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2020-03-01 17:13:18 UTC

Stale -mate

2020-03-01 17:13:36 UTC

2020-03-01 17:14:01 UTC

2020-03-01 17:15:23 UTC

This thick pancake is going to kill me

2020-03-01 17:19:14 UTC

2020-03-01 17:20:21 UTC

2020-03-01 17:22:02 UTC

also it never gets tired, sick, nor fails to follow precise instructions

2020-03-01 17:23:08 UTC

Burger: Become Robot

2020-03-01 17:23:14 UTC

imagine importing 70iq africans en masse when a rudimentary robot outperforms 98% of them

2020-03-01 17:23:28 UTC

this post made by not the EU gang

2020-03-01 17:24:04 UTC

I also don't expect the robots to form gangs to kill each other

2020-03-01 17:24:41 UTC

or to try importing the rarted customs that made their countries of origin such shitholes in the first place

2020-03-01 17:25:07 UTC

Imagine bitching about how rudimentary jobs demand a $15/hour payment, only to find that a simple robot can perform that task for 20% the cost ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2020-03-01 17:25:26 UTC

the only "islamic" nations to be successful are so because they don't follow islam

really a head scratcher, that

2020-03-01 17:26:07 UTC

like the UAE. nominally islamic, anything but islamic in practice

yeah the only islamic thing is how fucked they treat their women

2020-03-01 17:27:07 UTC

better to be a woman there than in a more strictly islamic pisshole tho

would you rather be in auschwitz, or belsen

2020-03-01 17:28:15 UTC

that's the dilemma with israel. a real shitshow of a state by sane standards, but a gleaming beacon of hope and reason compared to the rest of the middle east

2020-03-01 17:30:29 UTC

i'm a guy and if i grew my beard could somewhat pass for an arab
and for me, between living in israel or anywhere else in the middle east, it's a no brainer. except for dubai, but you gotta be bloomberg-tier rich to *live* there

2020-03-01 17:32:06 UTC

...what exactly would the robot do with the money

2020-03-01 17:32:11 UTC

Buy recreational oil?

2020-03-01 17:32:28 UTC

True muscular Islamic nations are also very successful just in another way. They donโ€™t build they take

2020-03-01 17:32:30 UTC

Look at Iran

2020-03-01 17:32:37 UTC

the money is operational cost

2020-03-01 17:32:42 UTC

robot gets paid nothing

2020-03-01 17:32:44 UTC

Theyโ€™ve been able to build a shadow empire using Islam

2020-03-01 17:32:58 UTC

Taliban was able to take over all of Afghanistan

2020-03-01 17:33:46 UTC

Saudi Arabia exists because of radical Islam

2020-03-01 17:33:48 UTC

yeah but that's like socialism. once there's no more of others' territory and whatnot to take, it buckles under the weight of its own retarded ideology

2020-03-01 17:34:15 UTC

and becomes a shitshow state

2020-03-01 17:34:26 UTC

like venezuela once it ran outta money

2020-03-01 17:34:32 UTC

Islam isnโ€™t like socialism in that aspect, sure it will never amount to high civilization but if you have radical Islam youโ€™ve already hit rock bottom in that regard

2020-03-01 17:34:41 UTC

Plus you can still have good economics

2020-03-01 17:34:44 UTC

With Islam

2020-03-01 17:35:36 UTC

Average Antifa member

2020-03-01 17:36:17 UTC

the "islamic" entities that do economically well don't really follow islam, they just have too much money and influence for islamic authorities to be able to touch them

2020-03-01 17:36:56 UTC

2020-03-01 17:38:11 UTC

Islam is a purely social and religious thing

2020-03-01 17:38:15 UTC

2020-03-01 17:38:25 UTC

As far as I know it doesnโ€™t mandate a specific economic policy

2020-03-01 17:38:33 UTC

So why is there (x to doubt)?

