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2018-10-09 18:24:24 UTC

@wayne peek I'm happy to do it.

2018-10-09 18:24:45 UTC

It literally all started after the first black mayor

2018-10-09 18:25:04 UTC

Just google our last mayor. Kasim Reed.

2018-10-09 18:26:12 UTC

He and so many of his cabinet are being prosecuted or currently receiving charges lol. The crime in this city is easily competing with Chicago or Baltimore. After all we have bankhead.

2018-10-09 18:26:27 UTC

It's easy enough to see when blacks gain significant power, crime and violence runs rampant. Look at BLM and the like starting during Obama, Baltimore/Fierguson/etc riots...all under black control.

2018-10-09 18:27:55 UTC

This is literally what everything around the city looks like now. Mexican or black. I can essentially drive outside of the city in most areas and fell like IM back in Africa or South America. Its bad.

2018-10-09 18:35:36 UTC

@wayne peek Yeah... It's my understanding that Atlanta's kind of seen as the de fact capital of Black America at this point... ๐Ÿ˜

2018-10-09 18:44:12 UTC

Yes it is. Its pretty awful. Im not going to lie. living around this many black people I get to see first hand how cucked white people are. We have to accept behaviors and norms that are only acceptable in 3rd world nations. I drove by a school and saw a white girl doing some hip hop dance outside with black guys. A single tear fell from my eye. Garbage Indians BTFO. Not going to lie. That image will stay with me forever. I will always hurt from seeing that one of many examples of our fall from grace.

2018-10-09 18:48:44 UTC

@wayne peek Yeah. Although I imagine Atlanta has DC beat as far the ghetto factor is concerned, albeit by a relatively slim margin, this is BY FAR the cuck capital of the White world. Well, outside of Europe proper, anyway. It's just numbing... That, and the area where I live is MASSIVELY Ethiopian, so every weekend, there's some kind of deafening mass mating ritual going on in the public square. Gets old, bubba...

2018-10-09 18:51:35 UTC

Only White person in my apartment complex ftw, lol.

2018-10-09 19:00:19 UTC

@wayne peek I believe the city is over 50% African. I dislike going there

2018-10-09 19:00:38 UTC

The city Iโ€™m in is also 74% black. I know that feel.

2018-10-09 19:01:14 UTC

I hear that man. At one of our last meet ups we went hiking and swimming and when we got to the park, they have picnic tables set up for people to come out and have parties for kids and there were a bunch of blacks set up at this place and of course they have black boom boom rap music blasting with non stop degenerate curse words. Literally as I parked and had to walk by I was probably passed or walking near 50-60 white people with kids who were out at the park enjoying the day and they were being subjected to this verbal harassment talking about sex and drugs and of course its like 30 black people and their kids listening to this garbage all while all of the small white children have to hear this crap as they walk by instantly destroying their innocence. I mean at this point you cant even go out for a nice wholesome day at the park without these people polluting our experience. I mean if you cant tell I deeply dislike these people. Their culture is just more than I can handle these days. Im just fatigued. When I think back on my experience growing up, my parents didn't drink or use foul language. We didn't listen to music that had foul language or movies that had degenerate scenes or language. I had a great childhood experience and if I was one of those parents I would have lost it. No child should be made to hear Kanye West. Or any rap for that matter. If Im ever in charge the first order of business would be to erase all hip hop from the world.

2018-10-09 19:01:14 UTC

Holy crap. Random aside, but I just realized that Austria, with a European population of just around 6.3 million, has a larger economy than Nigeria, the largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa, and a former British colony, with a population of about 190.9 million, and despite Austria only being agriculturally productive half the year, while Nigeria's damned near the equator, and has far superior soil. Crazy...

2018-10-09 19:01:27 UTC

Incidentally, 3 of our former mayors were prosecuted for corruption and thereโ€™s actually a terrible problem with sex trafficking as well.

2018-10-09 19:01:34 UTC


2018-10-09 19:02:31 UTC

Our last D.A. was arrested for... perjury.

2018-10-09 19:02:38 UTC

The DA

2018-10-09 19:02:45 UTC

Was arrested for perjury

2018-10-09 19:03:02 UTC

Stage 11 clown world

2018-10-09 19:03:46 UTC

@wayne peek ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-10-09 19:04:39 UTC

Yeah. It gets to be a bit much, and their lack of self-awareness just makes it all the more infuriating...

2018-10-09 19:05:37 UTC

They talk about "getting out of the ghetto, and making it to the burbs" not realizing that the ghetto isn't the dilapidated buildings and cracked streets. THEY are the ghetto...

2018-10-09 19:05:58 UTC

...and the burbs don't belong to them.

2018-10-09 19:06:36 UTC

There is no need for "self awareness" when this is what they create and find acceptable...

2018-10-09 19:06:37 UTC

Alvin Kamara speaks my mind.

