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I got about 80%, I believe. When reading, Iโ€™m usually too lazy to look up words but this helps your reading comprehension in the long run.

Slavic and Germanic languages (apart from, maybe, English) prefer building new words from native roots and affixes, so if you encounter a new word, you can inspect both the root and the affixes. Thanks to the context, itโ€™s highly likely you will guess the meaning correctly.

Itโ€™s a Finno-Ugric language, thatโ€™s why.

So far I have only seriously looked into various Indo-European languages and donโ€™t plan to take on a non-IE language in near future. I already have enough on my plate.

I donโ€™t know it, sorry.


Of course thereโ€™s crap from Ukrainians.

I understand enough written Ukrainian to read stuff they write when they believe others canโ€™t follow them.

@Firefly , did you deliberately make the names of new people joining invisible for ordinary members? Whenever I see someone join, I just see "Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here." which makes it impossible to greet them and make them feel welcome.

@Firefly , have you thought about joining Goodreads? Thereโ€™s even a young leftypol group that we can use to talk about books about theory and those of general interest.

So much IdPol crap here. @checkers , right-wingers like you and SJW both belong to the identity spectrum, and are thus equally annoying.

Right-wingers like you talk about SJW crap all day.

As are we in here.

Who cares? We here believe in class struggle, not in IdPol.

Bla bla

@checkers , why donโ€™t you join Tumblr and talk there about this all day.

@Ulstรจr-Scotch , the Weimar Republic did something like that with the Notstandsverordnungen which gave nearly unlimited powers to the head of the state.

@checkers , we here are collectively against SJW, yet you donโ€™t want to listen. You are like a chatbot.

@checkers , you joined not to debate but to brand us as SJW when none of us is SJW.

@checkers , I can see how you get banned. SJW crap is not tolerated in many chats.

@checkers , you behave like any pseudo leftist social justice warrior.

@checkers , what are my beliefs in your opinion?

Okay, checkers really doesnโ€™t care about debating and just hopes to get banned to post it somewhere while twisting the content.

@checkers , where I live, every opinion that opposes the official state propaganda makes you a Nazi, so Iโ€™m used to getting called a Nazi.

@OF-8 , ordinary folks have absolutely no power, and the government must follow the orders of US Big Money.

@OF-8 , Germans canโ€™t vote for neither the chancellor nor the president.

The parties are almost the same, and always the same people stay in power.

Police officers are left alone: the government doesnโ€™t want to prosecute certain demographics, and the police arenโ€™t taken seriously anymore by the criminals. People in Germany have started arming themselves.

Lots of people with some money have already left, thousands of millionaires.

@checkers , Germans are tribal in nature. People first identify with their region, and then with Germany.

@checkers , you have absolutely no idea how it works in Europe.

There is no white unity, neither is a black unity.

@OF-8 , I fully agree!

Already back in 2010 German households had the lowest net median wealth of the entire Euro zone.

@checkers , ordinary people are powerless. Western democracy is based on the illusion of choice.

Too many anti-Germans in German Antifa.

Antifa is about fighting those who they deem to be fascist, and that can be virtually everybody.

By the way, the organisation tasked by the German government to fight against fake news is funded byโ€ฆsurpriseโ€ฆSoros which even a German mainstream medium published.

@OF-8 , itโ€™s boiling under the radar. Esp. local newspapers are much more open because the grip of the government isnโ€™t that strong there. Iโ€™m connected to several critically thinking people, one even a journalist for decades who resists getting silenced.

@OF-8 , internet providers must save everything you do on the internet and hand the data over to the authorities, if requested. The same goes for banks.

Germany is heading the way China does it: excessive capitalism + strict censorship.

Oh, and the USA announced some years back that every German Tor user will be treated like a potential terrorist.

@checkers , or illegal left-wing ones. My favourite contemporary politician, Sahra Wagenknecht, in Germany is one of the leaders of The Left, and both politicians and the media regularly try to brand her as a Nazi. She focuses on class war and not on identity politics, and this is what makes her dangerous. She has twice as many fans on Facebook than the party itself. I know several conservatives who really like Wagenknecht.

