
Discord ID: 372507611284766722

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2018-10-01 19:12:47 UTC

I've never been to the east asian countries.

2018-10-01 19:12:53 UTC

Are they worth visiting?

2018-10-01 19:12:58 UTC

Like japan, korea, etc?

2018-10-01 19:13:09 UTC

I learned to walk in Singapore, but dont remember anything

2018-10-01 19:13:12 UTC

Might go in the future if I save up some money the coming year.

2018-10-01 19:13:19 UTC

I would love to visit singapore.

2018-10-01 19:13:28 UTC

But it costs a lot for plane ticket lol

2018-10-01 19:13:29 UTC

@MountainMan go to thailand and fuck ladyboys like the rest of the swedes

2018-10-01 19:13:37 UTC


2018-10-01 19:13:42 UTC

I see you know swedish culture

2018-10-01 19:13:51 UTC

Everyone here either go to thailand or spain

2018-10-01 19:13:55 UTC

Où puis-je trouver des thots

2018-10-01 19:15:03 UTC

Je veux manger des culs.

2018-10-01 19:16:00 UTC

Pour être juste, vous devez comprendre Rick et Morty. L'humour est extrêmement subtil et ne comprend pas la physique théorique. Il y a aussi la conception nihiliste de Rick, qui est habilement intégrée à sa caractérisation - sa philosophie personnelle s'inspire fortement de la littérature Narodnaya Volya, par exemple. Les fans comprennent ce genre de choses. ils ont la capacité intellectuelle de vraiment apprécier la profondeur de ces blagues, de se rendre compte qu'ils ne sont pas seulement drôles - ils disent quelque chose de profond à propos de LIFE. En conséquence, Rick et Morty sont vraiment un Ricki et je pense qu'ils ne sont pas dignes, par exemple, de l'humour dans le slogan existentiel de Rick "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub", qui est une référence cryptée à l'épopée russe de Tourgueniev. Je souris en ce moment même à l'un de ces simplets compliqués qui se grattent la tête alors que l'esprit de génie de Dan Harmon se dévoile sur leurs écrans de télévision. Quels imbéciles .. comment je les plains. 😂

Et oui, au fait, j'ai un tatouage Rick & Morty. Et non, vous ne pouvez pas le voir. C'est pour les yeux des femmes seulement - et même alors, ils doivent démontrer qu'ils sont à moins de 5 points de QI (de préférence plus bas) avant. Nothin staff kid 😎

2018-10-01 19:16:03 UTC

I always wanted to visit Prague, back when i lived in Munich it was pretty close

2018-10-01 19:16:27 UTC

I THOT that strange paris african language was forbidden in this discord

2018-10-01 19:16:36 UTC

I would like to visit my neighboring countries more.

2018-10-01 19:16:44 UTC

Norway, denmark, finland, germany.

2018-10-01 19:16:48 UTC

I want to move to the deep south

2018-10-01 19:16:48 UTC

where are you at anyway

2018-10-01 19:16:56 UTC


2018-10-01 19:16:58 UTC


2018-10-01 19:17:03 UTC


2018-10-01 19:17:11 UTC

Or well. I dont live in gothemburg.

2018-10-01 19:17:27 UTC

I live in a suburb 15 minutes away from gothemburg by train.

2018-10-01 19:17:36 UTC

So I live in a safe place lol

2018-10-01 19:17:48 UTC

(is suburb the right word?)

