Wes The Savage

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2018-07-31 15:52:58 UTC [Sparta #general]  


2018-07-31 15:53:05 UTC [Sparta #general]  

is that you in the profile pic?

2018-07-31 15:53:45 UTC [Sparta #general]  

damn, because I was gonna test my new cringe up line on them ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-31 15:53:46 UTC [Sparta #general]  


The Autrian, and Neoclassical schools along with some parts of the Classical School are based on evidence, historical records, and logical demonstration via logical arguments, the best sconomic schools, Laissez-faire is on record before it dies years ago the best economic model and it can even factor in various middle grounds, like labor unions, syndicates, cryptocurrencies if they're not set up like ponzie schemes, backed by gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and can even factor in scientific innovation if the government doesn't go into cahoots with corporate whores..

@Mips what form of capitalism?

There are MANY of them, several base forms, and then many derivatives of each form..

Some degrees of evidence and documents prove your argument of government funded research, but other areas corporate whores and feds interfered with other branches of scientific research if they can't pull a taxation scheme on it..

We ain't had true laissez-faire since the time period of 1870-WW2

you can see it's practice pop up in limited degrees

but not full blown anymore

hasn't been since time period I mentioned

he better, or i'll rape his face with muh tongue



@AsianMessiah it can work under minarchism if you can update the constitutional bindings to the republic and being it back to minarchism by decorporatizing

which is gonna be the first step towards an anarchism styled society

only after you figure out a better model than what we have on the private court system

there's a possibility for variability as a weakness

@Puma not necessarily

You have to prove that claim

I request you demonstrate this Puma, because you can have roads without the taxation system or in a limited degree.

Toll systems, Toll Booths, Taxation based on elected apportionment if it's in the top 5 issues..

Yeah, basically before the rather illegal 16th amendment was passed and the fed reserve rose in that same year, which were cofacters in starting the great Depression my dad was born during the time of, but that's another story for a later period

@LordCaledus We should rule by votes, apportionment, self-ownership, and through individual liberties..

Not necessarily

if anarchistic societal law structure were done well enough, democracies would be prevented

Natural selection will push for more charitable ones over time if the people like them enough due to their own self interests influncing the choice and social darwisnism coming along

it is possible

Again, you'd do so by by votes, census, polls, apportionment, self-ownership, and through individual liberties..

as long as they don't completely conflate the lattert


The only way it could become authoritarian is if democracies were to form

same with corporatocracy formation

They can leave and find another place obviously...

2018-07-31 16:11:18 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Is that Chris Ray Gun in drag?

2018-07-31 16:11:21 UTC [Sparta #general]  


I contributed my pieces, daddu raisu and kids, have fun

I will, I have monster girl quest

You fondle them inaproppriately, here cums my rape apology folks

@Shurik if that system goes into cahoots with corporate whores, passes an illegal amendment against your right to choose through voting what your tax bracket would be, if you need one, and where they would go is done, then it's time to rebuild it and remove those things as well as the worst of corproate laws via new constitutional amendments

then eventually shrink into an anarchist society if the timing and conditions favor it

I've said my final piece this time in all seriousness

have fun kids

@Jaz (Raisu) slide into muh DMs later, but be gentle though ๐Ÿ˜‰

debated a communist off and on for 3 hours

when he couldn't challenge my points, he brings in trolls

and fucking REEEEs the place up

Asian saw it

I literally just replied to a socialist on youtube:

"Pulling the old No True Scotsman Fallacy again, why not just say "True Democratic Socialism has been tried and failed"?

United States calls the state owning the means of production and a bunch of social programs parts of State Socialism and Planned Economics, because of its pathologies are similary in how True Socialism would act, but it's owned by the state and also involves Planned Economics.

USSR Was State Socialism when Stalin took over, same with Mao when he took over China, what democratic socialist system was attempted then was gone..

In fact you could say the same about North Korea.

"The state capitalized off the workers" claim is nonsense, it's not capitalism, there was no private ownership, no private companies, peronal property is unable to be used for profit(which is what private property IS) no private companies(whether single owners or collective owners) hiring people, no wage labor, no voluntary exchange, no capital accumulation, and no competitive markets..

Stop the the fallacies and circular arguments please."

@Ipod you can't enlighten those who refuse to listen

syndicalists, mututalists, communists, socialists, and accelerationists are all the worst

2018-07-31 22:55:04 UTC [Sparta #general]  

What about BOTH Rothbard AND Smith?

if Sargon starts calling himself "Classical Libertarian" I may die from lack of oxygen

2019-01-01 14:44:39 UTC [Rhetoricโ„ข #library]  

People not raising their own kids, corporate and government backed nutritional pseudoscience, shitty value ideas, and tech obsession amplifying all the above

No shit

Fascists as a whole have ironically done that

You'd be more principled if you were a voluntaryist, paleolibertarian and an ethno-nationalist based off of using these premises

2019-01-01 22:16:41 UTC [Rhetoricโ„ข #library]  

a democratic means would ensure destruction in the aspect of who owned the tech

Another individual to put on my shit list

We don't know that

Alpha's personal email was compromised

It basically means Anarcho-Communism

Basically, Kropotkin took out the Marxism, Central Banking, and Central Government from Communism

He didn't believe in the LTV, he didn't advocate it.

He said we didn't need a central state to establish full blown socialism


He also said we didn't need a central government, he advocated voluntaryism to establish a collective of social communes that would network together

@Smug Usagi (CEO of the moon) Unless it were Market Socialism, that's a different story

Actually, yes there is

Adam Smith theorized on it

other Classical Era economists theorized on it


there are various market theories that would allow it..

actually, it does

Mutualism and Syndicalism being market variants of socialism that's built on voluntaryism

Something that doesn't work isn't a theory


I didn't jump anything, I gave examples of Market Socialism Theories

Market socialism is a type of economic system involving the public, cooperative or social ownership of the means of production in the framework of a market economy. Market socialism differs from non-market socialism in that the market mechanism is utilized for the allocation of capital goods and the means of production. Depending on the specific model of market socialism, profits generated by socially owned firms may variously be used to directly remunerate employees, accrue to society at large as the source of public finance or be distributed amongst the population in a social dividend.

Block Who Danny?

and his dick

his teenie weenie asian paneenie

I'm not gay either, I have gloves


His wittwe fwee incher


That actually.. makes too much sense


2019-08-16 04:36:39 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-08-16 04:36:45 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


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