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2018-09-08 10:04:57 UTC

I now quote Wikipedia:
"In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviours that are considered to be in accord with แนšta, the order that makes life and universe possible,[10][note 1] and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and "right way of living".[11] In Buddhism, dharma means "cosmic law and order",[10] and is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha.[10] In Buddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[12][note 2] Dharma in Jainism refers to the teachings of tirthankara (Jina)[10] and the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. For Sikhs, the word dharm means the path of righteousness and proper religious practice.[13]

The word dharma was already in use in the historical Vedic religion, and its meaning and conceptual scope has evolved over several millennia.[14] The antonym of dharma is adharma. "

2018-09-08 12:09:33 UTC


2018-09-08 12:10:32 UTC

Religion does feel empty in comparison to other words like dharma, karma, etc. the concepts are always interesting

2018-09-08 16:32:47 UTC

Does Jesse believe all this junk you're saying?

2018-09-08 16:32:54 UTC
2018-09-08 16:34:22 UTC

You know he's a Christian, right? Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the Life.

2018-09-08 16:35:04 UTC

Jesse is a man.

2018-09-08 16:52:22 UTC

How's that attitude treating you?

2018-09-08 17:06:06 UTC

psalms 118:22

2018-09-08 18:33:26 UTC

You can't be Christian & a new age Hindu hippy at the same time.

2018-09-08 18:48:43 UTC

Are you playing God?

2018-09-08 19:19:54 UTC


2018-09-08 20:27:35 UTC

phew! that was close.

2018-09-08 20:59:46 UTC

Lol but seriously the Bible talks about gods of false religion actually being demons. Like the Hindu gods

2018-09-08 21:33:37 UTC

there's no room in the universe for anything else but God

2018-09-08 21:35:26 UTC

God plays all the parts, and is beyond our judgement

2018-09-09 00:23:00 UTC


2018-09-09 00:23:35 UTC

Just because youโ€™re a Christian doesnโ€™t mean you canโ€™t learn all other spiritual practices of the world & read up

2018-09-09 00:23:56 UTC

Thatโ€™s not the same thing as worshiping idols and such, only learning and finding patterns

2018-09-09 10:31:59 UTC

I'm moving the discussion to <#467164315598979072>

2018-09-10 19:16:49 UTC

This video has alot of profanity but the message seems good. Let me know what you think.

2018-09-11 13:22:38 UTC

@everyone What have you done to better yourself today?

2018-09-11 13:23:05 UTC

I ate an apple

2018-09-11 13:23:20 UTC

I went swimming today so i dont have to feel guilty about the pizza i am going to eat

2018-09-11 13:24:05 UTC

I try to better myself by trying to empower others.

2018-09-11 13:24:55 UTC

Watch tons of CNN...nah Fox news

2018-09-11 13:31:09 UTC
2018-09-11 13:31:15 UTC

On that note then I ate a plum

2018-09-11 14:31:57 UTC

I think I did pretty well on my statistics test

2018-09-11 15:44:14 UTC

how did i better myself today? i didnt @ at everyone xD

2018-09-11 15:47:17 UTC

oH !

2018-09-11 16:32:00 UTC

I changed My mind about a women, She has a kid

2018-09-11 19:44:15 UTC

so I guess from yeah to no?

2018-09-11 19:51:49 UTC

I don't blame you. If I were a man I wouldn't be taking care of another man's children ๐Ÿšซ

2018-09-11 19:52:19 UTC

jesse said why would women want an already married man, because it's like he's a used product. Same with a woman that already has kids LOL

2018-09-12 01:27:35 UTC


2018-09-12 01:27:41 UTC

This 1000%

2018-09-12 01:39:22 UTC

I noticed that alot by looking at my old highschool friends. I always joked about it but holy i see alot of you fellas agree, they are basically cucks, betas, whatever you want to call them. Im a bit paranoic about my thought processes but im getting a bit more secure now that i been reading and listening alot of other opinions

2018-09-12 01:51:05 UTC

Itโ€™s healthy to consider someone elseโ€™s opinion without adopting it as your own

2018-09-12 01:51:19 UTC

I think thatโ€™s the mark of a intelligent person

2018-09-12 01:51:25 UTC

Something like that lol

2018-09-12 02:01:46 UTC

Just to throw it out there, my husband married me when my son was one. I married my highschool sweet heart, we had a baby 5 years later and after the baby my then-husband cheated on me and abandoned us. He's not been in our lives since. My husband-now and I have 5 biological kids together, so 6 total, and the oldest he has raised since he was one. It isn't perfect but not all not all not all single moms are worth kicking to the curb. Just my two cents.