2018-10-01 19:17:52 UTC


2018-10-01 19:17:56 UTC


2018-10-01 19:18:08 UTC

Qu'est-ce que tu viens juste de dire sur moi petite salope ? je te ferais savoir que je suis sorti premier de ma classe dans la légion étrangère, et j'ai participé à de nombreuses attaques surprises contre Al-Quaeda, j'ai plus de 300 victimes confirmées. Je suis entrainé aux tactiques de gorilla et je suis le meilleur sniper de toutes les forces armées françaises. Tu n'es rien de plus qu'une autre cible. Je te ferais disparaitre de cette putain de planète avec une précision jamais-vue auparavant, souviens-toi de mes putains de paroles. Tu peux pense que tu peux t'en sortir après avoir dit de la merde sur moi sur Internet? Réfléchis-bien, enculé. Au moment où nous parlons je contacte mon réseau d'espions à travers le globe et ton IP se fait tracer en ce moment même alors prépare toi à la tempête, vermine. La tempête qui va balayer cette pathétique petite chose que tu appelles ta vie. T'es putain de mort gamin. Je peux être n'importe où, n'importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de sept-cent manières, et cela juste à mains nues. Je suis non seulement très entrainé au combat à main nue, mais j'ai aussi accès à l'arsenal entier de l'Armée de Terre de la République et je l'utiliserai à son maximum pour rayer ton petit cul du continent, espèce de petite merde. Si seulement tu avais su la vengeance impie qui t'attendait grâce à ton petit commentaire "malin", peut être tu aurais fermé ta gueule. Mais tu ne l'a pas fait, non tu ne l'a pas fait, et maintenant tu en paye le prix, putain d'abruti. Je vais te chier dessus jusqu'à ce que tu te noies dedans.

2018-10-01 19:18:09 UTC

So I grew up in one of the good parts of the country

2018-10-01 19:18:19 UTC


2018-10-01 19:18:21 UTC


2018-10-01 19:18:40 UTC

Je vais te dire ce que je suis.

Je suis pan-démisexuel (ce qui signifie que je suis attiré par les hommes, les femmes et les personnes qui ne s’identifient pas comme homme ou femme - d’où la partie «pan» et demi ce qui signifie que je suis seulement attiré par les gens connexion émotionnelle avec eux), et aussi je considérerais le genre comme une construction sociale arbitraire, donc je me considère généralement comme un genre ou non binaire.

Je me considère également comme un social-démocrate, car je pense que ce système économique est le plus attrayant.

Je me considère aussi comme un athée et un déterministe, car je ne crois pas que dieu existe et je ne crois pas que les êtres humains aient le libre arbitre.

Je suppose que vous pourriez dire que je suis à poil parce que je trouve que certaines illustrations à fourrure sont très bien faites et adorables.

J'aime aussi l'anime.

2018-10-01 19:18:55 UTC

Oh for gods sake

2018-10-01 19:19:18 UTC

unga bunga I'm neither man or woman

2018-10-01 19:19:31 UTC

Le genre est une construction sociale, dictée par les normes sociétales. Parce que le genre change de génération en culture, certaines générations affirmant que les femmes ne peuvent pas porter de pantalon, et la prochaine fois qu'elles le peuvent, il est clair qu'il n'y a pas vraiment de raison d'être spécifiquement masculin ou féminin. Si quelque chose repose sur des bases aussi faibles, cela ne peut pas être considéré comme une base objective pour classer les personnes, et nombre des normes imposées par le genre binaire sont en fait nuisibles aux personnes. L'idée que les hommes ne peuvent pas s'exprimer comme ils veulent s'ils sont plus féminins dans beaucoup d'endroits, les parents craignant que leurs enfants soient homosexuels à cause de stéréotypes négatifs et de mensonges sur les personnes trans. Ce sont toutes des manières dont le genre opprime les gens, ainsi que chaque problème d'oppression sexuée à travers l'histoire. Je conviens avec Mary Wolstonecraft que l'oppression liée au genre vient de considérer les hommes et les femmes comme des choses séparées, alors qu'en réalité cette notion ne repose sur rien de concret, ce n'est pas scientifique, cela existe déjà avant le christianisme. C'est tout autant un culte stupide d'une idée que le christianisme, car le genre est un mythe totalement non scientifique. En fait, les scientifiques modernes rejettent également l'idée du genre binaire. Lisez des articles sur Harvard sur ce que signifie l'identité trans.

