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2018-12-14 18:58:11 UTC

```Dude not this stupid argument again
Walls are not 100 :100: percent effective
So we should just not build them```

2018-12-14 18:58:23 UTC

condoms also arent 100% effective

2018-12-14 18:58:24 UTC


2018-12-14 18:58:32 UTC


2018-12-14 18:58:36 UTC

so should we stop using them?

2018-12-14 18:58:37 UTC

Well still use them

2018-12-14 18:58:40 UTC


2018-12-14 18:58:48 UTC


2018-12-14 18:58:56 UTC

Thatโ€™s my point ???

2018-12-14 18:59:03 UTC


2018-12-14 18:59:31 UTC

No he thinks we should just ask the people not to have sex in the first place

2018-12-14 18:59:40 UTC

Or like go to a scissors club or something

2018-12-14 18:59:49 UTC

@beyond_gravity scissor me daddy

2018-12-14 18:59:51 UTC


2018-12-14 18:59:55 UTC

You got it babe

2018-12-14 19:00:02 UTC


2018-12-14 19:00:07 UTC


2018-12-14 19:00:19 UTC

Shiver me timbers

2018-12-14 19:01:12 UTC

Hospital treatments are expensive and donโ€™t always work

2018-12-14 19:01:19 UTC

Best we better let you die

2018-12-14 19:01:30 UTC

Or pray for a miracle

2018-12-14 19:01:42 UTC

sword fight?

2018-12-14 19:01:44 UTC


2018-12-14 19:02:15 UTC

No maybe if the person just had good nutrition

2018-12-14 19:02:19 UTC

They wouldnโ€™t get sick

2018-12-14 19:02:31 UTC

Right thatโ€™s how it works isnโ€™t it?

2018-12-14 19:03:03 UTC

That way we can keep our hospitals empty

2018-12-14 19:03:10 UTC

And pray the ghey away

2018-12-14 19:05:40 UTC

I do agree to you that they need to fix their own shit

2018-12-14 19:05:47 UTC

But in the meantime borders work

2018-12-14 19:07:05 UTC

@beyond_gravity control is not the point.

What happened to Mexico is they got NAFTA. Huge amount of American investment money came in and helped them build factories, schools, and services.

There is now over a trillion dollars worth of trade that goes back and forth across that border. And Mexico has been one of the fastest growing economies the last 10 years. Is there a second world country, nothing like what the media would like you to think.

The problem for Central America is, CAFTA failed because it wasn't implemented correctly. Give it a revision and years to work, immigration will no longer be an issue for the Americans.

@McBacoon that's a well made point

2018-12-14 19:07:48 UTC

Fair enough

2018-12-14 19:08:10 UTC

So just invest in them?

2018-12-14 19:08:26 UTC

Seems somewhat too easy

2018-12-14 19:14:02 UTC

@beyond_gravity yeah, is that stupidly simple. The problem is we picked the wrong people to invest in (China being number 1.)

Things here at home or going to get problematic for investments, but come 2035 we'll have plenty of money to invest again.

2018-12-14 19:25:37 UTC

why isnt Haiti member of CAFTA?

2018-12-14 19:28:37 UTC

1) They haven't asked as far as I am aware.
2) They have a strong anti-american group in their politics.

2018-12-14 19:51:20 UTC


2018-12-14 19:51:26 UTC

they poor

2018-12-14 19:51:44 UTC

I watched some kind of a documentary of how people from Haiti go to Dominican

2018-12-14 19:51:49 UTC

every day

2018-12-14 19:51:56 UTC

in the early morning hours

2018-12-14 19:52:01 UTC

to the markets

2018-12-14 19:52:12 UTC

but Dominican is supposedly quite... racist

2018-12-14 19:52:30 UTC

and they dont want to let them in aswell

2018-12-14 19:54:17 UTC

but yeah... how to stay poor 101: fucc amurica

2018-12-14 20:05:43 UTC

"How to stay poor 101: Fuck America"
Best damn thing you ever typed.

2018-12-14 21:58:00 UTC

I fucking hate my country

2018-12-14 21:59:13 UTC

@peachy which is?

2018-12-14 22:00:01 UTC


2018-12-14 22:07:12 UTC

@peachy I personally don't hate my country, but I am ashamed

2018-12-14 22:07:16 UTC
2018-12-14 22:07:21 UTC
2018-12-14 22:32:49 UTC

@peachy lmao, ur country is led by a giant orange

2018-12-14 22:33:47 UTC

wait a minute...

2018-12-14 22:34:06 UTC

I dont like that anime duo

2018-12-14 23:02:44 UTC

Itโ€™s sad what happened to Flynn war vet and the fbi had a perjury trap for him sad Comey even admitted that he got away with it in an interview different standards from Clinton over trump

2018-12-15 16:08:28 UTC

@McBacoon President Trump is amazing

2018-12-15 16:08:51 UTC

He has destroyed the horrible Conservative establishment in favor of something much better

2018-12-15 16:09:54 UTC

He has made progress with North Korea. N and S Korea are now talking about joint Olympic bids, connecting the countries together through infrastructure like railroads, constantly meeting, etc. American hostages have been returned. They have stopped missile tests and blew up some launch sites.

2018-12-15 16:10:41 UTC

Trump got us out of the horrible Paris Climate Accord, which is causing riots in France, even though it's completely non-binding and countries like China can use it to take advantage of anybody who does follow it.

2018-12-15 16:10:59 UTC

Trump is taking a stand on border security

2018-12-15 16:11:38 UTC

Our economy is doing really well, including very low unemployment rates, especially among minority groups.

2018-12-15 16:11:50 UTC

Trump is not perfect, nobody is, but he's doing pretty dang well.

2018-12-15 16:38:16 UTC


2018-12-15 19:53:36 UTC

@atheist4thecause I can't agree with most of that but it's mainly all point of view.

I personally think Trump ran all the smart adults out of the Republican party in place of populist stooges. They can't do math, and tend to hate everyone else. I don't see that going well.

There isn't as much progress as the right likes to boast about with NK, but there has been some and I won't take that credit away. There is not physical connects of the two countries besides the DMZ points (still the same.) I personally have no respect for hostages dumb enough to go to a country that consistently does so.

Paris wasn't a bad deal, but most people haven't read it. (It's not the cause of the riots, a series of taxes is.) That being said, it was redundant.

The economy has been growing for 10 years, laying a good economy solely at the foot of anyone is just silly.

My personal politics don't align with Trump well, but he has been effective by the numbers. Problem is, him and his supporters tend to be complete assholes. If results were all that mattered, the Republicans would have had a 60 seat Senate and a 300 seat House. However, they are so bad at pissing people off they ran 1/8th of their collation out of the party.

2018-12-15 20:06:38 UTC


2018-12-15 20:12:43 UTC