2020-03-01 17:39:08 UTC

They donโ€™t do well economically because their culture makes people stupid and low IQ

2020-03-01 17:39:33 UTC

So they canโ€™t complete complex tasks

2020-03-01 17:41:00 UTC

It has nothing to do with actual economic decisions

2020-03-01 17:44:08 UTC
2020-03-01 17:45:40 UTC

actually yes. islam's designed to be the law of a caliphate. there's some (very rudimentary) economic policy in there too. as about everything else in the quran, it reeks of moronic poorly written middle ages fanfic. but it's there

2020-03-01 17:45:58 UTC

Dicky Spencer is still around?

2020-03-01 17:46:30 UTC


2020-03-01 17:46:38 UTC

Heโ€™s soo irrelevant at this point though

2020-03-01 17:47:11 UTC

he's always been irrelevant

2020-03-01 17:47:14 UTC

I mean Greta seems to be watching him. She had a Spencer style rant not so long ago

2020-03-01 17:47:15 UTC

Islam is inseparable from a political state because it was developed alongside the formation of one.

2020-03-01 17:47:21 UTC

unless you trust the media ofc

2020-03-01 17:47:36 UTC

how is faggot spencer still going

2020-03-01 17:47:44 UTC

2020-03-01 17:47:46 UTC

@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex again, maybe thats got something to do with it but Iโ€™m pretty sure itโ€™s because Islam lowers IQ about 20% to the phenotypic minimum

2020-03-01 17:47:55 UTC

It makes people retarded

2020-03-01 17:48:00 UTC

being a retard is sadly not enough to kill a man @tea_in_space

2020-03-01 17:48:22 UTC

It benefits from doing that though

2020-03-01 17:48:37 UTC

Because the more retarded you are the more ethnocentric you are

2020-03-01 17:49:01 UTC

There was a whole civil war about who would succeed Muhammad as the leader of their state.

2020-03-01 17:49:15 UTC

Not Sunni vs Shi'a initially

2020-03-01 17:49:17 UTC

`Because the more retarded you are the more ethnocentric you are`
i'm gonna need source on dat

2020-03-01 17:49:33 UTC

> @Sectator Pragmaticam Lex again, maybe thats got something to do with it but Iโ€™m pretty sure itโ€™s because Islam lowers IQ about 20% to the phenotypic minimum
@snake Why does it lower iq?

2020-03-01 17:49:39 UTC

muslim countries are inbred as hecc

2020-03-01 17:49:42 UTC

Abu Bakr fought against those who rejected him for a variety of reasons

2020-03-01 17:49:51 UTC

the inbreeding is at least part of it

2020-03-01 17:50:13 UTC

I mean

2020-03-01 17:50:26 UTC

@The Roman Emperor for many reasons, there is the education system which indoctrinates, not teaches. Makes people pray so much, even when they should be sleeping. Islam prevents critical thought

2020-03-01 17:50:29 UTC

Cousin marriage was common in the West until the last century

2020-03-01 17:50:35 UTC

And punished those that question it

2020-03-01 17:50:41 UTC

In many US states it's still legal

2020-03-01 17:50:56 UTC

i thought it was second cousin

2020-03-01 17:51:04 UTC

Inbreeding is a genetic factor, but yes youโ€™re correct @Sectator Pragmaticam Lex

2020-03-01 17:51:08 UTC

Amusingly, the states stereotyped as marrying cousins are usually the ones who have it illegal

2020-03-01 17:51:09 UTC

but direct relation was illigal

2020-03-01 17:51:13 UTC

Iโ€™m talking about non genetic factors

2020-03-01 17:51:23 UTC

tbf cousin marriage only done once in one generation isnt as dangerous as straight up fucking your siblings otherwise we would all be so inbred we couldnt even breathe

2020-03-01 17:51:30 UTC

No you can marry your first cousin in a number of states

2020-03-01 17:51:40 UTC


2020-03-01 17:51:51 UTC

Social taboo has simply overtaken law

2020-03-01 17:52:02 UTC

oh it supresses anything that isn't blindly praising muhammed and allah, yeah
that's how it still exists, the few rare dissidents can't speak up without literally being killed

2020-03-01 17:52:35 UTC

well its apart of their religion to not speak out against it

2020-03-01 17:53:04 UTC

Ethnocentrism and IQ are negatively correlated

2020-03-01 17:53:13 UTC

In Islam the only requirement to be an apostate is to say the right words but have false faith.