2018-10-01 19:19:45 UTC


2018-10-01 19:19:48 UTC

🥖 <:mittens:382563105743306752>

2018-10-01 19:19:49 UTC


2018-10-01 19:20:10 UTC

you give up so easily.

2018-10-01 19:20:18 UTC

very well. all you had to do was beg.

2018-10-01 19:20:22 UTC


2018-10-01 19:20:42 UTC

where did the word "yoink" come from

2018-10-01 19:20:49 UTC


2018-10-01 19:20:52 UTC


2018-10-01 19:20:59 UTC

yoink is the opposite of yeet

2018-10-01 19:21:03 UTC


2018-10-01 19:21:10 UTC


2018-10-01 19:21:22 UTC

yoink is what you say when you steal something in plain sight

2018-10-01 19:21:26 UTC


2018-10-01 19:21:32 UTC

and yeet is when you throw something

2018-10-01 19:21:36 UTC

ok wtf is a yeet

2018-10-01 19:21:40 UTC

boom they're opposites

2018-10-01 19:21:46 UTC

M4Gunner [USA]Today at 9:21 PM
ok wtf is a yeet

2018-10-01 19:21:50 UTC

are you a boomer

2018-10-01 19:21:55 UTC

answer truthfully

2018-10-01 19:21:57 UTC

nigga i am over 30

2018-10-01 19:22:00 UTC


2018-10-01 19:22:03 UTC

explains a lot

2018-10-01 19:22:15 UTC

uhh a yeet is when you throw something

2018-10-01 19:22:40 UTC

this is where it comes from

2018-10-01 19:22:41 UTC

okay well traditionally you would just say "think fast"

2018-10-01 19:22:50 UTC

no not like that

2018-10-01 19:22:54 UTC

like actually throwing

2018-10-01 19:22:56 UTC

not passing

2018-10-01 19:23:23 UTC

i dont use a lot of newer black slang, mostly old school

2018-10-01 19:23:28 UTC

the video is where the word comes from

2018-10-01 19:23:34 UTC

i doubt that

2018-10-01 19:23:34 UTC

it got adopted by a lot of people pretty fast

2018-10-01 19:23:45 UTC

it was probly hood slang before that video

2018-10-01 19:23:55 UTC

its probably older. but thats how it spread here lmao.

2018-10-01 19:24:20 UTC

Yeah. Lot of my english vocabulary is ebonics. Considering its pretty normal in series n shit.

2018-10-01 19:24:29 UTC

So American hood slang I'm kinda used to

2018-10-01 19:24:39 UTC

that cant be a good thing lol

2018-10-01 19:25:02 UTC

**Feadship#4564** was cleansed from the server.

2018-10-01 19:25:04 UTC

for instance if you come to america you should probly talk like a white herb

2018-10-01 19:25:04 UTC

Well you're talking to me right now, are there any avid problems?

2018-10-01 19:25:13 UTC


2018-10-01 19:25:39 UTC

unless youre talking to ghetto trash like me 😄

2018-10-01 19:25:46 UTC

Dunno if I would like america. No offence but ya'll dont seem like the friendliest people in the world.

2018-10-01 19:26:08 UTC

it depends on what area

2018-10-01 19:26:13 UTC

Yeah true.

2018-10-01 19:26:23 UTC

people are less friendly in the city

2018-10-01 19:26:51 UTC

>less friendly in cities
>more racist in villages
what do

2018-10-01 19:27:13 UTC

a freind of mine visited the US in the 90s, booked some place in harlem. when he was coming up the stairs from the subway some black folk wanted to rip him off. he was like "I am a german tourist, is this how you welcome guests?" they ended up helping him with his lugagge 😄

2018-10-01 19:27:46 UTC

Old friend moved to America because her father got a job there

2018-10-01 19:27:55 UTC

Cat calling seems really common over there

2018-10-01 19:28:07 UTC

Abnormally common compared to here

2018-10-01 19:28:20 UTC

And it was in south carolina if I remember correctly?

2018-10-01 19:28:24 UTC

interesting, generally i only see fratboys do that

2018-10-01 19:28:48 UTC

is a HOLLA catcalling?