```He has made progress with North Korea. N and S Korea are now talking about joint Olympic bids, connecting the countries together through infrastructure like railroads, constantly meeting, etc. ``` they will never connect lmao, while yes, gratz to him making SOME progress, it is still small steps. The olympic bids dont mean shit really as the northern home view is still bad and the countries wont be linked together by infrastructure projects, lmao what infrastructre could you possibly have when you have the most heavily guarded border on the earth with millions of mines and one side every now and then promising to nuke the other side. and there can be no trade as they have maxxed out sanctions. ```They have stopped missile tests and blew up some launch sites.``` that is temporary, NK did that some 20? years ago aswell, and look where we are rn. NK is behind the table because they had a very rough last winter and china pressured them aswell. ```Trump got us out of the horrible Paris Climate Accord``` yes, because a world that looks stright out of Mad Max is the future we need, vote 4 me 2020 plz. ```Trump is taking a stand on border security``` and I havent seen any progress from it tho... ```Our economy is doing really well, including very low unemployment rates, especially among minority groups.``` thats because the whole world does great economically, increased demand= ecnomic growth. And minority groups dont really matter now do they?

2018-12-15 20:25:58 UTC

@McBacoon damn, I agreed with every point.

2018-12-15 22:25:36 UTC

If Hillary was president right now we would be at war with North Korea everyone forgets that trump is the only us president to ever meet with North Koreaโ€™s leader

2018-12-15 22:27:24 UTC

289 accomplishments in 20 months unreal and so overlooked

2018-12-15 22:27:45 UTC

Back when the article was published even more now

2018-12-15 22:29:10 UTC

The list is so long maybe Iโ€™ll post all 289 accomplishments and those are just from his first 20 months lol

2018-12-15 23:03:59 UTC

@McBacoon The railway system has already gotten approval to go ahead for research by the UN, and South Korea is sending engineers and resources to study upgrading North Korea's system for the connection to South Korea: -- If you want to argue this will never happen, you need to at least explain why and preferably give some hardcore facts instead of just projection.

