
Discord ID: 704561847134584893

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2020-04-28 14:08:50 UTC

Right now, at least, keywords need to be avoided.

2020-04-28 14:11:41 UTC

May be good to attempt creating sort of closed non profit groups in various states with the goal of being prepared for disasters. All this stuff, medical, survival, self defense, and so on is important for everyone and more shit can happen to someone than just regular tyranny.

2020-04-28 14:13:45 UTC

Meet occasionally for stuff like workshops on first aid, bushcraft, weapon maintenance, and so on.

2020-04-28 14:19:05 UTC

I think we should be do our part during this COVID situation.

2020-04-28 14:19:14 UTC

Volunteer around and help the nation.

2020-04-28 14:19:18 UTC

Thatโ€™s GOOD press.

2020-04-28 14:20:47 UTC

^ those are great ideas

2020-04-28 14:21:22 UTC

I've been trying to get my group to do some things for our local community as well

2020-04-28 14:21:53 UTC

Thatโ€™s good shit man.

2020-04-28 14:22:52 UTC

Organizing around the neighborhood, offering to help senior citizens get groceries delivered, etc.

2020-04-28 14:23:11 UTC

Thatโ€™s what we *need*.

2020-04-28 14:23:18 UTC

I'm big for voluntaryism. The government is horribly inefficient at helping people but there's stuff we can do.

2020-04-28 14:25:46 UTC

Self reliance is defiance.

2020-04-28 14:29:42 UTC

I put something in <#704466319793192990> given that's where I'm at

2020-04-28 14:29:50 UTC


2020-04-28 15:15:06 UTC

Untill guys stop posting shit like this and pictures of guns pointed at their dicks we will never be taken seirously. We seir need to grow up.


2020-04-28 15:17:51 UTC

Well aware.

2020-04-28 15:27:41 UTC

Isn't that the point? Newsflash the "normies" never will. I've been in this movement over 10 years whether conservative 3pers, militia I helped organize one of the largest FB gatherings of "patriotic" americans through a page called "The DC Clothesline" on FB before they turned total Alex Jones. The patriot Teams (broken up by zones example Mi, OH, IN) were a success in getting about 500k pissed off "boomers", Revolutionaries (aka boog bois) etc.
It always goes the same way.
We get pissed off stockpile shit talk shit and die old with an Arsenal like my grandfather.

How can we make this different?

2020-04-28 15:28:22 UTC

Im already kicking 40's door down bois

2020-04-28 15:47:33 UTC

No the point is to put out good optics.. no we wont win over everyone but alienating the ones that are center dosent help the cause.. neither does giving the media more ammunition like this to paint us as crased lunatics.. like with the guy that drove around " hunting " cops.. we should have talked him down.. or at the very least put out a public statement say he was not part of our ideals.. if you are here just to shoot cops you are in the wrong place imo. We should be promoting LIBERTY AND FREEDOM not alot cops and everyone we dont agree with. We are an speedos nation. The government has too much power and overreach with no concern to humal life..

2020-04-28 17:14:09 UTC

So crazy thought, but the idea of a well organized protest that we use to get our message out?
And I dont mean a bunch of us out in full kit, or even camo that gets the MSM to dismiss us out of hand, I mean buisness casual, CC if you'd like, and do it when and where the cameras are going to be anyway. I mean in my state the governor and the mayor have daily press conferences that if say 100 peaceful people showed up to unannounced with a statement to make, that might get the ball rolling in terms of putting our message out

2020-04-28 17:16:40 UTC

Lets use the current "crisis" and politician's ego against them. Its not like they're gonna stop doing there daily show and tell and most people have that crap on if for nothing else than as background noise lol

2020-04-28 17:20:47 UTC

I agree with Madison. Itโ€™s great weโ€™re all willing to go out in full kit. But once we do that we become a meme to all the people on the left that paint us as the right. Sometimes we need a different approach to get our message out

2020-04-28 17:27:47 UTC

I think both sides of that coin are equally important

2020-04-28 17:28:39 UTC

we require the "goons" as a deterrent to government agencies trying to push us out and snuff out our protests
but we also need the CCW well dressed groomed and well spoken gentlemen to engage with media and statemen

2020-04-28 17:30:12 UTC

We gotta have an olive branch in one hand and a very mighty arrow in the other

2020-04-28 17:30:49 UTC

Of course! Iโ€™m not saying get rid of the goons! Diplomatic methods only work for so long and so much. My problem is the picture that gets painted of us right now especially with the virus going on. It gives the media ammo to make us look like the conservatives crying for a haircut. We have a powerful message that a lot of people relate too but sometimes they see a bunch of armed men and assume โ€œradical right groupโ€

2020-04-28 17:31:47 UTC

Can we tap into the Sanctuary movment?

