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2017-07-06 17:35:01 UTC

and corporatism is hardly well-defined anywhere

2017-07-06 17:35:18 UTC

hardly defined but definitely what we have now

2017-07-06 17:35:32 UTC

the socialists see this right, it's just the answer I'm not happy with from them

2017-07-06 17:35:35 UTC

I don't follow, I've never learned what corporatism is

2017-07-06 17:35:42 UTC

care to define it for me because I've never heard one?

2017-07-06 17:36:00 UTC

When the government bails out corporations with our money

2017-07-06 17:36:01 UTC

corporatism seems to be what occurs between capitalist and political forces, and the policies that results from that inter-mingling.

2017-07-06 17:36:11 UTC

but the state is very much a part of capitalsm

2017-07-06 17:36:16 UTC


2017-07-06 17:36:18 UTC

When you need to be a part of some union before you can even have your business

2017-07-06 17:36:23 UTC

not at all

2017-07-06 17:36:35 UTC

yes it is

2017-07-06 17:36:35 UTC

libertarianism is small government, more freedom and capitalism

2017-07-06 17:36:46 UTC

Not even necessarily capitalism.

2017-07-06 17:36:51 UTC

no, libertarianism is capitalism with small state

2017-07-06 17:36:51 UTC

e have big government right now

2017-07-06 17:36:53 UTC

The state is an apparatus of a ruling class.

2017-07-06 17:37:03 UTC

Right now it is yes

2017-07-06 17:37:21 UTC

In Ancient Rome, the senate was filled with the Patricians.

2017-07-06 17:37:40 UTC

bet they'd buy all sorts of goodies with the government there

2017-07-06 17:37:47 UTC

saying that libertarianism wants "more capitlism" (whateer that means) is ill-argued

2017-07-06 17:37:52 UTC

they just want capitslism with less state

2017-07-06 17:38:00 UTC

Which is a freer capitalism

2017-07-06 17:38:03 UTC

excuse my spelling

2017-07-06 17:38:05 UTC

@Sampuka what's your tendency

2017-07-06 17:38:08 UTC

You can call it more or free, whatever

2017-07-06 17:38:15 UTC

@Seedle don't align strongly with any

2017-07-06 17:38:21 UTC


2017-07-06 17:38:24 UTC

Government hinders capitalism, that's my issue

2017-07-06 17:38:30 UTC

it's all capitalism, you cannot have degrees of capitalism

2017-07-06 17:38:35 UTC

yes you can

2017-07-06 17:38:35 UTC

I just say communist with american characteristics for the maymays

2017-07-06 17:38:47 UTC

then I'd very much like to hear your definition

2017-07-06 17:39:11 UTC

When the government puts demands on free companies they decrease their freedom to operate how they want (within the law)

2017-07-06 17:39:29 UTC


2017-07-06 17:39:34 UTC

because without those regulations

2017-07-06 17:39:38 UTC

people would be fucked

2017-07-06 17:39:46 UTC

it's a third party like i said

2017-07-06 17:39:52 UTC

When a government privatizes a company you'd say the country got more capitalistic right

2017-07-06 17:39:54 UTC

but related strongly with the ruling capitalist class

2017-07-06 17:40:03 UTC

mine goes something like: Capitalism is a mode of production where the means of production are privately owned. The owner hires people to work in said means of production in order to gain profits"

2017-07-06 17:40:19 UTC

That is true and what we have now

2017-07-06 17:40:31 UTC

in order to gain capital* I.E. money for the sake of making more money

2017-07-06 17:40:39 UTC

Howver the governments adds all sorts of blockades on those companies (mostly smaller ones)

2017-07-06 17:41:11 UTC

the governemt is a part of the mode of production, in fact it is what defends and upholds the mode of production

2017-07-06 17:41:14 UTC

They've been doing it more and more, government hardly ever gets smaller, now we have big govermment

