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2017-06-15 06:39:14 UTC

I'm muting Jeff for tonight, that'll let me go to bed hopefully

2017-06-15 06:39:30 UTC


2017-06-15 06:39:32 UTC

Night, sorry. I'll shut the fuck up now.

2017-06-15 06:39:51 UTC

if local geography cannot support you, move. it's that simple. the africans create their own problems

2017-06-15 06:39:59 UTC


2017-06-15 06:40:25 UTC

The Africans might not be able to solve their own problems.

2017-06-15 06:40:41 UTC

>makes racist jokes and claims religion gives great morals

2017-06-15 06:41:01 UTC

Look who has better morals

2017-06-15 06:41:14 UTC

Fucking idiot

2017-06-15 06:41:17 UTC

What are morals?

2017-06-15 06:41:43 UTC

Right and wrong

2017-06-15 06:41:45 UTC

who was racist

2017-06-15 06:41:50 UTC


2017-06-15 06:41:54 UTC

Morals are generally regarded as qualities that are more respectable and compatible with societt

2017-06-15 06:42:09 UTC

Iron Cross

2017-06-15 06:42:15 UTC


2017-06-15 06:42:43 UTC

So basically emotional constructs not based in necessity...

2017-06-15 06:42:49 UTC

regardless you shouldn't insult him while he isn't here to atleast defend himself

2017-06-15 06:43:04 UTC

We identify these things as morals but they would exist regardless

2017-06-15 06:43:17 UTC

Morals are evolutionarily useful for social animals to function together

2017-06-15 06:43:23 UTC

Emotion does not prove the existence of god

2017-06-15 06:43:23 UTC

Does morality exist without emotions?

2017-06-15 06:43:25 UTC

Why does Peter Parker be Spiderman?

2017-06-15 06:43:40 UTC

They can exist

2017-06-15 06:43:47 UTC

I know psychopaths who are very compatible

2017-06-15 06:43:56 UTC

But emotions make socializing easier

2017-06-15 06:44:00 UTC

And pulls society closer

2017-06-15 06:44:03 UTC


2017-06-15 06:44:14 UTC

Kind of off topic comment as that has nothing to do with proving god

2017-06-15 06:44:19 UTC

So you are saying emotions are favourable...

2017-06-15 06:44:29 UTC

In the context of socializing

2017-06-15 06:44:34 UTC

Not proving the existence of god

2017-06-15 06:44:37 UTC

Read again

2017-06-15 06:44:46 UTC

I'm getting there.

2017-06-15 06:44:47 UTC

Emotions allow for free will

2017-06-15 06:44:55 UTC

>free will

2017-06-15 06:45:04 UTC

You can't choose something without a preference. You can't have a preference without emotion.

2017-06-15 06:45:06 UTC

More like prevent it

2017-06-15 06:45:15 UTC

Yes your preference forces your choice

2017-06-15 06:45:28 UTC

Do people choose their emotions that are favourable to society?

2017-06-15 06:45:45 UTC

What like murder is bad?

2017-06-15 06:46:23 UTC

Humans are evolutionarily designed to not want to do that for no reason

2017-06-15 06:46:23 UTC

Your preferences are a part of you. So basically a part of you forces your choices. Which means you choose by the force of emotion. Thus free will is emotional.

2017-06-15 06:46:39 UTC

It's not really free will then

2017-06-15 06:46:43 UTC

It's just choice

2017-06-15 06:46:44 UTC


2017-06-15 06:46:48 UTC

Just like animals make choices

2017-06-15 06:46:50 UTC

So people, without choosing, act in a favourable way, based on a blind assumption from emotion.

2017-06-15 06:46:56 UTC

Do animals have free will?

2017-06-15 06:47:06 UTC

If you have self-control, you have free will.

2017-06-15 06:47:11 UTC

It's not a blind assumption

2017-06-15 06:47:18 UTC

Society won't work if everyone is murdering each other

2017-06-15 06:47:28 UTC

People who did that died off

2017-06-15 06:47:29 UTC

You have to be free from impulse. For example, if you can keep jogging even when you're tired, you have free will.