2018-09-12 02:11:18 UTC

@Ayla Iโ€™m sorry to hear about the first ๐Ÿ˜ฌ but yeah I donโ€™t mean what I say when it comes to extreme examples, like cheating or death. Itโ€™s just a general thing

2018-09-12 02:12:05 UTC

These situations that go on a lot in the hood and cities where women have their children with one man, separate over the dumb shenanigans & then look for other men to take on them & their family

2018-09-12 03:52:22 UTC

@PastPresentFuture its more of a insecure stuff about me. I get i forge my own opinions but when i was younger i had alot of conflict with my thoughts, i some sorta went atheist mode for like 6-7 years and now that i realized i was a dumb fuck its some sorta of PTSD of knowing i might be screwing myself up day after day in my decisions. Sounds like paranoia a bit

2018-09-12 03:58:41 UTC

Yes, for sure, not dating a woman with a child is a good rule of thumb. It's almost always a bad situation, just make sure you're not overlooking a diamond in the rough before you chuck her though. Lol ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-12 05:11:40 UTC

I went to a local Church and introduced myself

2018-09-12 12:14:17 UTC


2018-09-12 12:19:42 UTC

I totally get you with that. And the same with a married man who had a psycho wife, cheater, whatever, thereโ€™s always an exception to the general rule of thumbs lol

2018-09-12 12:23:47 UTC

Good input @Ayla there is a time for all things.

2018-09-12 19:43:54 UTC

@ใƒใ‚ซFubuki-san that's cool, how did it feel? Also do you watch JLP's church on Sundays?

2018-09-12 20:03:46 UTC

@J_G_ It was great! I'm waiting to go to the first young adults meeting! I've been missin them as of late but I try to watch 'em later . Why do you ask?

2018-09-12 20:12:14 UTC

@ใƒใ‚ซFubuki-san You may want to download these and listen while you work or drive or work out:

2018-09-13 01:11:12 UTC

A great question for men:
What advice would you give a Sister in Christ if she is about to go on a date with new man? What questions would you want her to ask him?

2018-09-13 04:17:22 UTC

According to Jesse, if there's premarital sex then the woman will not respect the man and the marriage probably won't work. So probably the main number one question would be answered without having to ask. Most important thing I guess would be not to try to change somebody else because that's not likely to happen. So just ask yourself why you like that person. And be honest to yourself with the answer that comes from your heart.

2018-09-13 09:44:38 UTC

Nice answer, @J_G_

2018-09-13 17:53:24 UTC

Ms Sasha you already know the answer haha. Let the date happen. The conversation will happen if it does. Of course no physical stuff, because you are a lady. Good luck! I hope you get married and bring some children of the light

2018-09-13 17:54:22 UTC

first date with my wife... I went in for kiss and she pushed my face out of the way... and laughed at me. Drove me nuts

2018-09-13 18:26:04 UTC

Yes bring in some children bc remember: STRAIGHT IS GREAT!

2018-09-13 18:26:17 UTC

Aww thatโ€™s sweet. What a good woman

2018-09-13 18:31:03 UTC

@csquare Oh I do sir! Lolz, I just want to engage the men here in the Discord. :)

2018-09-13 18:35:23 UTC

haha I figured Sasha, Thanks POOP. she recently started listening to BOND CHURCH. She started understanding the definition of Alpha and beta, she said I was a beta back then and now I have become alpha.

