Message from @Jabba

Discord ID: 508026779995471873

No need to crawl around on your ass like a snail

Fucking ASDA has wheelchairs

You're in Luton which isn't the fucking Middle East (yet)

```Justin Levene says he had no option but to drag himself through the airport rather than use a chair that needed to be pushed ```

Good Luck with that Law suit

and go back to SCHOOL

```At the airport, staff offered to push him through the terminal on a high-backed wheelchair - an option he rejected as degrading.```

2018-11-02 17:17:59 UTC  

Lol then he has no case

2018-11-02 17:18:07 UTC  

They offered an alternative

2018-11-02 17:18:36 UTC  

Like people who have their baggage not make it. The "noght bag" they give avoids suits

2018-11-02 18:10:45 UTC  

being pushed around is degrading but crawling around isn't?

This was better

a fucking trolley

Judge needs to break his back. Oh wait

2018-11-02 20:45:57 UTC  

So it's treason then.

2018-11-02 21:17:45 UTC  


2018-11-02 21:18:01 UTC  

I literally have no idea if this could be real or not at this point

2018-11-02 21:30:39 UTC  

what are these caravans even supposed to do?

2018-11-02 21:30:50 UTC  

like, if the democrats are sending them, which wouldn't even surprise me

2018-11-02 21:30:56 UTC  

vote dems

2018-11-02 21:30:58 UTC  

what are they hoping this is going to achieve?

2018-11-02 21:31:07 UTC  

it will just make trump look better because he's dealing with them

2018-11-02 21:31:17 UTC  

telling them to fuck off

2018-11-02 21:31:20 UTC  

it will just make trump look better because he's dealing with them

2018-11-02 21:31:30 UTC  

telling them to fuck off

2018-11-02 21:31:40 UTC  

I honestly think the NGO's that do this shit actually hope that someone gets shot by the military, because then they can spin that.

2018-11-02 21:31:42 UTC  

ugh wtf is this laggggg

2018-11-02 21:31:53 UTC  

discord pls

2018-11-02 21:32:00 UTC  

I honestly think the NGO's that do this shit actually hope that someone gets shot by the military, because then they can spin that.

2018-11-02 21:32:15 UTC  

I honestly think the NGO's that do this shit actually hope that someone gets shot by the military, because then they can spin that.

2018-11-02 21:32:34 UTC  


2018-11-02 21:35:33 UTC  

i was thinking about this the other day, they might achieve some sympathy angle, but it also helps the anti immigration people, so does it cancel itself out?

2018-11-02 21:36:33 UTC  

they are definitely gonna push the heartless republicans angle though

2018-11-02 21:36:56 UTC  

we are literally putting children in concentration camps

2018-11-02 21:36:56 UTC  

pushes the divide