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my missus didn't wear make up

2018-03-29 19:44:07 UTC

Well it seems my Muslim apologist mother in law is already on my ass.

2018-03-29 19:44:17 UTC

No bones about it. Just gotta drop harder red pills.

2018-03-29 19:44:17 UTC

Well in the context of the video what he's saying makes fine sense

2018-03-29 19:45:11 UTC

Dusty still doesn't take him out of context

2018-03-29 19:45:25 UTC


2018-03-29 19:45:30 UTC

He's just saying his argument is wrong

2018-03-29 19:45:58 UTC

well it's not wrong persay it's missguided and not built on a soild foundation

2018-03-29 19:46:13 UTC

What's Dusty's argument?

2018-03-29 19:46:20 UTC

he is accusing him of being a charlatan

2018-03-29 19:46:31 UTC

Oh that was a Dusty video before

2018-03-29 19:46:50 UTC

oh he is a charlatan but one with a point and a usefull one at that

2018-03-29 19:47:07 UTC


2018-03-29 19:47:25 UTC

this is where he comments on the make up thing

2018-03-29 19:47:50 UTC

Iv'e linked the point in the video where he does that

2018-03-29 19:47:52 UTC

Okay yeah that edited video left out parts that make Peterson's point sound worse

2018-03-29 19:48:11 UTC

but it's not outside his actual point

2018-03-29 19:48:48 UTC

i seen almost all of petersons work it is flawed but dusty is not doing it full justice