As for the joint Olympic bid, that's more meaningful than you make it out to be. Hosting Olympics costs a lot of money and takes a lot of organization. It also makes a lot of money in tourism. Just sitting down and making the plan means something, but also if they ever won (admittedly unlikely), that would be huge for working together and North Korea opening up.

On missile sites, blowing them up is permanent. Sure, they can rebuild or have other sites, but blowing up sites is still permanent. The reason North Korea had a rough winter btw, is because of the pressure Trump put on them. China leaned on them because of Trump.

2018-12-15 23:06:20 UTC

On the PCA, you're just being ridiculous, like with the rest of my points. Make some real objections. The PCA was opposed by environmentalists at the time because it is not legally binding. It was an economic agreement that asked countries to promise to self-regulate to certain goals. It did nothing. It will only punish those who follow it, and it will benefit those who don't. (France follows and has riots.) This does not mean we need Mad Max. We can solve the problem in other ways. We are more likely to solve the problem because we aren't faking it in the PCA.

On border security, Trump did persuade many in the Caravans to turn back. They have been catching illegals at solid rates. Prototypes for the wall have been built. The military has worked with ICE to set up barricades. There has been progress, despite you not seeing it.

On the economy, the whole world is not doing great economically. France's unemployment is 9.3% and Spain's is 15.2%. Even Canada is at 5.6%. We could talk about the countries having serious problems, too, like Syria at 50%, Senegal at 48%, Yemen at 35%, Venezuela at 33%. Many African countries are around 20%. There has been world growth, but the USA's has been particularly good, especially given we were already economically strong.

As for minority groups, I don't know why you say they don't matter, but they do. Races tend to live in different areas and even have different cultures. So when the unemployment rate is lowered because a few people got jobs all around the country, that's different than when it goes lower because a city in despair finally gets jobs. Trump is bringing jobs to the neediest areas, which is why Blacks in particular are benefiting so much.

2018-12-15 23:07:10 UTC


2018-12-15 23:18:49 UTC

```The railway system has already gotten approval to go ahead for research by the UN, and South Korea is sending engineers and resources to study upgrading North Korea's system for the connection to South Korea``` So, the main problems with the railway are: sanctions, bad relations, NK promising to nuke everybody etc... I seriously doubt it will be built, because it also requires maintneance and u wont take that responsebility if you dont make any profit from it. What are the Nort-Koreans gona buy? Japanese body pillows and Korean vibrators? ```As for the joint Olympic bid, that's more meaningful than you make it out to be. Hosting Olympics costs a lot of money and takes a lot of organization. It also makes a lot of money in tourism. Just sitting down and making the plan means something, but also if they ever won (admittedly unlikely), that would be huge for working together and North Korea opening up.``` While I do agree that its more of a symbolical thing, I dont agree with the statement that it opens NK up. We have a perfect example of USSR for that matter. Many USSR sportsment (especially cold olympics like skiing) were Estonian. It didnt open up.

2018-12-15 23:18:51 UTC

```On missile sites, blowing them up is permanent. Sure, they can rebuild or have other sites, but blowing up sites is still permanent.``` Nothing is permanent in this world. Blowing up a few sites means nothing. They did that before and built new ones. Although sites differ (which is another longer discussion). ```The reason North Korea had a rough winter btw, is because of the pressure Trump put on them. China leaned on them because of Trump.``` And no, Chinese export to NK hasnt lessened drastically. Ofcourse, it is now harder to export/import something with NK but that doesent mean its impossible. Chinese (and to some extent also Russians) use ships to export/import goods. From making oil tankers look like cargo ships to mid-sea fuel dumping (transfering oil from 1 tanker to another) they use all sorts of methods to get past the sanctions or outright cheat them.

2018-12-15 23:19:40 UTC


2018-12-15 23:19:44 UTC

my hand is tired

2018-12-15 23:19:50 UTC

I will follow up with the second part

2018-12-15 23:20:46 UTC

@Tyberius D Sure, some of it is point of view, but some of it comes down to facts as well.

On the GOP, what smart people were run out? Jeff Flake? And what do you mean by the populists can't do math?

Also, I want to be clear that I'm a left-leaning Centrist. I voted for Obama twice. I'm not on the Right at all. While I'm a nationalist because I believe in the nation-state, I stand against ethnonationalism and I believe in global trade deals, just the good kind.

