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2019-03-16 08:14:48 UTC

Or / and disturbed about it

2019-03-16 08:15:05 UTC

Don't think you need to worry too much about it

2019-03-16 08:15:54 UTC

About not feeling how you 'should' feel

2019-03-16 08:16:11 UTC

There is nothing wrong with you

2019-03-16 08:16:17 UTC


2019-03-16 08:16:22 UTC

It's normal

2019-03-16 08:16:37 UTC

I had the same feeling when my mother went half disabled

2019-03-16 08:17:04 UTC

She couldn't move on her own without support for 4ish months

2019-03-16 08:17:47 UTC


2019-03-16 08:18:27 UTC

My mom was the same way

2019-03-16 08:18:38 UTC

Kidney failure followed by strokes

2019-03-16 08:18:57 UTC

I was too busy working to spend time with her while she was in the hospital

2019-03-16 08:19:10 UTC

I still beat myself up over it

2019-03-16 08:19:18 UTC

She cried the whole night during that period because she was in pain

2019-03-16 08:19:33 UTC

So I had to massage her legs throughout the night

2019-03-16 08:19:49 UTC

She bought me an Xbox so we could play video games together, but I was too busy to play

2019-03-16 08:19:57 UTC

I massaged her legs at night and slept through the day

2019-03-16 08:20:11 UTC

And strangely enough I wasn't sad or anything

2019-03-16 08:20:25 UTC

I was disturbed by that too

2019-03-16 08:20:28 UTC

So texted an apology to her, but she had previously died earlier in the night

2019-03-16 08:21:05 UTC

I was upset, but part of me was angry that I had to have a responsibility to take care of her funeral

2019-03-16 08:21:18 UTC

I'm sorry for your loss vic

2019-03-16 08:21:31 UTC

It was years ago m8. Thanks though

2019-03-16 08:21:39 UTC

I'm sorry vic

2019-03-16 08:21:43 UTC

Just know that you'll feel the way you are

2019-03-16 08:21:48 UTC


2019-03-16 08:21:50 UTC

And hope your mother is doing better corin

2019-03-16 08:21:55 UTC


2019-03-16 08:22:05 UTC

She's the strongest person that I have ever seen

2019-03-16 08:22:07 UTC

Because it's natural for people to not want to change things

2019-03-16 08:22:20 UTC

Repetition is safe

2019-03-16 08:22:30 UTC

Because she went up the stairs 17 story apartment 7 times a day

2019-03-16 08:22:40 UTC

As soon as she recovered a bit

2019-03-16 08:23:06 UTC

I just wanna let you know it's completely fine to feel

2019-03-16 08:23:16 UTC

Surprisingly not surprised

2019-03-16 08:23:23 UTC

Or not sad

2019-03-16 08:24:02 UTC

Because that's the one of the way people take tragedies

2019-03-16 08:24:23 UTC

I've never had any family beyond my mom and grandpa

2019-03-16 08:24:33 UTC

And they're both dead.

2019-03-16 08:24:49 UTC

Probably why I'm a black pilled doomer

2019-03-16 08:25:06 UTC

I hope someday you'll find your peace vic

2019-03-16 08:25:26 UTC

Sorry for your loss

2019-03-16 08:26:08 UTC


2019-03-16 08:26:18 UTC

Everyone has their own problems

2019-03-16 08:26:31 UTC

I'd rather focus on improving the lives of others

2019-03-16 08:26:50 UTC

Is why I give money to keque

2019-03-16 08:27:27 UTC

Hope things work out vic

2019-03-16 08:27:47 UTC

I just hope things work out with my fam and we get custody

2019-03-16 08:27:57 UTC


2019-03-16 08:28:01 UTC

I'll be praying for you nigga

2019-03-16 08:28:07 UTC

If you need anything, let me know

2019-03-16 08:28:23 UTC

I can lend you money if needed

2019-03-16 08:28:26 UTC

Thanks fam

2019-03-16 08:28:36 UTC

And no i don't need money rn

2019-03-16 08:28:45 UTC

But thanks for the offer

2019-03-16 08:28:49 UTC

My broke ass can't help you wit that lmao

2019-03-16 08:28:56 UTC

But I'm here to listen nig

2019-03-16 08:29:30 UTC

Yeah, I have an obligation to make sure all you faggots keep taking care of yourselves

2019-03-16 08:29:39 UTC

I just hope i don't have to cancel my plans with my friends because i can use the humor rn

2019-03-16 08:29:52 UTC

And thanks ma dudes

2019-03-16 08:30:10 UTC


2019-03-16 08:31:27 UTC

Yeah, stay strong bruh

2019-03-16 08:56:27 UTC

Liberals have destroyed everything I ever loved.