2018-09-13 18:36:53 UTC

I kinda worry when I hear women looking for an alpha, because it is a narrow path. I would have never started walking that path, if it weren't becoming a leader. chicken before the egg kinda thing. hrrrhmmm

2018-09-13 18:55:16 UTC

Thatโ€™s awesome for sure

2018-09-13 18:55:31 UTC

Itโ€™s kind of similar to ignorance is bliss I guess

2018-09-13 18:55:45 UTC

The more a woman knows what she wants, it makes the choices harder

2018-09-13 18:56:09 UTC

at the same time, Iโ€™d rather make a tougher screening process for a mate than let anyone in & cause destruction

2018-09-13 19:45:31 UTC

I understand.

2018-09-13 19:48:14 UTC

First installment of rent paid.

2018-09-13 19:48:20 UTC


2018-09-13 20:04:55 UTC

I completely agree with @Szayel's Pooppion on this one. Many men would tell women that they are looking for a non-existant unicorn and that they should lower their standards. The many times I have done that, I have ended up in very failed relationships. The standard any man or woman should uphold is God's standard. @csquare

2018-09-13 20:06:52 UTC

ya, all you are doing is making me feel really greatful for my situation. Maybe I wasnt as bad off as I thought I was

2018-09-13 20:08:17 UTC
2018-09-13 20:10:00 UTC

Well you probably were not hard to make an alpha? Lol

2018-09-13 20:10:15 UTC

Like the more a beta a man is, then the harder itโ€™d be

2018-09-13 20:10:26 UTC

Maybe you just had some ways but it wasnโ€™t a tough transition

2018-09-13 20:11:44 UTC

@Deleted User ๐Ÿ™ my first two relationships were partly a result of me settling for less

2018-09-13 20:13:44 UTC

Right. Any man who tells a woman that is not worth his weight in gold. I think that would be a good question: Should a woman have high standards?

2018-09-13 20:20:47 UTC

Thats were I have a problem understanding, If we are just suppose to be like birds... and God will take care of us. Why care? Then my thoughts...I get into the idea Birds do work on a hierarchal system that involve dominance of peers and opposite sex: alpha male and beta. So I guess you guys are just following biological instinct. um the checks and balances that God put into place long ago. So you have my permission now to have high standards, carry on hah

2018-09-13 20:21:43 UTC


2018-09-13 20:22:54 UTC

@csquare lolz! And that is something any woman would appreciate to hear!

2018-09-13 20:23:27 UTC

Lol xD

2018-09-13 20:23:32 UTC

I get you

2018-09-13 20:23:48 UTC

I always come back to the spiritual order in thinking of it

2018-09-13 20:24:44 UTC

Iโ€™m pretty sure women, when theyโ€™re spiritually awakened, seek alpha males subconsciously , itโ€™s like nature. Because the man has to be able to Christโ€™s representation to us; the closest we can get in the physical world

2018-09-13 20:25:05 UTC

And alpha males are striving to follow Christ in example, while Christ is above him

2018-09-13 20:25:16 UTC

To be*

2018-09-13 20:26:25 UTC

Man has to be a guide for women. How can it be done if the man is weak & his father is Satan?

2018-09-13 20:26:41 UTC

Men and women generally have turmoil in relationships when itโ€™s like that

2018-09-13 20:27:56 UTC

The problem is that the grand majority of people who live in the world are weak.

2018-09-13 20:28:03 UTC

@Deleted User Id say I think we should have high standards as long as we remain modest at the same time

2018-09-13 20:29:26 UTC


2018-09-13 20:29:31 UTC

explains nuns

2018-09-13 20:29:40 UTC

I see what you mean tho

2018-09-13 20:30:22 UTC

i an anticipate more real men in the future

2018-09-13 20:30:51 UTC

Me too. I think all these loony shenanigans are going to bring about more awakened men

2018-09-13 20:31:19 UTC

When the world gets basked in stupidity it usually brings about the other polarity lol

2018-09-13 20:56:23 UTC

@csquare @Szayel's Pooppion you may be right. People across the world are awakening to conservative values.

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