Adarsh Balak

Discord ID: 264723662580613131

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Was it Marxism in particular that betrayed Catalonia?

What was the ideological base for Catalonia?

Anarcho Syndicalism?

Did POUM fight the Anarchists?

I don't get how you blame Marxism itself for the betrayal of Catalonia

Orwell fought alongside the POUM

And they themselves blame the stalin

Do we have any marxist Leninist here who can scientifically explain the reasons?

I am sure they opposed anarchist societies because of reasons embedded in dialectical materialist logic

Used to be a pretty anti Communist Anarchist

Anti Communist in the sense anti ML/MLM

But then it was the marxist concept of dialectical and historical materialism that convinced me to be a statist if not a pure ML commie

I like how this server doesn't have any visible roles

Not even mods/regulars

@Firefly I don't know much about the Spanish civil war.The anarchists and the trotskyists claim that the stalinists betrayed them.Is this statement true?

And even if the stalinist did oppose them

I'm sure there were reasons based in ML theory

Including POUM?

Orwell fought alongside a trotskyist militia

And yet he found reason to blame the MLs

But I guess Orwell and materialism didn't go well enough

I thought the Marxists themselves had a split

Between the trotskyists and MLs

Why call it western feminism?

Liberal feminism

Bourgeois feminism

It exists everywhere

And Marxist feminism exists there?

How so?

Marxist feminism

Because in India even the Communist Party's feminism is not much different from liberal feminism

Very weak theory

I'm talking about feminism in particular

Not all Marxists are maoists

Not really

The legal communist parties

The legal trade unions


In that sense Marxism is dead in China too

Revisionism abounds

When you say Marxist I usually assume just a belief in his sociology and histiography

Which even a Capitalist can agree with

Why can't a Capitalist be a materialist

Use the dialectical method

Marx's contribution to sociology is immense

A tool

Even Marxism Leninism is a tool

For progress

To complete history

A much more effective tool than Capitalism was

To create a new man

Neitszche would choose to be a Communist than a Nazi

Even feudalism is a state of mind

Believing it to be the natural order

But it's a shitty state of mind

Divine right


Aren't these ideologies?

It has more ideogical basis than Capitalism imo

Capitalism won't shy from calling itself socialism

Rojava is a tricky subject for me

Remove erdogan how?

You do that

And he will gain an anti imperialist image

Well there's the Iran Saudi proxy war too

Peace is middle east is a distant dream as of now

Not in Iran

But in Iraq Syria Lebanon and yemen

Assad is a cunt

I still have hopes from the Arab spring though

I guess this is the 4chan culture

But this is sexist

Objectifying women

This is why we need to use such strict filters on Reddit

Any Fabian socialists here?

The old labour

From which leaders like nehru were inspired

Fabian society was in UK

It inspired many post colonial govts

Well if there are those sort of democratic socialists here

Fuck you

Well that's nice

Marx had an actual analysis

And a pretty scientific theory

Unlike many libsocs

Even anarchists should integrate marxist theory in their struggle

They don't need to become MLs

I'm not a fabian

I wanted to ask the fabians here to fuck off

Identity politics is the bane of 3rd wave feminism

Masculinity is highly overrated

But most men are reactionary lumpens

Just like women

Ordinary Men can't appropriate the achievements of better men

Yeah all those are born out of patriarchy

Cuckoldry is a Respectable fetish

Just like Muslims get triggered when people criticise their history

They think we are insulting them in particular


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