
Discord ID: 445636791584686080

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2018-08-15 20:34:32 UTC

No, we just have to keep fighting. WE are the resistance, not them

2018-08-15 20:35:06 UTC

Instead of letting them push us to some far corner of the internet, we will defy them on their own ground

2018-08-15 22:28:49 UTC

Honestly wonder if they push too far that we could have a big surge in non political sites take over the spaces that these massive SJW companies control

2018-08-15 22:29:14 UTC

Its crazy seeing these sites go after anyone they disagree with and especially ones who speak out against Islam

2018-08-15 22:30:06 UTC

Get taken off social media but now got banks and other sites removing people from the internet and if you dont have access to the internet your career prospects are fucked

2018-08-15 23:37:43 UTC

Sad that they are close to banning Stefan Molyneux channel...

2018-08-15 23:59:43 UTC

I wish my job took online applications

2018-08-15 23:59:56 UTC

I applied to the sheriff and the paper application is like 30 pages

2018-08-16 05:13:23 UTC

what is shortest prison sentence in your country? 1 month?

I'd like short prison where metallica plays st anger or slayer plays
free concert bed and food

2018-08-16 05:24:13 UTC

2018-08-16 10:40:14 UTC

thoughts? I think it's written well

2018-08-16 11:06:59 UTC

MAGA is now a religion, you get to wear your hat in your mug shots, or sue the police

2018-08-16 12:27:13 UTC

But "muh Trump colluded with Russia"

2018-08-16 14:22:35 UTC

I lost access for Russian Bots 4 Trump for about 26 more days since yesterday. Couldn't validate my facebook account because I couldn't use a different number. But I still have access to Russian Bots For Trump. just made a new Tyrone Quattlebaum account

2018-08-16 14:28:23 UTC


2018-08-17 01:24:59 UTC

2018-08-17 13:48:27 UTC

I bought that sticker pack of Trump stars from Milo ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-08-17 13:48:38 UTC

not gonna link em cause that's kinda shilly, but just saying

2018-08-18 10:42:29 UTC

2018-08-19 03:41:56 UTC

2018-08-19 14:26:37 UTC

John McCain hasn't voted since December 2017

2018-08-19 14:58:22 UTC

Good, we shouldn't let people with degraded mental capacity make important decisions anyway

2018-08-19 15:29:44 UTC

That isn't fair to the citizens of Arizona, he should have been replaced when he was diagnosed.

2018-08-20 07:03:42 UTC

When he's gone, who will replace him?

2018-08-20 18:00:50 UTC

2018-08-20 18:00:52 UTC

2018-08-20 18:01:01 UTC

2018-08-20 18:01:05 UTC

2018-08-20 18:01:10 UTC


2018-08-20 18:10:23 UTC

Haha wow

2018-08-20 19:54:31 UTC


2018-08-20 19:59:24 UTC

big kek

2018-08-20 21:11:22 UTC

After that they PMd me telling me all about how the USSR wasnt true communism, it was state capitalism, etc. Ugh.

2018-08-20 21:15:26 UTC

2018-08-20 22:37:57 UTC

Then what was china?

2018-08-21 04:58:42 UTC

I'll do you one better, why is china

2018-08-21 13:21:50 UTC

Wew lad. Leftists heads are about to explode. It'll be like that scene in Scanners

2018-08-21 13:22:43 UTC

name sounds west slavic, not kraut.

2018-08-21 13:25:11 UTC
2018-08-21 13:25:52 UTC

and a whack to the back of the head, typical coward behaviour.

2018-08-21 13:30:53 UTC

The left eats its own

2018-08-21 13:31:22 UTC

good. less effort will be needed for us to exterminate them.

2018-08-22 10:38:12 UTC

Mollie Tibbetts, the girl that an illegal killed, hated white people

2018-08-22 10:38:40 UTC

2018-08-22 11:08:52 UTC

And nothing of value was lost.

2018-08-22 11:22:53 UTC

This doesn't have anything to do with anything but I fucking hate reading her name

2018-08-22 11:23:35 UTC

Mollie Tibbetts sounds like the name of an orphan in a childrens book. Probably a book with witches and magic candy.