@OF-8 , right, that even got taught when I was still in school.

@checkers , neither the government nor the media is leftist.

@checkers , for money.

Divide and conquer, this is what SJW shit is about.

Identity Politics is deeply racist and sexist. Your worth is defined by your looks, your origins, your sex, your gender.

SJW crap helps dividing the masses into tiny groups that end up fighting each other for marginal privileges.

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12357471-the-conspirator-s-hierarchy the first edition came out in the early 1990s. The author predicted the rise of SJW and says they are funded by high tier capitalists like Soros.

@Deleted User , Iโ€™m a transhumanist, by the way.

@checkers, do you know the Deus Ex universe? Thatโ€™s basically what transhumanism is about: merging with technology. Iโ€™m very excited that scientists are making progress in building technology based on biological compounds.

They also found a way to fight implant rejection which is in the Deus Ex universe the Darrow Defiency Syndrome.

Germany, of course, already passed a law that places severe restriction on the so-called "bio hacking".

The USSR also researched transhumanism a lot. It doesnโ€™t have to be corporatist.

@Firefly , I donโ€™t see any SJW shit in the transhumanist groups Iโ€™m in.

The worst SJW are even against hearing aids because thatโ€™s "imposing ableist views".

Iโ€™m really cynical when it comes to politics.

@Deleted User , there wonโ€™t be less work. The work will be shifted to other fields. Just like nowadays only few people in the Western world work on farms when it had been pretty much everyone a few centuries back.

Thee will always be work, and the majority of humans wants to work, wants to feel useful to society.

checkers believes we are all SJW, even though we told him multiple times we are anti-SJW in here.

Itโ€™s a waste of time, really.

@checkers , you have started repeating yourself. You are far less entertaining than a chat bot.

Yes, like "kill all Jews" and "kill all whites".

Fun fact: Hitler gets subtitled in German documentaries when the content is important, so that Germans can understand what he is ranting about. ๐Ÿ˜‚

@BofaFett , he is a troll. He posted SJW shit for ages earlier.

He canโ€™t grasp that we are anti-SJW here.

The idea that leftists can be anti-SJW goes over his head.

@BofaFett , see?

Yes, thatโ€™s what he is doing, and this is his entire agenda. He takes pride in getting banned from servers, and I can see why. He does nothing but posting annoying SJW shit.

Iโ€™m in several large anti-SJW leftist groups.

Antifa doesnโ€™t have a political agenda. They fight anyone they label as fascist, and some just fight for fun like football / soccer hooligans.

Educating is much better.

SJW are regularly fighting against each other, and the alt-right does the same because they are also deep into identity politics. They are on different sections of identity politics. Itโ€™s best to let them fight each other.

@checkers , did you just propose loosely connected farming collectives like Bakunin favoured?

I stem from the Eastern bloc.

I live on minimum wage.

I donโ€™t even have a smartphone, just an old Nokia brick.

@BofaFett , he will tell you to "self crit". ๐Ÿ˜‚

@BofaFett , thatโ€™s the mindset people have in my region (Berlin, Germany): believe in whatever you want as long as you keep it to yourself. Talking about religion without having been asked to is considered annoying proselytism.

Thatโ€™s yet another reason why people strongly oppose Islam.

Iโ€™m a German native speaker.

Which thing? Penis?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acu4665oez8 funny German song that presents lots of colloquial terms for "penis".

@BofaFett , I still donโ€™t get what you are aiming at.

School for the basics, and then chatting on the internet.

Yes, already toddlers are taught they are responsible for Nazi war crimes. Since Christianity lost its grip, the Original Sin had to be replaced to keep people under control.

Every opposing opinion earns you the Nazi accusation, regardless your actual political affiliation.

Israel employs the same technique: if you donโ€™t follow the state propaganda 100%, you are a Nazi and must be expelled from society.

@BofaFett , in voice chat youโ€™d hear it. I never use English as a spoken language. It even feels like a virtual language nobody speaks for real because itโ€™s entirely useless for me in real life.

@BofaFett , I use my languages for reading, chatting, watching stuff on Youtube, and following news from several countries.

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