Friendly reminder that Bernie Sanders calls himself a Democratic Socialist when he advocates for purely Social Democratic policies.

Friendly Reminder that these filthy communists have to go.

In the article they have a clear pro-net neutrality bias, which is understandable as it's gizmodo. The fun comes in where they complain that the new TV bundle option starts out at 480p max resolution.

They're basically alluding to the idea that any restrictions on content is inherently bad. This would be bad if it were somehow through all streaming services, like Netflix or YouTube, but according to this article this is explicitly about their TV streaming service.

"AT&T will make available two different but equally terribly named unlimited plans"

I had no idea that an optional bundle for TV could be so terrible. I mean it is terrible because TV sucks, but *oh the humanity*.

This kind of shit is either just lazy *"journalism"* or intentional water muddying.

quick post your browser pinned tabs


time to go to work wish me luck

she is a beaut

I like her edgy personality too

@!dammnation3(Liberalist) you guys watching Primer?

Primer is 10/10

time travel does that

That's a beaut.


2018-07-08 22:12:58 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  


2018-07-08 22:19:47 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  


2018-07-08 22:21:00 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  


2018-07-08 23:24:47 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  


2018-07-08 23:42:15 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  

!p Israeli National Anthem

2018-07-08 23:44:40 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  


2018-07-08 23:46:59 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  


2018-07-08 23:50:58 UTC [LAND EXPROPRIATION GENERAL #botchat]  


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