Message from @ghostofthevolk
Discord ID: 388489294114717697
communists arent people
Outback is so good.
degenerate af
We eatin'?
Nigga u always asking about eatin again
eating chicken r n
you gotta always ask about eatin if you always eatin
ive ate again thrice today
shop some SS bolts on the flags tho
cats <dogs
Kitty cat nationalism
Doggers are GOOD.
dog nationalism
Pit bull to bad the nibbers steal them
Good dog
Awww good nazi doggo
Fuck yes, found the saluting clip
Nice stuff.
I went from 3 dollars in BTC to 8 dollars. Jealous?
I like how Anglin always says how good optics we have, but it's probably because he saw us wearing white shirts that one time.
Chanting "Hail victory" in Finnish.
probably lol
anglins a cuck
Lol tag him in that video somewhere.
He's mad the IRL movement in the US isn't his.