Message from @RainOnStone
Discord ID: 367992246609510401
Are interdependent
On providing society its own socioeconomic preferences
I agree changing these things depends on the individual, but I don't agree with the bigger hips / breasts concept
Being gay is not nature. It is nurture, except in transexuals
As I am craving for raviolis right now
Nay there is a gay gene
That can be triggered
>gay gene
By one
So nature and nurture
Plays their respective roles
They both impact an individual
To deny the other takes the extremism of ones identity politics beliefs
And is highly liberal
When you show me a gay gene, I'll be happy to believe you
And gladly claim it's genetic
snow are you gay male ?
Why do you ask
or is that not an appropiate question
speaking from personal analization
I'm not but I feel like if I keep treading along my path, I could pretty easily see myself being bisexual
But I'm not gay, I'm a psychology major
If you want it coming from tge mouth of a biologist
Go on
I studied biology
Or perhaps other theories you'd prefer regarding people being gay
Other than that being gay
Is born out of nurture
If the twins are monozygotic twins and you separate them at birth and place them in completely controlled environments and they both turn out gay and you repeat the experiment several times and it's proven correctly, go ahead, you're correct
Nah i just want to refute the idea
That being gay cannot be found in nature
And thats pretty much it
And good night dear sirs or madam
Study and then discuss. Being gay hasn't been __proven__ to be nature
@Sn0w ❄ ~~my~~ our little pony