Basically abusable by any one with power to put their enemies to death.

2020-03-01 17:53:38 UTC

Muhammad probably devised that for that very reason.

2020-03-01 17:53:57 UTC

Anyone steps out of line, he's an apostate.

2020-03-01 17:53:57 UTC

On the contrary ethnocentrism is a good thing

2020-03-01 17:54:03 UTC

if ur not in islam ur the enemy and you need to convert or die

2020-03-01 17:54:06 UTC

Thatโ€™s why Islam selects for it lmao

2020-03-01 17:54:13 UTC

Falling for Islam is like falling for Mormonism

2020-03-01 17:54:15 UTC

Or pay the jizya

2020-03-01 17:54:24 UTC

You really fucking believe this dude?

2020-03-01 17:54:25 UTC

Like being humanitarian is bad

2020-03-01 17:54:26 UTC

its a cult

2020-03-01 17:54:36 UTC

Since the Muslims did realise convert or die wasn't pragmatic

2020-03-01 17:55:00 UTC

They applied it to Arabia but not in the rest of the Caliphate

2020-03-01 17:55:08 UTC

Convert, die, or pay a tax

2020-03-01 17:55:19 UTC

oh, so you do recognize the contradiction on higher IQ being in average less likely to pick more provenly effective ways @snake

2020-03-01 17:55:43 UTC


2020-03-01 17:55:50 UTC

No I havenโ€™t heard about that actually

2020-03-01 17:55:54 UTC

Please tell me more

2020-03-01 17:56:04 UTC

I am very interested, not exactly surprised though

2020-03-01 17:56:55 UTC

Lol I guess my lack of IQ is showing here actually, sense I just gave a example of that

2020-03-01 17:56:58 UTC

if ethnocentrism works, it makes more sense to prefer it than not, correct?
higher IQ generally translates to better cognitive skills
but these two variables go in opposite ways

2020-03-01 17:57:09 UTC

a contradiction

2020-03-01 17:57:31 UTC

2020-03-01 17:58:17 UTC

2020-03-01 17:58:35 UTC

2020-03-01 17:58:39 UTC

2020-03-01 17:58:42 UTC

An ethnic group is basically an extended family of common identity in language, blood, customs, and belief.

Centrism is putting it first.

Ethnocentrism basically defines how humans have always operated.

2020-03-01 17:58:51 UTC

the right to own and operate 3d printers shall not be infringed

2020-03-01 17:59:33 UTC

2020-03-01 17:59:53 UTC

2020-03-01 18:00:31 UTC

2020-03-01 18:01:08 UTC

Though I could see higher IQs recognizing that ethnocentrism is a good thing, so theyโ€™ll promote it

2020-03-01 18:01:22 UTC

Maybe thatโ€™s a possibility

2020-03-01 18:01:26 UTC

Anyway Iโ€™ll cya later

2020-03-01 18:05:53 UTC

it won't happen because nazis did it = bad. don't question why this only applies to promoting family values, community homogeneity, rejection of degeneracy and recognizing biological differences between races, but doesn't apply to being vegetarian and liking animals

2020-03-01 18:06:11 UTC

2020-03-01 18:06:32 UTC

2020-03-01 18:07:02 UTC

2020-03-01 18:07:36 UTC

universal suffrage makes as much sense as giving everyone shares of a company, even if they contributed nothing