2020-04-28 17:31:53 UTC

We have to work to separate ourselves from that image
because I'm 100% certain our goons weren't there with haircut signs

2020-04-28 17:32:20 UTC

And for the most part I'm pretty sure we have plenty of gripes against Trump and Republican policies

2020-04-28 17:33:23 UTC

Exactly!! A wise man once said โ€œto the right weโ€™re liberals with guns and to the left weโ€™re conservatives that smoke weedโ€

2020-04-28 17:33:39 UTC

We need some individuals that are familiar with media relations

2020-04-28 17:33:47 UTC

Lol idk about that but we don't fit in with the typical narrative

2020-04-28 17:35:41 UTC

The point is that not many look deep enough into our message to see past certain views such as legalization of drugs and firearm ownership

2020-04-28 17:43:48 UTC

While I agree, I think our immediate goal should be just getting people to look into the movement. The more that they look and engage, and the more we show what we're really like, how we're looking not for a fight that we just want to be left alone by the government, the better.

2020-04-28 17:44:39 UTC

Canโ€™t appeal if people arenโ€™t looking into us.

2020-04-28 17:46:03 UTC

> we require the "goons" as a deterrent to government agencies trying to push us out and snuff out our protests
> but we also need the CCW well dressed groomed and well spoken gentlemen to engage with media and statemen
So how has that worked so far... has having goon go out in full kit made any impact on any legislation at all. All it does is make us look like bullies. And get us called racist

2020-04-28 17:49:12 UTC

Because the way it works is we get the people involved with us. They realize they are us, and as we grow, the people who can make things happen are going to be with us. The founders were just some guys meeting and bitching about how the British sucked. And then enough of the kind of people who make changes happen were bitching with them and then they went about MAKING the changes. Seems to me that if it worked for them, it can work for us

2020-04-28 17:51:35 UTC

@Redneck_Thor we gotta work to change the culture
We make seeing full kit normal it only adds to our freedom of movement

2020-04-28 17:52:01 UTC

Look into Trex arms comments on those ideas
10 years ago seeing full kit at the range even was considered laughable

2020-04-28 17:52:11 UTC

today many more do so because it's been normalized

2020-04-28 17:52:26 UTC

If people would actually step up and help each other then I might agree

2020-04-28 17:52:28 UTC

@Redneck_Thor I honestly think that no matter what we do these days, someone trying to score political points are going to call us racist anyway. I don't really care if people call us that so long as we actually aren't racist. I personally don't give a flying fuck what color someone is or what religion they do or don't subscribe to, what matters to me is they agree to put personal liberties first and foremost.

2020-04-28 17:53:57 UTC

Like the dude that got arrested at a protest recently. He was a chp holder. Noone stepped up to stop the police from arresting him. We just look like a bunch of larpers. We have to start protecting each other

2020-04-28 17:55:09 UTC

@Bob Dole you are missing the point. It's fine if you dont care. And I agree. What matters is what other people believe. Especially if you are trying to change that

2020-04-28 17:55:09 UTC

@Redneck_Thor easier said than done

2020-04-28 17:55:25 UTC

@Redneck_Thor baby steps either ways

2020-04-28 17:55:46 UTC

Not really. Cop tries to harass then 20 ppl step up and fight back.

2020-04-28 17:56:08 UTC

@Redneck_Thor lots of people have families man

2020-04-28 17:56:11 UTC

Hard choice to make

2020-04-28 17:57:36 UTC

Yea I'm one of them. If it's that hard of a choice then this movement will fail. Being willing to loose everything is the only way to change

2020-04-28 17:58:50 UTC

We have to be willing to loose it all .. our founders had families and riches that they risked

2020-04-28 18:00:05 UTC

i see waht @Redneck_Thor is saying aswell as @Dejectedhook04 ..nobody wants to make the move because the end outcome is so uncertain.if a cop starts to arrest one of us out of a group..thats grounds for execution...ask Lemp, but nobody knows if the rest will arise to the call.and if they do then what,we dont have a solid objective atm,more of a rough draft if you will,how would we move foward when we do have a green light,these are the issues that need resolved before we do make a power play

2020-04-28 18:01:17 UTC

Exactly. I appreciate any ideas or input from anyone but if you show up at an event or protest don't be there unless you realize and are ok with taking reasoned action that may nkt end well

2020-04-28 18:01:34 UTC


2020-04-28 18:04:11 UTC

people need to understand the turning point we are currently at...we dont have guns and armor and all that jazz to look cool,or atleast you shouldnt,you have it to use it.they use theirs and we need to understand that if we are to win this or even have a chance in hell...people are going to die..talking and diplomacy are good but we have done almost all we can in that aspect..people have already died

2020-04-28 18:05:01 UTC

Don't be looking for violence and make Damn sure the media, not live-stream, but the actual media is there. Lets make sure that if its gonna go south, then its gonna get out. Guys in kit getting shot won't make the news but guys in button downs who don't seem all that bad getting shot will get coverage. But again, the idea is not having that happen. We protest, make a single statement on the matter of liberty then go.

2020-04-28 18:05:48 UTC

that is another good point.being silenced when it happens

2020-04-28 18:05:52 UTC

scary stuff

2020-04-28 18:06:02 UTC

Guys, I have an alternative idea. What is the most common thing that we have in common, our biggest complaint?