2018-10-01 19:28:55 UTC

"nice ass"

2018-10-01 19:29:00 UTC

that sort of thing

2018-10-01 19:29:15 UTC

i never see people just say that

2018-10-01 19:29:32 UTC

I've heard it when we used to video chat lmao

2018-10-01 19:29:38 UTC

She told me it was pretty common there

2018-10-01 19:29:43 UTC

what part

2018-10-01 19:29:44 UTC

Might've just been the region? I dunno.

2018-10-01 19:29:51 UTC

Somewhere in south carolina

2018-10-01 19:29:57 UTC

Cant specify because I dont know where.

2018-10-01 19:29:57 UTC

black area?

2018-10-01 19:30:07 UTC

Not sure. Middle income.

2018-10-01 19:30:12 UTC

sounds like it

2018-10-01 19:30:27 UTC

it sounds like something only black people would say tbh

2018-10-01 19:30:35 UTC

they can be pretty boisterous

2018-10-01 19:30:53 UTC

American black people seem really different to actual black migrants I've met.

2018-10-01 19:30:57 UTC

the only white dudes that act like that are college fuckboys

2018-10-01 19:31:14 UTC

I see

2018-10-01 19:31:18 UTC

Wouldnt surprise me tbh

2018-10-01 19:32:19 UTC

You can compliment a woman's body under certain conditions but even if you just said "nice legs" to a stranger, they might get pissed

2018-10-01 19:32:55 UTC

Yeah. You don't really just compliment strangers here.

2018-10-01 19:33:14 UTC

people do here, but mostly based on clothing choice

2018-10-01 19:33:28 UTC

That would be more normal for girls to do here

2018-10-01 19:33:40 UTC

nice dick

2018-10-01 19:33:42 UTC


2018-10-01 19:33:45 UTC

you too

2018-10-01 19:33:49 UTC

probly here too unless you make a sudden change

2018-10-01 19:34:15 UTC

like a new haircut

2018-10-01 19:34:30 UTC

Now I'm a pretty social guy. And I talk to strangers all the time. But its usually small convo starters.

2018-10-01 19:34:40 UTC

But compliments arent really something I personally give a lot

2018-10-01 19:34:49 UTC

Only if I kinda know the person

2018-10-01 19:35:12 UTC

Cant speak for the rest of the country though.

2018-10-01 19:35:27 UTC

Compliments on simple things make good icebreakers, thats why its common

2018-10-01 19:35:32 UTC

Swedes generally arent that social people when it comes to meeting strangers lmao.

2018-10-01 19:35:35 UTC


2018-10-01 19:35:47 UTC

Here it's just kinda weird and off putting.

2018-10-01 19:35:59 UTC

@MountainMan So you torture swedes with social interaction?

2018-10-01 19:36:04 UTC


2018-10-01 19:36:06 UTC

You know, nice glasses, oh thank you, here's a compliment for you too and then how are you

2018-10-01 19:36:30 UTC

A compliment is something I would maybe give the second or third time I meet someone

2018-10-01 19:36:51 UTC

think you can torture most of Scandinavia with social interaction

2018-10-01 19:36:52 UTC

if you notice a girl change literally anything about her appearance you should compliment it, unless youre in a place where it would be inappropriate to do so

2018-10-01 19:37:05 UTC

@Nordhand Agreed. You danes are quite similar right?

2018-10-01 19:37:29 UTC

That I would only do if I know her. @M4Gunner

2018-10-01 19:37:46 UTC

Norway and we are similar on the social interaction stuff

2018-10-01 19:37:51 UTC

Best friend of mine usually appreciates if I compliment her hair after she's cut it n shit

2018-10-01 19:38:13 UTC

the worst case of social interaction phobia is Finland still

2018-10-01 19:38:32 UTC


2018-10-01 19:38:39 UTC

Second is sweden

2018-10-01 19:38:56 UTC

Third I would say denmark?

