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2018-11-02 09:20:22 UTC

Because European laws are already sharia <:GWfroggyPepoSmug:398570232647647242>

2018-11-02 09:22:54 UTC

jesus lol

2018-11-02 09:23:56 UTC

meanwhile in england

2018-11-02 10:19:48 UTC

That dance looks like her circuits are failing

2018-11-02 11:08:58 UTC

and before people go reee private capitalist companies. US have split companies that have had monopolies on a marked before

2018-11-02 11:47:44 UTC

looks activists at wtj did manage to nuke Ralph retorts livestream rights

2018-11-02 11:49:12 UTC

This was probably one of those other targets Deplatform Hate mentioned in that dm.

2018-11-02 11:52:50 UTC

it just strange that he did get nuked the moment he was speaking about how WSJ was making a hit piece on them

2018-11-02 11:56:52 UTC

but banning weapons do work

2018-11-02 12:20:59 UTC hmm under Obama china did have full access and control of cia secret columnisations systems on the internet

2018-11-02 12:27:50 UTC

Imagine my shock....

2018-11-02 12:28:27 UTC


2018-11-02 12:28:34 UTC

labour getting turbo fucked lately

2018-11-02 12:29:36 UTC

well you can have jews or muslins in your party never both

The Turbo fucking will continue until the Commies are driven out

2018-11-02 12:38:53 UTC

which may mean the dissolution of the party at this rate

2018-11-02 12:41:34 UTC

yeah can't have a party with no members

2018-11-02 12:41:39 UTC


2018-11-02 12:42:07 UTC

not be surprised when it comes out they are inflating the member numbers to look bigger then what they actually are

2018-11-02 12:42:38 UTC

registration botting!!! for everyone!!!!!

2018-11-02 13:54:17 UTC


2018-11-02 13:54:17 UTC


2018-11-02 13:54:32 UTC

the fifth amendment doesn't apply because you're not a US citizen you tard

2018-11-02 13:54:36 UTC

Btw nice headline "migrants traveling"

2018-11-02 13:54:45 UTC


2018-11-02 13:54:53 UTC

Lawyer representing them will be Avenati

Yeah we can throw that one out

2018-11-02 14:03:02 UTC

```examining digital devices of complainants is not automatically a reasonable line of enquiry ```


2018-11-02 14:12:56 UTC

Oh that Fox story gets better

2018-11-02 14:13:03 UTC

But muh terrorists

They are doing a class action on behalf of non-citizens

people that have never entered the country

2018-11-02 14:45:46 UTC

I feel like Turkey just keeps pushing this whole thing into conspiracy theory territory more and more

2018-11-02 15:13:53 UTC

What a shitty bouncer

2018-11-02 15:15:53 UTC

How the fuck

2018-11-02 15:30:24 UTC

This is what happens when men are afraid of the consequences of the optics of their actions

2018-11-02 15:37:22 UTC

Well at that point it means Turkey is a part of it. Because saudis said thr body was given to turkish contacts. But still in all of this dont know where it has anything to do wtih the US.

was the bouncer a child?

or did he just like it?

was it the nearest thing to a hug he'd had in years?

2018-11-02 16:02:01 UTC

somali influx sounds like a great plan

2018-11-02 16:02:05 UTC


2018-11-02 16:06:23 UTC

Wtf is turkey even doing

2018-11-02 16:16:19 UTC

I thought they already did

Well shit. You know they have normal wheelchairs at airport for when people twist their ankles right?

No need to crawl around on your ass like a snail

Fucking ASDA has wheelchairs

You're in Luton which isn't the fucking Middle East (yet)

```Justin Levene says he had no option but to drag himself through the airport rather than use a chair that needed to be pushed ```

Good Luck with that Law suit

and go back to SCHOOL

```At the airport, staff offered to push him through the terminal on a high-backed wheelchair - an option he rejected as degrading.```

2018-11-02 17:17:59 UTC

Lol then he has no case

2018-11-02 17:18:07 UTC

They offered an alternative

2018-11-02 17:18:36 UTC

Like people who have their baggage not make it. The "noght bag" they give avoids suits

2018-11-02 18:10:45 UTC

being pushed around is degrading but crawling around isn't?

Judge needs to break his back. Oh wait

2018-11-02 20:45:57 UTC

So it's treason then.

2018-11-02 21:17:45 UTC


2018-11-02 21:18:01 UTC

I literally have no idea if this could be real or not at this point

2018-11-02 21:30:39 UTC

what are these caravans even supposed to do?

2018-11-02 21:30:50 UTC

like, if the democrats are sending them, which wouldn't even surprise me

2018-11-02 21:30:56 UTC

vote dems

2018-11-02 21:30:58 UTC

what are they hoping this is going to achieve?

2018-11-02 21:31:07 UTC

it will just make trump look better because he's dealing with them

2018-11-02 21:31:17 UTC

telling them to fuck off

2018-11-02 21:31:20 UTC

it will just make trump look better because he's dealing with them

2018-11-02 21:31:30 UTC

telling them to fuck off

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