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Nazbol or suicide



why tho

2017-05-29 01:43:18 UTC [/leftypol/ International #german]  

sieg heil

2017-05-29 01:43:35 UTC [/leftypol/ International #german]  

gas das juden



>mfw explaining to ancaps that wage slavery is an expression and is not supposed to imply literal bondage and slavery

>how tf can you misunderstand that

2018-01-20 18:57:50 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

trotsky was the worst of the russian revolutionaries

2018-01-20 18:57:54 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


Democracy != Direct Participation which seems to be more what this is about

what I find interesting about this is that it's similar to my understanding of amadeo bordiga's meaning when he wanted to "abolish democracy"

this is the only place where the apparently verbatim quoted text "The development of socialist democracy on the basis of the completion of the construction of a classless socialist society will increasingly convert the dictatorship of the proletariat into the dictatorship of the Soviet people. As each member of the whole population is gradually drawn into the day to day management of state affairs, the growth of the population's communist consciousness and culture, and the development of socialist democracy will lead to the progressive dying out of forms of compulsion in the dictatorship of the Soviet people, and to a progressive replacement of measures of compulsion by the influence of public opinion, to a progressive narrowing of the political functions of the state, and to the conversion of the state into, in the main, an organ of the management of the economic life of society." appears online

so I would consider it dubiously sourced

Stalin's personality is completely irrelevant to the issues we face today

like I don't care if you're an ML or w/e but rehabilitating or dead horse beating isn't gonna get us anywhere

ah yes, the to genders

damn I've really been owned

@ZxckMxherrr guilty as charged

this tbh

when you do epic spam ๐Ÿ˜Ž

wow owned


oh man gay people holy shit

now I'm really scared

you got me now

@ZxckMxherrr when we have state enforced miscegenation and homosexuality you're up first

we should put nazis into concentration camps, change my mind

this is why centralizing power in individuals is bad

funny how under capitalism you are forced into a relationship based on theft otherwise you starve

~~I'll shoot you dead, I think it would make everyone a lot happier~~



Well, according to the 1 drop rule I am one, so I'm gonna go with "pretty epic"

We're going to run out of usable top soil for agriculture in 60 years

or less

free love tbh

I've read that polygyny was something of a norm for a lot of early agricultural societies

that doesn't surprise me

monogamy is for fascists who think they can have a monopoly on another person's sexuality

exactly ๐Ÿ˜Ž

India is so based

Polygamy is legal but only if you're muslim

how will being in a relationship with more than one person cause genetic mutations

that's not how genetics works


is that why jacob fucked his wife's servant

it's totally not about womb control guys I promise

judaism was a thing though

which is why all that shit

is in the christian bible

if marriage is so important you would think that biblical figures would put a little more stock into it

if marriage was so fundamental, people wouldn't be able to just not do it


they keep not doing it

hold on what the fuck???


to steve

If that's really how you feel Nail, I've got just the thing

abolish marriage completely

better yet

make marriage illegal

okay but what if you have 12 kids by one woman



you know something about chromosomes

sometimes they get really fucked up

so you'll get a man with female chromosomes and a woman with male ones

"we should hit sexually abused children with canes"
- nail

Psychiatry 100

do unto others as you wish for others to do unto you

I imagine most mentally ill people would find BDSM activities very unenjoyable

I like Japan's method of surprise hanging

2019-08-06 23:09:07 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

the fuck is thus

2019-08-06 23:09:09 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


when you say noncing do you mean the crime or just like

the act of existing

2019-08-06 23:13:37 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


2019-08-06 23:13:51 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

who tf doxxes their fucking grandma

2019-08-06 23:14:03 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

this fucken guy

something about sparta

their government was in a state of near constant fear because of their repressive measures against the populace

this lead to ineffectiveness that undermined the spartans until their defeat

you'd be surprised

You say it's overly diagnosed, Doctors say that it's people like you who cause it to be underreported

2019-08-06 23:30:59 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

jordan peterson diet but for losers

what if the problem is the fact that everyone is pushing for conformity at the cost of your own capacity for self identification

"making the system more dysfunctional is the only rational solution to the problems we face"

2019-08-06 23:35:12 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

if you doxx yourself knowingly you're responsible for the data getting out so

2019-08-06 23:36:11 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

grandma out here being like "I didn't order a pizza???"

a society is a gathering of individuals to solve the problems they have in common with one another

a society wherein some individuals are inherently devalued is a bad society that should be destroyed

when you start a death cult and call it fascism

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