2020-04-28 18:07:01 UTC

The government overreach, right?

2020-04-28 18:07:16 UTC

Hang on bear with me, have 2 toddlers loose in the house. It's like herding cats

2020-04-28 18:07:26 UTC

Lol same

2020-04-28 18:07:56 UTC

Oh god Iโ€™m sorry ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-04-28 18:08:28 UTC

@TonyB don't be it was hella fun making them๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-04-28 18:09:27 UTC

Lmao I fuckin bet

2020-04-28 18:09:32 UTC

Quick sidenote: this is why its important to get together irl. Typing takes time and I lose so much in texts

2020-04-28 18:09:40 UTC


2020-04-28 18:09:54 UTC

Closest people to me at an hour and 45 mins

2020-04-28 18:10:33 UTC

So anyway, what if we get a few guys on camera. Respectable dudes not kitted out. Make a "boog news network" reporting on the verifiable instances of individual liberties being trampled? Due to human nature the majority of viable reports will probably have minority victims, so if we simply report on those that will help defeat the false racism claims that will undoubtedly come. We can also have segments with "tactical Tony" or farmer Frank or whatever to go over some instructional self sufficiency material

2020-04-28 18:10:44 UTC

Yeah no kidding. F2F is a lot better

2020-04-28 18:11:11 UTC

I was thinking something about a Podcast type of deal last night but I wasnโ€™t sure how to explain that

2020-04-28 18:11:16 UTC

I think itโ€™s an amazing idea

2020-04-28 18:11:23 UTC


2020-04-28 18:11:38 UTC

Just get the info out there. Make it appeable to normies

2020-04-28 18:12:10 UTC

Something (not it) but like IG Live. How one person can go up, bring a new person on every time, like a shitty Boog talk show

2020-04-28 18:12:17 UTC

And probably stop calling them normies ๐Ÿคฃ

2020-04-28 18:12:27 UTC

Not even live, just something like it

2020-04-28 18:12:31 UTC

@TonyB yeah along those lines

2020-04-28 18:12:40 UTC

Doesnโ€™t even have to be F2F

2020-04-28 18:12:53 UTC

Honestly that would probably make it better if I wasnโ€™t

2020-04-28 18:13:14 UTC

That's a great idea. We just need follow threw. We had some guys that where going to do a podcast and as soon as we got locked down they fell off the map

2020-04-28 18:13:15 UTC

But if we do that and I like the idea, we have the same problem of numbers. To make shit happen you gotta have numbers. And building takes time. So piggyback on the MSM to get to the numbers

2020-04-28 18:13:54 UTC

Shit that is a big part of the problem no follow threw. Same with f2f. Guys wont get off their assed and do it.

2020-04-28 18:14:16 UTC

Back to the human nature part, and this is a little off topic, but it is human nature to โ€œrootโ€ for the underdogs. Talking about public relations and our vision if we can make ourselves look like the underdogs itโ€™ll be a hell of a lot easier to get more people on our side

2020-04-28 18:14:22 UTC

People ALWAYS go for the underdogs

2020-04-28 18:14:32 UTC

Unless theyโ€™re fucking Patriots fans

2020-04-28 18:14:35 UTC

Thats why now seems to be the time. Ain't nobody doin shit. So lets get our fat lazy asses dressed like humans and crash a press conference.

2020-04-28 18:17:31 UTC

Not to mention, I think it would be a good idea to try to get in front of bad PR. You know sooner or later some tragedy is going to happen, some mass shooting or another thing, and itll be blamed on the โ€œTerrorist group who calls themselves the Boojahideenโ€

2020-04-28 18:17:55 UTC

Im in mass. If 100 guys show up to make a statement at Marty Walsh stupid press conference, its gonna make the news

2020-04-28 18:18:19 UTC

Granted, I donโ€™t know Jack shit about podcasts or anything along those lines. Iโ€™m a 20 year old with zero life experience. Just throwing ideas out

2020-04-28 18:18:27 UTC

And yeah definitely Madison

2020-04-28 18:18:36 UTC

Weโ€™d need a larger presence then the mainstream

2020-04-28 18:19:06 UTC

Well I'm going down to the protest on Friday in San Diego, will almost certainly be press there. I will say that I don't think I am the type who should be on camera, doubt anyone wants to see another fat white bearded dude

2020-04-28 18:19:55 UTC

I heard thereโ€™s one in SC, ill try to see what the others are doing.

2020-04-28 18:20:39 UTC

@Bob Dole I mean I'm all for hiring a smoking hot chick to come, drop top and tell the government to fuck off but the wife...

2020-04-28 18:21:52 UTC

I have experience setting up pirate radio stations, could start setting them up around the country, they are portable too, harder to shut down

2020-04-28 18:21:53 UTC

Yeah my gf should slit my throat in my sleep

2020-04-28 18:22:09 UTC

Yeah even starting with a radio would be a good idea.

2020-04-28 18:22:41 UTC

Although Iโ€™m torn, maybe beginning with a radio would be better but I feel like if we can attach a face to a movement, thatโ€™s what we need

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