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Hello! I followed the invitation by @Firefly

2017-05-03 17:01:00 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

Привет! Я тоже марксист, живу в Восточной Германии.

I’m currently not on my laptop, so I don’t have that many useful links right now.

2017-05-03 17:10:43 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

Учил сам. У меня русские предки, но я единственний моей семьи, который может использовать русским языком. 😢

2017-05-03 17:11:33 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

Обычно только читаю тексты и книги на русском и смотрю видео на Ютубе.


2017-05-03 17:14:02 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

Хорошо! 😃

Ich bin grad erst in den Server gekommen, weiß also noch nicht, was hier so abgeht. 😄

Ich kaufe mir gern die 10kg-Kartoffelangebote bei Netto. Und ja, ich kriege die alleine alle, auch wenn es viele Wochen dauert. 😄

Das ist noch immer sehr aktuell!

Na denn sind wa schonmal zweie. 😄 Wo kommst du her? Ich aus Berlin.

Und du kennst sicherlich den Kurs auf Duolingo. Der ist echt gut.

Als Wörterbuch gefällt mir http://dict.leo.org/german-english . Das hat übrigens auch Tondateien für die deutschen Wörter, so dass du die Aussprache überprüfen kannst.

https://www.duolingo.com/Nukalurk ist mein Profil auf Duolingo. Im Moment siehst du nicht viel, weil Duolingo nur die Kurse der Sprache anzeigt, über die man gerade lernt.

Falls du mich hinzufügen willst. 😉

In Ordnung! 😃 Bis später!

@Firefly , I don’t mind either, in case you want to propose something.

I’ll read that later. I’m not in a good mood these days because our family dog died on May Day. 😦

I realised that, hence I decided against it. I should be in a better mood for that.

Да, мои предки приехали в Германии много лет назад, и поэтому никто не говорит по-русски, к сожалению.

Моя мама говорила чуть-чуть по-русски в своём детстве, но когда она изучила польский язык в школе, она забыла почти всё.

Уже мой дед был марксистом, но он умер, когда я ещё был слишком маленький для того, чтобы понять политику.

Он работал за ТВ Восточной Германии.

Благордая ему, у меня некоторые старые книги про коммунизму и ГДР.


Это песня и на немецком и на русском.

Знаешь ли, что FDJ?

@Firefly , у тебя аккаунт на Goodreads?

2017-05-03 22:55:04 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

@MyLittleSweetie , у меня три тома Капитала Маркса на украинском. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21825450-1---3 😄

2017-05-04 09:10:18 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

https://www.vz.ru/news/2017/5/3/868860.html Что вы думаете, это христианская пропаганда или нет?

2017-05-04 09:17:53 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

@MyLittleSweetie Я всю жизнь атеист и не понимаю, как можно действительно верить такие мифы. Наверное, это только возможно из-за промывания мозгов, особенно в ранним детстве.

2017-05-04 18:56:49 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

Это типично для империализма США: когда террористическая группа им больше не нужна, они начинают бороться с ней.

Do it! Since I registered, I remember what I have read, what I have started and what I still want to read. I hardly remember any book titles I read prior to joining.

I use it as a personal data base, a fancy logging site. The site also offers an extensive social media aspect that you can indulge in. You can’t download any books from there, it is not a book store, albeit the more well known titles offer direct links to sites where the books can be bought.

I have read plenty of obscure ones that I had to add to the data base myself.

I just pick a fitting book there.

No idea, I was an avid reader in childhood.

Probably a few thousands in total.

In case you are also into Polish: http://wolnelektury.pl/

I read lots of history and historical politics books in my childhood.

Not yet.

I’m not sure what counts as Marxist literature.

I read some Marx, some Lenin, political East German stuff. I even read the school textbook teaching Dialectal Materialism to 12th graders.

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17447189-einf-hrung-in-den-dialektischen-und-historischen-materialismus I even possess it. 😃 It’s one of the books I had to add by myself.

Introduction to the dialectal and the historical materialism.

It’s a good starter, and was taught over an entire school year. 552 pages should be a good giveaway that it does contain a lot. Of course it is adapted to East Germany and the Socialist World in the early 1970s.

By the way, did you listen to that FDJ song I had linked some time ago?

Ewww, put away that West German flag!

Isn’t this your server? You can add any emoticons you like by yourself.

You take some pic and define it as an emoticon for this server.

I doubt the thief cares, they just want quick money.

I got an Єctaco Jetbook a friend bought for me in Ukraine.

She even gifted a keyboard to me: http://i.imgur.com/amK0adz.jpg albeit I type blind, it’s still cool.

For Russian, I use the standard Russian layout. For Latin script based languages I use this monster whose pic even lacks some symbols: http://extremtastatur.de/Belegungsschaubild.png

It’s the first layout I tried that has a proper œ. The French one doesn’t have it, even though it’s a French letter. I got told they rely on Word corrections.

@petit bourgeois , hey! ❤

@Firefly , welcome back! 😃

http://www.voltairenet.org/article189895.html surprising they declassified it.

By the way, Ukrainian Nazis have a stronghold in Germany, too, for decades already. He was buried in Munich. His agent name was Stepan Popel which is funny in German: Popel means booger.

There’s also the Ukrainian University which does have ties to these revisionist views.

They are surely also the reason why thousands of asylum requests by Ukrainians got rejected because those fleeing from the Donbass area are the enemy.

They have become useless to the USA, now they will fight them. They go the way every US-financed terror group goes.

We talked about that earlier, I remember.

I don’t listen to any of the puppets. It doesn’t matter who gets to play the role of the president.

Now that he has realised that he has no power, he hates the job. He had to chance his stance on pretty much everything by 180° or else he would have met the same fate of Kennedy.

Yes, but now they have their key figures up. The neo Nazis have become superfluous just like back in Nazi Germany the SA that got terminated eventually because they didn’t fit the image.

For example the gold is now in the USA and almost all fertile soil belongs to companies like Monsanto.

Merkel once stated in public that people can’t expect that pre-election promises will be kept. It’s still on Youtube, but in German, of course.

Back in 2002 Merkel said stuff what Le Pen says now.

Like "immigration is bad, we can’t accept all and need strict regulations".

More and more people realise that Western democracy is built on the illusion of choice and prefer to not vote at all because it’s pointless.

In East Germany, voting got called "Zettel falten" (folding sheets of paper) informally. While East Germany had several parties, the coalition bloc had been set up before. Western democracies are smarter and pretend there is a real choice, and then the key parties come together and the same people stay in power.

East Germany was basically a mixture of the One Party System and Western Democracy.

It’s easier to control people, if you let them have their own parties but restrict their influence.

I’m not sure about that. East Germany clinged to Stalin much longer than the USSR.

Yes, at my time still taught in school. The Western Allies would never give up such a strategic place.

Germany is still a US colony.

Those of you who can understand German and are interested in German-German relations, should consider getting this book series: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/14739858-deutschland-1948-bis-1999-in-10-b-nden these are the original Archive entries of Western Germany but surprisingly relatively neutral.

Yes, I read everything. 😄

I use my language knowledge mostly for that: gathering information but also for entertainment like watching stuff on Youtube.

I also follow some Polish sites, even some communist ones.

So far I have read only one real book in Polish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Desert_and_Wilderness

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