2020-03-01 18:07:53 UTC

2020-03-01 18:07:54 UTC

2020-03-01 18:07:55 UTC

Ruby ridge makes my blood boil. Same as with these gae red flag bullshit

2020-03-01 18:07:56 UTC

2020-03-01 18:08:58 UTC

2020-03-01 18:09:51 UTC

anal petes

2020-03-01 18:10:27 UTC


2020-03-01 18:11:31 UTC

2020-03-01 18:12:05 UTC

2020-03-01 18:12:08 UTC

2020-03-01 18:13:07 UTC

2020-03-01 18:14:06 UTC

2020-03-01 18:15:02 UTC

2020-03-01 18:17:54 UTC

@snake High IQ isn't necessarily opposite to ethnocentrism. See China, for instance.

2020-03-01 18:18:30 UTC

>trusting official CCP statistics

2020-03-01 18:18:33 UTC

@Monstrous Moonshine theyโ€™re the exception, not the rule.

State mandated boyfriends <:smugon:512048583806025739> god I love chyna

2020-03-01 18:18:44 UTC

@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex Japan also works for his argument

2020-03-01 18:18:52 UTC

All of North East Asia does

2020-03-01 18:19:28 UTC

@Monstrous Moonshine thatโ€™s just because their environment is very harsh and stable, so K selected. Also they had to fight off animals more, at least Iโ€™ve heard

2020-03-01 18:19:52 UTC

but true, japan just ignores that trend

2020-03-01 18:20:05 UTC

2020-03-01 18:20:28 UTC

2020-03-01 18:20:31 UTC

2020-03-01 18:20:57 UTC

2020-03-01 18:22:03 UTC

middle east countries should man up and take the L already. so what if they don't want israel to exist there? what are they gonna do? declare war again? <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-01 18:22:24 UTC

establish greater israel

2020-03-01 18:22:31 UTC

I mean they could just drop a Nuclear bomb on Tel Aviv

2020-03-01 18:22:39 UTC

Thatโ€™ll end the Israeli state

2020-03-01 18:22:44 UTC

2020-03-01 18:22:46 UTC

no not really

2020-03-01 18:23:09 UTC

Israel has like 9 million niggas total. 3 million are in Tel Aviv

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks

2020-03-01 18:23:10 UTC

bold of you to assume israel don't have retaliatory nukes ready

2020-03-01 18:23:14 UTC

So yeah it would end them

2020-03-01 18:23:18 UTC

at best egypt has soviet nukes form the 1950s

2020-03-01 18:23:28 UTC

Ok and?

2020-03-01 18:23:36 UTC

That works

2020-03-01 18:23:50 UTC

they are not strong

2020-03-01 18:23:55 UTC

@Je๐Ÿ…ฑus Boi also based name

2020-03-01 18:24:02 UTC

Nukes are stored in tha pyramids

2020-03-01 18:24:04 UTC

they would maybe destroy a quarter of tel aviv

2020-03-01 18:24:16 UTC

not to mention that they have o be dropped from a plane

Nuking Israel is a good way to start the prophesy of Gog and Magog

2020-03-01 18:24:22 UTC

which israel can easily shoot down

2020-03-01 18:24:30 UTC

Calling isreal

2020-03-01 18:24:38 UTC

and it gives israel a pre text to get the USA involved

2020-03-01 18:24:41 UTC

very very stupid move

2020-03-01 18:24:59 UTC

also say what you will about israelis but they aren't stupid. i really don't think they'd place all critical infrastructure all neatly close to each other

2020-03-01 18:25:00 UTC

@Kinky Kitsune (Coomer) if they shot it down yeah, but if it actually blew up I think it would end israel

2020-03-01 18:25:07 UTC

no lol

2020-03-01 18:25:12 UTC

It doesnโ€™t have to kill all 3 million

2020-03-01 18:25:14 UTC

then again maybe they did, haven't looked into it

2020-03-01 18:25:24 UTC

I'll support the nation smaller than New Jersey over the religious zealots that want to nuke an entire hemisphere.