2019-03-16 08:56:52 UTC

I don't know how we can fix shit without violence

2019-03-16 10:32:29 UTC

The <:Virgin:550157024294600704> Liberal

2019-03-16 10:32:34 UTC

The <:Chad:463761149100425246> Conservative

2019-03-16 16:32:27 UTC

Welp, fams waiting for the notification of when those g-men are set to arrive

2019-03-16 17:33:24 UTC

Fam got the phone call, they should be here within a few minutes or so

2019-03-16 17:33:36 UTC

Pray that my family gets custody guys

2019-03-16 17:46:27 UTC

You'll get through this homie. Your MexiCAN not MexiCANT

2019-03-16 17:49:20 UTC

Alright so my family gave me more details on the situation

2019-03-16 17:50:34 UTC


2019-03-16 17:50:36 UTC


2019-03-16 17:50:40 UTC

You can do it lmao.

2019-03-16 17:52:46 UTC

Supposedly this all started on tuesday, when my aunt called up her family that someone was threatening to kill her, her family decided to move her and her daught back to Monterey, she stayed the night, and the next day her and her daughter were gone, eventually her family got a phone call about an accident, her daugter was fine while my aunt had some scratches and bruises, they ask if they can take custody of her daughter while investigating and when they said they didn't have room in her family they asked us

2019-03-16 17:55:10 UTC

Cut to today when my grandparents were told that my aubt actually went missing yesterday and only now they found her, also add in a little detail my dad noticed while talking to my aunt's sister she mentioned something about my aunt taking all the money she had from work and maybe the government from when my uncle died

2019-03-16 17:55:51 UTC

To which my dad pointed out that if they knew if she had money that meant that someone went into her home to look

2019-03-16 17:56:46 UTC

The wholse situation is a shit show and i pray my aunt gets her child back if she's believed to be mentally sound

2019-03-16 18:09:09 UTC

Sounds like it.

2019-03-16 18:09:44 UTC

She into gangshit? Who said they were gonna kill her?

2019-03-16 18:12:52 UTC

Sounds ruff man

2019-03-16 18:15:50 UTC

See that's the thing she was never involved in any gang shit @bdog

2019-03-16 18:16:28 UTC

It seems as though it's her family trying to drive her insane or something

2019-03-16 18:16:50 UTC

Probably in the hopes of getting the money she got from when my uncle past

2019-03-16 18:17:05 UTC

But again we don't know the full details yet

2019-03-16 18:42:25 UTC

Well its that or her family is trying to fuck with her.... Or she might be insane. She got a boyfriend or a husband?

2019-03-16 18:45:09 UTC

Broke up with gf...

2019-03-16 18:45:32 UTC


2019-03-16 19:22:41 UTC

@bdog husbands dead

2019-03-16 19:22:47 UTC

Died back in 2017

2019-03-16 19:24:45 UTC

Hmm shits gay

2019-03-16 19:53:39 UTC

Have to fucking cacel the plans i had with friends fucking shit

2019-03-16 20:10:35 UTC

@Septermagina727 sorry to hear that fam

2019-03-16 20:10:41 UTC

Why tho?

2019-03-16 20:42:50 UTC

It just happens Iโ€™m alright, I ultimately caused her a lot of pain not being able to see her more often, I couldnโ€™t change that my mistake on thinking it would be different this time around

2019-03-16 23:11:15 UTC

So we got custody of the child for now

2019-03-16 23:11:50 UTC

Now we have to see what the court says about my aunts mental health and wether or not she'll be able to see her child

2019-03-17 01:46:26 UTC

*Baby let's go get lost
I like that you're driving slow

Keeping my fingers crossed that maybe you'll take the long way home

Let's get lost

I don't wanna let you go

Keeping my fingers crossed that maybe you'll take the long way home*


2019-03-17 09:30:07 UTC

Here's some gay wholesome cat

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