2018-08-22 12:01:58 UTC

The fuck is going on with this manafort cohen bullshittery

2018-08-22 13:13:38 UTC

the curious case of mollie "flibbity" tibbetts

2018-08-22 13:37:24 UTC

2018-08-22 13:58:02 UTC

flibbity tibbets

2018-08-22 13:58:13 UTC

hated whites, caught spanish flu

2018-08-22 13:58:20 UTC

went hasta la vista, who coulda knew

2018-08-22 21:12:23 UTC

>NYT columnist.

2018-08-22 21:12:25 UTC


2018-08-22 21:12:28 UTC


2018-08-23 04:16:21 UTC


2018-08-23 04:16:23 UTC


2018-08-23 04:16:26 UTC


2018-08-23 04:16:40 UTC

They should all see red in the ovens

2018-08-23 22:13:15 UTC

I honestly hope they arrest all of these vandals and lock them in prison for a good year or two.

2018-08-23 22:19:51 UTC

Also, Tom should really discuss this because I'm getting sick and tired of this.

The monuments aren't propaganda pieces. They are memorials to a horrific civil war no one wanted, but still fought with dignity and honor on both sides. They don't represent "white supremacy." They represent the untold suffering, death, and pain the south experienced during those four years and their final closure with the conflict and coming to terms with it.

2018-08-24 00:15:09 UTC

2018-08-24 00:15:24 UTC

They didn't seem to have a problem getting along and letting the past go

2018-08-24 00:16:01 UTC

Fucking degenerates think because someone is from the south, or from Russia, or China or wherever, they're automatically bad guys and we're supposed to hate them

2018-08-24 00:16:07 UTC

Communist bullshit

2018-08-24 00:16:37 UTC

They did. It took a long time because the wounds weren't allowed to heal after the war.

2018-08-24 00:17:10 UTC

The Monuments were a critical part of this process because many of them were memorials, meaning that it brought final closure for many who'd lost loved ones during the war.

2018-08-24 01:26:08 UTC

Also, if I recall, did the United States not say that all Confederate veterans were to be considered American, and all Confederate dead were to be considered American dead? Was it not well believed up until this racial nonsense started that whether Union or Confederate, both were American?

2018-08-24 01:26:37 UTC

I have heard of people digging their own graves, but rarely of people pre-emptively defiling it.

2018-08-24 01:51:40 UTC


2018-08-24 01:52:09 UTC

In fact, the latter occurred back in 1898 as a means of finally dealing with the leftover tension from the war.

2018-08-24 02:47:45 UTC

@The Eternal Leaf I served in an infantry unit that was part of the Confederacy during the civil war. Our regimental colors still have streamers attached with the names of the battles

2018-08-24 14:41:47 UTC

And he will still win anyway. despite the corruption going on in silicon valley and social media, who are having their balls grabbed and twisted by the corrupt Establishment.
#facebooksucks #walkawayfromdemocrats #maga #maga2020

2018-08-24 21:46:03 UTC

um, because manaforts conviction is for stuff unrelated to trump . and the cohen conviction is a sticth up job, where he just confesssed to anything to not go to jail ...

2018-08-25 20:35:33 UTC
2018-08-25 21:37:22 UTC

Up until they're asked who pays

2018-08-25 21:37:39 UTC

then the percentage plummets

2018-08-25 21:37:47 UTC

hurr durr they hope nobody notices that bit

2018-08-25 22:04:05 UTC

"Ummm. Sure I guess. But who is going to pay for all-"

2018-08-25 22:05:09 UTC

the great thing about people being this dumb is that you get to embarrass them for it, in public, in front of everybody

2018-08-25 22:05:12 UTC


2018-08-25 22:17:48 UTC

I doubt as many people support it as they are claiming. It is the media after all. They can lie as much as they want.

2018-08-25 22:25:41 UTC

The right needs to be less afraid of insulting people. The left believes so much shit that isn't true. Call them out, point at them, get everybody else to laugh. That's how to win.

2018-08-25 22:39:31 UTC


2018-08-26 00:33:06 UTC

mccain is dead

2018-08-26 00:34:07 UTC

double checks* YEah. HJe's dead

2018-08-26 00:34:57 UTC

IRL image of me when I hear about McCainโ€™s death:

2018-08-26 00:38:14 UTC

2018-08-26 03:05:17 UTC

Even the US Army WTF Moments page is telling people that McCain shooting that bomb on the ship was a lie

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