2017-06-15 06:47:41 UTC

Sure but why are you jogging

2017-06-15 06:47:48 UTC

Desire to lose more fat?

2017-06-15 06:47:51 UTC

There you go

2017-06-15 06:48:01 UTC

People with Tourettes, Autism, etc. might not be able to control their impulses

2017-06-15 06:48:45 UTC

It's not really free will as it's the same as animals performing choices

2017-06-15 06:48:46 UTC

Your desire is an emotion, sure, but it's not an impulse, because it's not an reflex. Free will requires a certain amount of thought

2017-06-15 06:48:47 UTC

Let me establish that emotions have a positive role. From this I can say that they are not useless, and therefore have weight in practical matters.

2017-06-15 06:48:59 UTC

I never said they were useless

2017-06-15 06:49:04 UTC

You need consciousness to have will

2017-06-15 06:49:05 UTC

I said they were useless in debate

2017-06-15 06:49:12 UTC

Read again

2017-06-15 06:49:33 UTC

You need a sense of existence, a first-person perspective, to have conscoiusness

2017-06-15 06:49:44 UTC

But they are not useless in debate, we just established emotions have a practical role.

2017-06-15 06:49:46 UTC

This self-sense might not extend to worms, jellyfish, etc.

2017-06-15 06:49:51 UTC

emotion does matter in a moral debate though

2017-06-15 06:49:57 UTC

Do chimps have free will?

2017-06-15 06:50:07 UTC

Of course we'll never really know what it's like to be a worm, so we can only guess

2017-06-15 06:50:11 UTC


2017-06-15 06:50:15 UTC

No it doesnt

2017-06-15 06:50:23 UTC

It does not matter in a moral debate

2017-06-15 06:50:24 UTC

Not at all

2017-06-15 06:50:40 UTC

When we talk about free will, we're talking about choosing things that we've given thought, right?

2017-06-15 06:50:55 UTC

why not? wouldn't societal emotion dictate law and order, as well as simple beliefs, morals?

2017-06-15 06:51:09 UTC

Sure but are you saying animals don't give thought?

2017-06-15 06:51:18 UTC

Emotion informs the subject matter of debate. It does matter.

2017-06-15 06:51:24 UTC

No you determine what is best for society as a whole in moral debates

2017-06-15 06:51:28 UTC

Not on emotions

2017-06-15 06:51:42 UTC

I think some animals do, such as a dog that lets its owner put a biscuit on its nose

2017-06-15 06:51:45 UTC

For example law and order

2017-06-15 06:51:51 UTC

That's good for society as a whole

2017-06-15 06:51:51 UTC

That takes some willpower, you know

2017-06-15 06:52:04 UTC

what makes law and order good

2017-06-15 06:52:06 UTC

Ok but that's not free will

2017-06-15 06:52:11 UTC

Why not?

2017-06-15 06:52:19 UTC

I think it's a scale, it's not like binary

2017-06-15 06:52:25 UTC

Law and order is good because humans who did not care about being civil did not cooperate well with each other

2017-06-15 06:52:27 UTC

And they died

2017-06-15 06:53:01 UTC

A dog has less free will than you or me, but it does make decisions based on it's consciousness

2017-06-15 06:53:05 UTC


2017-06-15 06:53:06 UTC

so those who felt it was important to care established standards

2017-06-15 06:53:47 UTC

it seems incorrect to exclude emotion from a moral debate

2017-06-15 06:53:58 UTC

but i can see why you might disagree

2017-06-15 06:54:12 UTC

Let's have a moral debate on the death penalty

2017-06-15 06:54:26 UTC

Someone gets emotional and says it should not happen because human rights bla bla

2017-06-15 06:54:40 UTC

I say it should happen to a mob boss because he'll operate within prison anyways

2017-06-15 06:54:45 UTC

So might as well give him the syringe

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