2020-03-01 18:25:28 UTC

otherwise the 2 nukes would have ended at least hiroshima and nagisaka

2020-03-01 18:25:30 UTC

but it didnt

2020-03-01 18:25:46 UTC

more damage was done from the fire bombing than the nukes ever could

2020-03-01 18:26:02 UTC

Just pay megatron to blow up the middle east

2020-03-01 18:26:18 UTC

Yeah 9 million niggas total, 3 million in the capital, and the country is the size of New Jersey. I think one nuclear bomb would end them

2020-03-01 18:26:20 UTC


2020-03-01 18:26:42 UTC

Japan is much bigger and more populated, and is also a island

2020-03-01 18:26:53 UTC

So it wouldnโ€™t immediately be flooded with sand niggers

2020-03-01 18:26:56 UTC

2020-03-01 18:27:01 UTC

None of this debate will matter when we're fighting over the last tin of baked beans when the corona virus collapses civilisation

2020-03-01 18:27:16 UTC

2 state solution <:thinking_clown:590855640268668928> , 1 state solution <:mutt:462285123421732874> , 0 state solution <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991> <:Nice:595347902155718666>

2020-03-01 18:27:20 UTC


2020-03-01 18:27:37 UTC

5000 party system

2020-03-01 18:27:46 UTC

@Je๐Ÿ…ฑus Boi through blood and iron, may the strongest survive

2020-03-01 18:28:05 UTC

Iron is in blood already @Je๐Ÿ…ฑus Boi

2020-03-01 18:28:12 UTC

Thatโ€™s how these things should be done tbh

2020-03-01 18:28:17 UTC

Ukraine, Yugoslavia

2020-03-01 18:28:27 UTC

Just let them sort it out among themselves

2020-03-01 18:28:49 UTC

Can yโ€™all believe @numbSKULLery_8f4812 doesnโ€™t know about the Bismarck speech

2020-03-01 18:29:27 UTC


2020-03-01 18:29:30 UTC


I do

2020-03-01 18:29:36 UTC

Can you believe @Je๐Ÿ…ฑus Boi is so autistic they can't take a joke?

His name is numbskull


2020-03-01 18:30:02 UTC
2020-03-01 18:30:31 UTC


I insulted him therefore I took the bait apparently

2020-03-01 18:30:43 UTC

"Hurdurr he must be stupid because of his name"

The trolls on this server are the worst I've ever encountered

2020-03-01 18:30:56 UTC

@Cryrosphere this isn't Gymnasium, wh*tie

Penny is a great choice

2020-03-01 18:31:32 UTC
2020-03-01 18:31:33 UTC

Oh ok

If only she could cook tho

2020-03-01 18:32:44 UTC

Sheโ€™s nice

I made a mod that changed her marriage dialogue so she learns how to cook

2020-03-01 18:33:16 UTC

Iโ€™m playingn on switch so no mods


2020-03-01 18:33:27 UTC


2020-03-01 18:33:42 UTC

I hope one day they update kids

Eric Barrone confirmed he will be eventually iirc

2020-03-01 18:35:01 UTC


2020-03-01 18:35:04 UTC

2020-03-01 18:35:17 UTC

Bismark is overrated

2020-03-01 18:35:23 UTC

*PreuรŸens gloria plays*

2020-03-01 18:35:49 UTC


2020-03-01 18:39:24 UTC

2020-03-01 18:39:28 UTC

2020-03-01 18:39:48 UTC

2020-03-01 18:39:52 UTC


2020-03-01 18:39:55 UTC

Wrong chat

2020-03-01 18:40:03 UTC
2020-03-01 18:40:39 UTC

@The Roman Emperor I'm in church you coomer

2020-03-01 18:41:17 UTC


2020-03-01 18:41:31 UTC

>Seeing discord while in church

During announcements, yes

2020-03-01 18:41:55 UTC

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