On North Korea, I never said there was physical connection yet, but they are working towards that. Research, money, and resources are being put towards developing connecting the countries. That's a big deal. Also, North Korea has more tourists than you probably think. Most of them are good. Otto Warmbier was the exception, and Trump got him back, too, btw. I wouldn't be surprised if the three hostages were spies, either. We don't know what their real stories are, but I think you are being unfair to them.

The PCA was a horrible deal. Why do you think it wasn't? Like I said, the goals were completely non-legally binding. That means that if the USA were to commit and China doesn't, China would gain economic advantages and we would be punished for following it, while China isn't. That's as bad as it gets. And yes, the riots are due to the PCA, because the taxes were put on (especially gasoline) to get under the CO2 goals of the PCA. Not sure how you can say these aren't connected.

As to what you said at the end, 60 in the Senate rarely happens. It's common for a push against the President's party in the midterms. In fact, the Senate grew. Only the House went down in numbers, and by less than expected. It was actually a solid day for the Republicans.

2018-12-15 23:21:36 UTC

@McBacoon Laughing only shows how insecure you are. I'll deal with your arguments later, but so far you have offered very little. Maybe stop laughing and concentrate a little more on convincing arguments.

2018-12-15 23:22:45 UTC

dunno how I am supposed to make them more convincing, word them better? I might difficulties with that cuz english is not my first language

2018-12-15 23:23:23 UTC

and I will laugh how much I like, and that has nothing to do with being insecure

2018-12-15 23:31:14 UTC

2 capitalists debating

2018-12-15 23:31:16 UTC


2018-12-15 23:33:29 UTC

```It was an economic agreement that asked countries to promise to self-regulate to certain goals. It did nothing. It will only punish those who follow it, and it will benefit those who don't. (France follows and has riots.) ``` Atleast it is a stride towards something. I do not completely agree with it aswell, as I would also like it to be legally binding. But do you know how important it is for countries to have some sort of sights on what to improve. Like making 20% of electricity renewable... PCA benefitted so much that more European funding came to build more renewable electricity resources. As seen from Estonia, all of the renewable projects have european funding. Although I dont really understand by what you mean "punish those who follow it". The Yellow vest riots is France dont have much to do with PCA. The only connecting thing is that its a "green tax" that they are trying to raise, but even that is just a cover to balance the hole that was created by the rich tax. ```The military has worked with ICE to set up barricades. There has been progress, despite you not seeing it.``` I dont thing 200+ millions is worth it. Although there are some benefits of military helping, there isnt much that they can do except support (like intel and logistics).

2018-12-15 23:40:21 UTC

```France's unemployment is 9.3% and Spain's is 15.2%. Even Canada is at 5.6%.``` While France is having some economic difficulties (along with S-europe) then Canada isnt doing that bad. 5.6 isnt that bad and from what I have seen, its decreasing. ```Syria at 50%, Senegal at 48%, Yemen at 35%, Venezuela at 33%.``` 3/4 are in some sort of armed conflict, and Venezuela is a self-created crisis. All of them have no affect to the world economy. Venezuela doesent even produce enough oil to shake the oil price. ```here has been world growth, but the USA's has been particularly good, especially given we were already economically strong.``` + Asia and some parts of Europe. Those are the economies that have actual affect on the world economy. And there are more nations coming as some are still recovering from 2008. ```Minority groups``` As for minority groups, I dont have much personal experience on that department as I live in a very homogenous society. But from my POV, I have no difference if I hire 20 black guys or 20 white guys to work in my factory as long as they meet the criteria. But... maybe thats a US thing... idk ```Trump is bringing jobs to the neediest areas``` How tho? I think its rather that the enterpreneurs and companies are bringing jobs....

2018-12-15 23:41:25 UTC

@McBacoon About the railway, you said the main problems are sanctions, bad relations, and NK promising to nuke the world. The railway is predecated on denuclearization. It's unlikely the Koreas would be going forward with the railway as far as they have already if they didn't see a serious path towards denuclearization. Also, NK has already gotten UN approval to make the railway exempt from the sanctions. I argue that NK was striving to get nukes for security, but the best security is becoming getting rid of them and building up an interconnected economy with South Korea. Missiles are just making NK a target at this point.

NK is much more hidden than the USSR ever was. NK does allow tourists, but only in certain places. With as many tourists as the Olympics would bring, tourists would go all over the country. That's very different than the USSR situation.

