Message from @D.kota
Discord ID: 463799807945998346
Probably heatstroke if anything
holy crap it works
i kind of love this game
feels nice to have privilege again
@Deathsinger give privilege please
nice dress
I also go by "not a spy"
it's ok, I know people with autism have trouble with humor
stalto banned me from gulag. I escaped gulag
I have things
@CelestialMorningLight are you liberalistas?
we are one episode from the tng episode The Best of Both worlds Part 1
im watching tng, and i've been waiting for the best of both worlds "How to be disingenuous about net neutrality 101"
In the article they have a clear pro-net neutrality bias, which is understandable as it's gizmodo. The fun comes in where they complain that the new TV bundle option starts out at 480p max resolution.
They're basically alluding to the idea that any restrictions on content is inherently bad. This would be bad if it were somehow through all streaming services, like Netflix or YouTube, but according to this article this is explicitly about their TV streaming service.
"AT&T will make available two different but equally terribly named unlimited plans"
I had no idea that an optional bundle for TV could be so terrible. I mean it is terrible because TV sucks, but *oh the humanity*.
This kind of shit is either just lazy *"journalism"* or intentional water muddying.
AMA about At&t products
Ah, such is the problem with issues like net neutrality... They, by means of disingenuos ideologues, attach themselves parasidically to our better natures; for it's much easier, especially in a group such as ours, to blindly accept the rhetoric they spew - that support of net neutrality means support of a person's liberty.
oh my gosh, I'm watching a video about a guy rading discord servers, and I saw Darth Dawkins name
interesting article, some flaws in the authors arguments, though. I found one of the comment chains (Pizza Pete was the OP, I think) much more insightful
@here I have Bladerunner 2049 queued up in rabbit, if anyone wants to join me here is the link
and feel free to join me in voice chat.
time to go to work wish me luck