2018-03-29 19:49:42 UTC

what dusty is missing is peterson is not the kind of christan dusty thinks he is

I will stand from experience Make up is Female Vs Female

2018-03-29 19:50:02 UTC

he's more like a deist

2018-03-29 19:50:07 UTC


2018-03-29 19:50:14 UTC

he does not think theres a god

2018-03-29 19:50:30 UTC

peterson is an athiest he just uses god as an axium

2018-03-29 19:50:41 UTC

it;s a part of your sould as it were

2018-03-29 19:51:10 UTC

```I will stand from experience Make up is Female Vs Female```Definitely

2018-03-29 19:51:11 UTC

I think Peterson is kinda being hypocritical about his religious believes @flyingfoxel

2018-03-29 19:51:18 UTC

he also implies Jordan Peterson wants to punch women in the video.

2018-03-29 19:51:34 UTC

dusty is a joke

2018-03-29 19:52:02 UTC

god is almost a tool to paterson it's more of an explaination of the aspects of what we precive to be a soul then an actual sky daddy

I've got my mic sorted out and we have a actual subject

2018-03-29 19:52:13 UTC

I really don't like how Dusty after every point will go on to say something snide like "maybe it's showing how poor _your_ ability to interact socially is", etc.

2018-03-29 19:52:31 UTC

dusty is right to try to critizise but not capable enough to do it right

2018-03-29 19:52:54 UTC

Yet he refuses to answer the question "do you believe in god?"

2018-03-29 19:53:18 UTC

no he answers the question in a lecture

2018-03-29 19:53:34 UTC

he answer to what god is in full takes about 4 hours to explain

2018-03-29 19:53:35 UTC

He never say a clear yes or no

2018-03-29 19:54:19 UTC

and too be honest the reason he cant say yes or no is because what he believes is not common to eithor sides understanding

2018-03-29 19:54:38 UTC

Jordan Peterson does believe in God. He is a christian

2018-03-29 19:54:55 UTC

it would cause more confusion to say yes then back peddel because his yes means something else entirely

2018-03-29 19:55:02 UTC

he has never concealed his faith

2018-03-29 19:55:15 UTC

Jordan is the benign christian out there

2018-03-29 19:55:19 UTC

his faith is not faith

2018-03-29 19:55:23 UTC

he conceals it behind a 4 hour lecture on what he believes the concept of "god" to be <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-03-29 19:56:07 UTC

it's an understanding of what god is then acceptance of it's nessiity in the human experiance

I fixed my Audio BOOOOYSSSS

2018-03-29 19:57:07 UTC

Well I deny it's necessity

2018-03-29 19:57:17 UTC

chavs invading vc

2018-03-29 19:57:41 UTC

there are genuine criticism to be made and people slander in with lies to defame him because of his political activity and conservative views.

2018-03-29 19:58:14 UTC

plenty of valid criticisms of him and his views, there's no need to make shit up in order to slander him, but that's what you do nowadays

2018-03-29 19:58:19 UTC

Usually it's the sjw who do that

2018-03-29 19:58:43 UTC

He gets some more legit criticism from the anti sjw side

2018-03-29 19:59:06 UTC

@Baraban this is the porblem with peterson nessisty is not what you think i mean

2018-03-29 19:59:30 UTC

I have a pretty good idea of what he means

2018-03-29 19:59:52 UTC

I watched a lot of videos from him

2018-03-29 20:03:50 UTC


2018-03-29 20:04:22 UTC


2018-03-29 20:05:00 UTC

It's worth noting that my mother in law is someone who's already accused me of being a racist before when I said "we should address islamic terrorism for what it is" and who has used the "religion of peace" buzzword before.

2018-03-29 20:05:09 UTC

2018-03-29 20:05:20 UTC

I'm ready, come what may.

2018-03-29 20:05:25 UTC


2018-03-29 20:05:30 UTC

there's a culture within atheist communities to just attack anyone that believes in god. This is why i don't call myself atheist anymore (though that is what i am) because everyone assumes that you are intolerant of religious people.

2018-03-29 20:05:42 UTC

@Hyddraigon what is this refering to ?

2018-03-29 20:05:50 UTC

Tommy Robinson's twitter ban.

2018-03-29 20:05:56 UTC

ja k

2018-03-29 20:06:00 UTC

Already her seeing me supporting him is gonna be a red flag in her book.

2018-03-29 20:06:03 UTC

It sounds like Peterson believes in enlightenment and that is what Jesus attained.

2018-03-29 20:06:29 UTC

As an explanation to how he could be resurrected

2018-03-29 20:08:03 UTC


2018-03-29 20:09:29 UTC

Listen towards the end of the video

2018-03-29 20:09:54 UTC

Comparing Jesus to Buddha and such

2018-03-29 20:10:29 UTC

Jordan Peterson talks a lot about archetypes

2018-03-29 20:10:37 UTC

Carl Jung believed in reincarnation

2018-03-29 20:10:58 UTC

have you read his new book yet?

2018-03-29 20:11:04 UTC

read chapter 6 if you get the chance

2018-03-29 20:11:06 UTC

It's in the 'Red book' of his

2018-03-29 20:11:17 UTC

12 rules for life

2018-03-29 20:13:01 UTC

I'm not saying there isn't some good content in his work, most of it is speculative however and the ultimate aim seems to lead people towards a christian worldview.

2018-03-29 20:16:15 UTC

Dusty made a good video about Sargon as well.

2018-03-29 20:16:28 UTC

What does he say about him?

2018-03-29 20:18:08 UTC

'as well'

2018-03-29 20:18:13 UTC

well the jordan peterson video wasnt good

2018-03-29 20:23:50 UTC

Did Dusty used to be considered good?

2018-03-29 20:29:45 UTC

Heโ€™s been around since old days of atheist youtube, honestly, I always thought he was kind of a cunt.

2018-03-29 20:30:41 UTC

He would just start shit with christians on the sidewalk, and itโ€™s like due, how about you actually do something constructive instead of just being an asshole.

2018-03-29 20:31:54 UTC

I used to watch only him and TJ

2018-03-29 20:32:09 UTC

maybe thunderf00t too from time to time

2018-03-29 20:32:26 UTC

they were the only ones around back than

2018-03-29 20:32:33 UTC

for me it was Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins.

2018-03-29 20:32:45 UTC

TJ was kind of a tool always

2018-03-29 20:32:56 UTC

I stil like TJ

2018-03-29 20:33:32 UTC

drunken peasants was never very good as well

2018-03-29 20:33:56 UTC

The Bible Reloaded anybody?

2018-03-29 20:34:41 UTC

Oh yeah I remember these guys

2018-03-29 20:34:57 UTC

I still watch one of their videos from time to time.

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