Blowing up sites is permanent. Even if they blow them up and rebuild them, that still costs money. It does mean something. If you just shrug off these types of gestures as literally meaning nothing, than you are not a part of the serious discussion.

On China, you were mainly arguing against things I didn't say. Go back and read what I actually said, which is that Trump leaned on China which is what caused North Korea to have a tough winter. Of course China tries to cheat them, but we also catch some of this stuff, and we were really cracking down last year:

2018-12-15 23:54:36 UTC

``` I argue that NK was striving to get nukes for security, but the best security is becoming getting rid of them and building up an interconnected economy with South Korea. Missiles are just making NK a target at this point.``` NK is a dynasty. Kim Jong-Unยดs father started with the nuclear program and Kim is now fixated on the path to reach US mainland. Nukes provides security as you said, and they would be fools to give them up. NK saw what happened to Lybia, Iraq and recently Iran. As long as Kim is in power, they wont get rid of the nukes. I can bet my house on that. Missiles just add the capability to their guarantee. If you have a missile that reaches US mainland, then it has much more of an effect that a missile that cant do that. Also, NK version of "denuclearisation" is something different than what US has in mind. ```NK is much more hidden than the USSR ever was.``` In some ways, yes. But it wasnt so that you could also freely wander around as a tourist in USSR. It was also pretty controlled like in NK. ```Blowing up sites is permanent. Even if they blow them up and rebuild them, that still costs money. It does mean something.``` Wasnt the site that they blew up, the same one that they did an underground nuke experiment and collapsed? Wiki apparently backs me up. So, destroying an facility that doesent have much use anyway, doesent mean much more that just nice pics of "were improving, please lessen sanctions"

2018-12-15 23:59:22 UTC

@McBacoon By signing the PCA with no legal commitment, countries are allowed to get the optics of working towards environmental goals without actually working towards them. The USA has not been in the PCA and yet has been doing just fine on lowering carbon emissions. The USA has actually led in reducing carbon emissions without forcing it like other countries (again, France) are trying to (not that the government does nothing).

You argue about going towards renewables. Did you know that solar panels actually INCREASE the carbon footprint in many areas? In fact, China has increased their carbon footprint because of their commitment to solar. Check this out:

And why do you assume renewables are the answer? Wind is highly variable and pretty crappy overall. Solar is okay right now, but there are better sources. Nuclear fission is great clean powerful energy. Nuclear fusion theoretically can give us near-infinite powerful energy if we can get the technology working, and fusion power plants don't have meltdowns.

On the border, that's fine if you don't think bringing the military to the border was worth it, but the argument was about whether or not Trump was securing the borders. He has worked towards doing just that. What the military was doing was running constatine wire, and that was a psychological act to PREVENT future illegal crossings. We're not just talking about preventing people crossing, we're talking about preventing drugs, slave trafficking, rapes, crimes, etc. Crime has risen in Mexico due to these caravans.

2018-12-16 00:01:22 UTC

*constantine wire*

2018-12-16 00:01:29 UTC

ever heard of wire cutters?

2018-12-16 00:01:30 UTC


2018-12-16 00:04:54 UTC

On unemployment, sure, Canada isn't doing bad, but Trump is destroying Trudeau on trade deals and the USA's economy is doing much better than Canadas. The Feds have increased interest rates over and over to slow our economy down because it's growing so quickly.

You say the countries I mentioned, like Venezuela, have no impact on the world's economy. You say Venezuela doesn't even produce much oil. Well, they certainly used to. They aren't now and are now struggling mightily economically. That does have an impact on the world's economy. Syria has oil, too.

You talk about Asian countries recovering. Notice what you aren't talking about is the USA's economy, because you know our economy is strong. That isn't even debatable anymore. I remember when the MSM said Trump was going to tank the economy. That never happened.

About minorities, you're looking at it wrong. It's not about hiring 20 Black guys or 20 White guys. It's about are people in the inner cities of Detroit getting hired or not? Yes? Well, those are going to be a much higher population of Black people than the rural areas of North Dakota, for instance. And the Latino population has an issue with understanding English. So there is information to be gathered generally from looking at groups, although unemployment in general is most important. Simply put, though, Trump is not only helping our economy, he's growing it in a great way. Building manufacturing is another great way he has helped the economy. A manufacturing job is worth more than a lot of other jobs, because uneducated people can make a good living doing it, and that is a large population. Those people have few other places to get jobs if not for manufacturing.

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