Ashur Zuk'i-Rash

Discord ID: 223934442291331073

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There is no end to jojo fans is there?

Good to know

Jojo isnt anime

Its culture

The only circus clown i know of is the one that came out of ur mothers spasm chasm

Jojo after 4 isnt fun for me

Shat ap bucci fangurl

Ban aliens

Guys i have a question

If there was bunch of foreskin around what would u make of them? I would sew them togather and make a foreskin mask . Maybe form the notirious foreskin gang


So there isnt any meme chat here right?

He has jotaro as pfp . Thats as gay as it gets

Ur hopes and dreams is made of our foreskin

Spic is a mistake

Unless its sweet spic then its great

I love cinnamon

Uk invaded uganda

Change my mind

What is this chat 4?

I want this

Its always gonna be empty <:transdank:462401354745249792>

Santa is just a russian spy taking pics of ur mom at night

Change my mind

Shoot me daddy

20 days too early

Why they make anime traps more attractive then usual anime girls



Hats off

Pants off


If u got a sticky stuck to u just take it off

Traps arent gay therefore im nit gay

This chat enlightens my soul


Animal cruelty

Reported for animal cruelty


Feed catgirls dead rats

Free sea food hmmm

Badum tsss

I question humanity

This could be us . But were humans

I want that charriot


Fxking whity




I feel like this is a trap

And im not getting a boner cuz of it


It does depend really

Hmmmmmmmmm ๐Ÿค”

But if they had sex and they didnt know the other was male or female then it really isnt gay


Its soooo tricky



Stay hydrated kids

I feel like im an african ... my soul is so black <:why:462286147473637407>

Im going to cut myself with my edge


One day my sharp edge will outsharp the edgelord himself

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