Adarsh Balak

Discord ID: 264723662580613131

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Damn it feels so great without Language filters

He seems like a brocialist

I could be wrong

A brocialist is a manarchist

Anarcho primitivism is like the objectivism of the left

So idiotic that we ourselves are embarrassed

Like the right is embarrassed of Ayn rand

Let him explain himself in detail

What's a feminised view of politics

Wait do you define masculinity as the rapey Mongol Viking Turk male culture?

And Greeks had tiny peniis

It's not gay if you are the one putting it in

That's how many regressive cultures justify fucking child abuse

And raping suspected gays

It's not an adhominem

At worst a strawman

Sexuality does influence politics

The real man doesn't doubt his masculinity if he chooses to fuck trans men

You should be confident enough in your masculinity that it doesn't matter

Heck the male g spot is inside the ass

What's the topic?

I don't even get what the argument is about

If you want to debate serious stuff

What do you think of Marx inverting hegelians dialectics

From ideas to economic factors


I guess they were masculine because they didn't doubt their masculinity if they fucked guys

They were that confident in their manhood

Wow that is some /pol/ level argument

Haha what lame trolling

Go to reddit

It'll be more effective there

Islam sucks no doubt

But so do you

What a brilliant mind

Deep af

A true comrade shares their spouse with you

A true Scotsman is a fucking imperialist pig

Normative negron of the subsaharan variety

We are the minority

We must organise

Most of our army won't be left wing intellectuals

We uphold the enlightenment principles

The Pinnacle of western civilisation is socialism

Not Capitalism or imperialism

@styles what's your argument against bolshevism

A proper critique

Not Stalin killed 50 million people

I guess he is one of those leftcoms

For whom nothing is true socialism

Unless workers directly own means of production

And who discounts all other struggles

Be it racial or feminist

I'm talking about styles

Would a strasserites and nazbols be allies?


Dafuq is an identitarian

Define National Socialist

Strasser,Hitler or Richard Spencer

Yeah MLs are often guilty of supporting anti imperialist fascists

Because national bourgeoisie is more progressive than imperialism

Which is Capitalism at it's highest stage

Oh left internationale also had problems with there not being enough serious discussion

Is the case same here?

So is this a leftcom Server?

What of Trotsky

Well Syndicalism could be said to have influenced Italian and Spanish fascism in some ways

Proudhon's theory too

Tbh the radical right doesn't have the intellectual Calibre to create solid theory

And just end up borrowing from the left when they need the minimum amount of sense

National Syndicalism

Is that a fancy word for fascism?

I assume Franco and Mussolini considered themselves Syndicalists

2018-03-23 04:20:55 UTC [/leftypol/ International #hindi]  

Damn how many indians here

Greetings lord Edge

How may we serve you?

@topqueque what are you an Anarchist?


Third position?

An idiot of the highest order

Leading scientific and human progress

From Farmers to scientists

In one generation bitch

Yeah and life was shit 99% of the time

No matter how great the monarch was,it always dissolved down to cranky dicks on powertrips

It was communism you idiot

Soviet Union was a success

China too


You name it

Even north korea

For the progress it brought

North Korea richer than South Korea for a long time

South Korea was a dictatorship back then

The people who claim the Soviet Union wasn't real socialism

Disparages the most significant experiments of the 20th century

Which were by an large great successes

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