2018-10-01 19:39:30 UTC

I put them at forth and Norway at third

2018-10-01 19:39:43 UTC

Hmm. I've personally just met a lot of very social norwegians.

2018-10-01 19:40:04 UTC

Met a bunch of them and 5 min in we're starting to joke about commies and some classic dark humor

2018-10-01 19:40:32 UTC

Might've been because they were rather similar to me personality wise. I dunno.

2018-10-01 19:40:41 UTC

Danes I just dont know many.

2018-10-01 19:41:24 UTC

it all depends on where they are from in Norway, longer north you go more easy is it to be social with them.

2018-10-01 19:41:57 UTC

@Nordhand wast is du nationality

2018-10-01 19:42:14 UTC


2018-10-01 19:42:37 UTC

lutefisk lover

2018-10-01 19:43:06 UTC

Ever met someone from Porsgrunn? @Nordhand

2018-10-01 19:43:08 UTC

yall eat rotten fish

2018-10-01 19:43:18 UTC

All of scandinavia eats rotten fish

2018-10-01 19:43:22 UTC

Surströmming squad

2018-10-01 19:43:26 UTC

except for the danes

2018-10-01 19:43:31 UTC

they're the only sensible ones

2018-10-01 19:43:40 UTC

fuck off that shit is poison, I still not understand who the hell it did end up becoming a popular stable of food

2018-10-01 19:43:41 UTC

which is why the ruled over you guys <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-10-01 19:44:09 UTC

@Nordhand its a good way of presserving food

2018-10-01 19:44:16 UTC

tastes like shit but it can survive for long

2018-10-01 19:44:31 UTC

now I hate surströmming. but I can see the reason it exists.

2018-10-01 19:44:57 UTC

we did have it easy under the Danes. we was most self governed as long as we did pay the taxes.

2018-10-01 19:45:08 UTC

doesn't make it any less retarded @MountainMan

2018-10-01 19:45:18 UTC

use more salt you cheap faggot

2018-10-01 19:45:24 UTC

surströmming is a WMD

2018-10-01 19:45:28 UTC

I'm still pissy over the fact that sweden gave ya¨ll a chance to vote for independence @Nordhand

2018-10-01 19:45:38 UTC

actual retardation

2018-10-01 19:45:43 UTC

surströmming is a crime against humanity

2018-10-01 19:45:59 UTC

hey people run out of salt

2018-10-01 19:46:02 UTC

give them some slack

2018-10-01 19:46:26 UTC

fuck that

2018-10-01 19:46:38 UTC

there is literally no reason to keep making that garbage

2018-10-01 19:46:42 UTC


2018-10-01 19:46:53 UTC

only reason is that some crazies like it

2018-10-01 19:47:02 UTC

unless you want to tried for chemical weapons

2018-10-01 19:47:06 UTC

and some larpers who wish to preserve swedish culture or some shit

2018-10-01 19:47:25 UTC

>culture worth preserving

2018-10-01 19:47:40 UTC

köttbullar och potatis

2018-10-01 19:47:53 UTC

I will forever preserve the swedish köttbullar

2018-10-01 19:48:06 UTC

and dancing around the earthdick.

2018-10-01 19:48:11 UTC

also fun thing

2018-10-01 19:48:49 UTC

köttbullar ❤

2018-10-01 19:48:51 UTC

it's in kurdshit

2018-10-01 19:48:54 UTC

well the earthdick day is when you can get dead drunk and no one bates an eye

2018-10-01 19:48:59 UTC


2018-10-01 19:49:21 UTC

now I don't usually celebrate it cuz I dont have anyone to celebrate it with

2018-10-01 19:49:24 UTC

but its still fun

2018-10-01 19:49:38 UTC

I'm craving KÖTTBULLAR

2018-10-01 19:50:00 UTC

@Nordhand Whats kräftskiva in english

2018-10-01 19:51:02 UTC

not sure

2018-10-01 19:51:41 UTC


2018-10-01 19:51:50 UTC

do you call it that in norwegian too?