2017-07-06 17:41:21 UTC

saying the state is not a part of capitalism is pretty dumb

2017-07-06 17:41:26 UTC

lol no

2017-07-06 17:41:31 UTC

that's a big part of the anarchist argument anyway

2017-07-06 17:41:34 UTC

You can't start a new government

2017-07-06 17:41:39 UTC

You can start a new business

2017-07-06 17:41:45 UTC

The government is a different animal

2017-07-06 17:41:53 UTC

entropeneurship is not capitalism

2017-07-06 17:42:00 UTC

Yes it is

2017-07-06 17:42:05 UTC

it's very often a part of capitlism

2017-07-06 17:42:09 UTC

at least in the first world

2017-07-06 17:42:15 UTC

more so than in any other system yes

2017-07-06 17:42:19 UTC

You can start a new government.

2017-07-06 17:42:25 UTC

yes, but htat doesn't make something capitalism

2017-07-06 17:42:39 UTC

more freedom for your business is more capitalistic

2017-07-06 17:42:46 UTC

there's entrepeneurship in mutualism too

2017-07-06 17:42:52 UTC

but that's not capitalism

2017-07-06 17:42:56 UTC

market socialism too

2017-07-06 17:42:59 UTC

You can easily make a new government if you have the support and resources.

2017-07-06 17:43:14 UTC

Which would probably be followed by a civil war with the current government

2017-07-06 17:43:20 UTC

no you can't, not unless some other country sells you a part of their land completely

2017-07-06 17:43:24 UTC

which they never will

2017-07-06 17:43:24 UTC

@Timo))) please define capitalism for us, honestly

2017-07-06 17:43:44 UTC


2017-07-06 17:43:45 UTC

@Timo))) land is just whoever has power, you can fight the government

2017-07-06 17:43:52 UTC

Freedom for the capitalist and not the people lol

2017-07-06 17:44:01 UTC

though you'd probably lose since there's a reason it's the government

2017-07-06 17:44:42 UTC

not that hard, the freedom to persue capital in whatever way you want, as long as it complies with the law, lower taxes and less regulations have a positive effect on it

2017-07-06 17:44:43 UTC

maybe the word state would be better

2017-07-06 17:45:02 UTC

how do you define capital?

2017-07-06 17:45:06 UTC

hoarded resources?

2017-07-06 17:45:06 UTC

The people can become capitalists in a capitalist society

2017-07-06 17:45:18 UTC

If you call it hoarded sources sure

2017-07-06 17:45:42 UTC

I'm going in 5, too much on discord

2017-07-06 17:45:46 UTC

well, then what's the major difference from other modes of production like feudalism?

2017-07-06 17:45:52 UTC

this is very clear in my definition

2017-07-06 17:46:10 UTC

yeh I'll be leaving soon too hopefully

2017-07-06 17:46:15 UTC

There the state has the resources, they can change the law to suit them, a company in capitalism cannot make those laws

2017-07-06 17:46:33 UTC

in feudalism the state doesn't have the resources, local feudal lords does

2017-07-06 17:46:44 UTC

protected by the state

2017-07-06 17:46:49 UTC

same in capitalism

2017-07-06 17:46:55 UTC

not to the same extent

2017-07-06 17:46:58 UTC

companies which have capital is protected y the state

2017-07-06 17:47:30 UTC

And those companies could be replaced by newer companies if it was easier to start new companies

2017-07-06 17:47:49 UTC

But the current system stands in the way with ridiculous regulations

2017-07-06 17:48:04 UTC

I mean protected as in litterally protected

2017-07-06 17:48:13 UTC

If I try to take the capital the police comes

2017-07-06 17:48:43 UTC

I'll read that

2017-07-06 17:49:02 UTC

It's related.

2017-07-06 17:49:15 UTC

I'm glad you wanted to be civil rather than some autistic memer.

2017-07-06 17:49:27 UTC

I respect it.

2017-07-06 17:49:28 UTC

honestly I've found a good amount of civil open people here

2017-07-06 17:49:37 UTC

Yeah those are no good, I don't talk to communists/socialists often, pretty fun

2017-07-06 17:49:38 UTC

relatively good amount anyways

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