2018-10-01 19:52:04 UTC

nevermind ya'll prob do

2018-10-01 19:54:07 UTC

crawfish party

2018-10-01 19:54:12 UTC

you goddamn mong

2018-10-01 19:54:56 UTC


2018-10-01 19:58:22 UTC

the Stauffenberg conspirators wanted to use it when they had overthrown hitler

2018-10-01 20:15:26 UTC

brick obamo

2018-10-01 20:19:47 UTC

it looks like inverse norway

2018-10-01 21:18:19 UTC

@meratrix I partitoned my drive, and now have Linux Mint fully operational on my computer

2018-10-01 21:23:29 UTC

but why

2018-10-01 21:23:43 UTC

idk just wanted to try it out

2018-10-01 21:23:46 UTC

gave me something to do

2018-10-01 21:25:55 UTC

is mint not-shit yet?

2018-10-01 21:42:01 UTC

Portal SFM may not be your thing, but holy shit, how much time do you think it took to animate a full 30 minute SFM

2018-10-01 21:51:14 UTC

I have found Ubuntu Mate better than Mint

2018-10-01 22:05:19 UTC

pffft.. gentoo mate or bust

2018-10-01 22:07:49 UTC

Ubuntu Mate is bae, but I still prefer pure Debian.

2018-10-01 22:11:38 UTC

@meratrix debian? more like lesbian

2018-10-01 22:14:23 UTC

Hey, at-least it’s not Arch, fuck that shit.

2018-10-01 22:15:34 UTC

My roommate operates Debian entirely mouseless. Means we can’t fuck with by pulling meatspin up on his screen though.

2018-10-01 22:15:58 UTC

how tho

2018-10-01 22:16:11 UTC

with his keyboard nibba, how else.

2018-10-01 22:16:20 UTC

I mean does he play games

2018-10-01 22:16:52 UTC

he doesn't

2018-10-01 22:17:02 UTC

linux is for faggots who don't want to play games

2018-10-01 22:17:04 UTC

it still has a mouse when you open applications that have a GUI.

2018-10-01 22:17:13 UTC

you don't game in linux

2018-10-01 22:17:25 UTC

Uh-oh, Sargoi is on it.

2018-10-01 22:17:27 UTC

you only be a faggot in it

2018-10-01 22:17:49 UTC

christ sake, he even has a terminal based music player.

2018-10-01 22:18:12 UTC

Oh shit, we talking TempleOS?

2018-10-01 22:18:27 UTC

no, very highly customized debian.

2018-10-01 22:19:41 UTC

I told Chrome to go fuck itself, and installed Firefox

2018-10-01 22:19:56 UTC

> Plug about using Porteus goes here

2018-10-01 22:19:59 UTC

Netscape my dude.

2018-10-01 22:20:00 UTC


2018-10-01 22:20:40 UTC

**S A R G O N W A V E**

2018-10-01 22:20:53 UTC

**U K I P W A V E**

2018-10-01 22:22:31 UTC

2018-10-01 22:26:54 UTC
2018-10-01 22:27:31 UTC

idk why no one's been talking about this today

2018-10-01 22:30:43 UTC

NAFTA, more like, GAYFTA

2018-10-01 22:30:45 UTC


2018-10-01 22:31:38 UTC

got 'em

2018-10-01 22:32:28 UTC

man i think i need to sleep on the sofa tonight rip

2018-10-01 22:32:33 UTC

US auto makers who produce cars in North America are required to pay their employees a MINIMUM of US$16/hr

2018-10-01 22:55:56 UTC

"But Trump has no idea how to handle international treaty making."

2018-10-01 22:56:10 UTC

lol k

2018-10-01 23:01:31 UTC

Ahh, fuck

2018-10-01 23:06:24 UTC

Vid looks like they edited it down to the few seconds where it didn't fall on its ass

2018-10-01 23:06:27 UTC

Looks like it has the same balance and articulations most robots do

2018-10-01 23:07:33 UTC


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