2018-10-09 19:07:36 UTC

2018-10-09 19:08:14 UTC

@Bjorn - MD @wayne peek I can attest to the idea that *they* are the ghetto, not the inanimate objects they consider "the ghetto". We have more and more "Baltimore blacks" moving into my area, and you can see the neighborhood will only go downhill the more of them move in. *It's all so tiresome.*

2018-10-09 19:08:19 UTC


2018-10-09 19:08:23 UTC

Yeah, this whole based black guy in MAGA hat meme is seriously the keepers of the matrix trying to keep control lol jkjk

2018-10-09 19:08:49 UTC

Why cant these people create their own stories and heroes?

2018-10-09 19:09:11 UTC

@fgtveassassin Is that bomb maker on the left appropriating my culture?!

2018-10-09 19:09:13 UTC

You would think a girl from Saudi Arabia would want a hero for her?

2018-10-09 19:09:42 UTC

but instead they are like. How can white superheroes help me get a drivers license.

2018-10-09 19:10:27 UTC

They have their own bedsheet hero "Dust" (which is what they make of cultures they infest ironically)...stop using ours!

2018-10-09 19:10:53 UTC

Yes in india women literally jump in front of trains and hang themselves so much that its causing a massive off set of gender in the country but whatever im gan be spidertranny.

2018-10-09 19:11:39 UTC

Ah yes- Heatdeath. Kills her enemies by wrapping them in black bedsheets in 120 heat until they die. A truly most Halal superhero.

2018-10-09 19:12:19 UTC

Sati was banned by the British but itโ€™s hard to enforce things in a country of over a billion.

2018-10-09 19:12:23 UTC

@wayne peek Even the "black superheroes" (like Black Panther) are made by (((someone else))). <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-10-09 19:12:31 UTC

Create your own stories. I just saw where some tranny or non white redid the scooby doo gang? Its like, Wow! You are just so pathetic. Can you literally non make anything for yourself?

2018-10-09 19:12:47 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD hahaha. Yes. Very true.

2018-10-09 19:13:04 UTC

Has it struck anyone else how a ton of movies and shows coming out lately a just rehashes of old ones- literally?

2018-10-09 19:13:06 UTC

No, they steal and parasite, that's it.

2018-10-09 19:13:20 UTC

Didnt maxine waters do the wakanda greeting at one of the last political events she was at?

2018-10-09 19:13:21 UTC

Theyโ€™re redoing the twilight zone with Jordan Peel as Rod Serling.

2018-10-09 19:13:54 UTC

"Black is the new white." ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

2018-10-09 19:13:54 UTC

I mean its just so sad. We have to redo all these white people things so we can be like white people

2018-10-09 19:15:27 UTC

The worst part is their sh*t culture is rubbing off on our youth.

2018-10-09 19:15:36 UTC

And "normalizing" it.

2018-10-09 19:15:41 UTC

That shouldn't be allowed.

2018-10-09 19:16:24 UTC

@ophiuchus are you serious?

2018-10-09 19:19:28 UTC

It is unfortunately true

2018-10-09 19:19:45 UTC

Anytime some leftie tries to tell you that "we need them programs" just remember, the Flynn Effect has never been observed in Africans.

2018-10-09 19:21:16 UTC

The whomst effect

2018-10-09 19:21:50 UTC

Iโ€™m very serious

2018-10-09 19:23:24 UTC

Thereโ€™s a school near here, George Washington Carver High School, which, off the top of my head, cost something like 50 million dollars to build. Cosmetology studio, robotics lab, auto shop, etc. Graduation rate I believe is in the 40s, average ACT is a 20. 99% black.

2018-10-09 19:23:31 UTC

@fgtveassassin Flynn Effect is the gradual rise in average IQ of human populations over time. About 3 points per decade.

2018-10-09 19:23:41 UTC

Endlessly throwing money at things does not fix everything.

2018-10-09 19:26:01 UTC

Man they just need better iPads you biggot

2018-10-09 19:26:18 UTC

Ya know the one that is a bit smaller than the last one.

2018-10-09 19:26:24 UTC

For no good reason really.

2018-10-09 19:27:01 UTC

@ophiuchus The carver school is one of the best examples ever. It literally lays to rest the idea that money is going to create a successful black population lol.

2018-10-09 19:27:39 UTC

Which is what Abrams is selling of course.

2018-10-09 19:28:10 UTC

Riding home from work:

2018-10-09 19:28:20 UTC

free gibbs, mo money, women will be set free from their chains of oppression. The future is brown and gay bigots.

2018-10-09 19:28:23 UTC

Stunning and brave! โค

2018-10-09 19:28:23 UTC

It kills me that that school is 99% black. That means thereโ€™s probably like 10 white kids there.

2018-10-09 19:28:50 UTC

I couldn't even imagine being one of those 10 ๐Ÿ˜•

2018-10-09 19:29:01 UTC

@ophiuchus Poor souls. Never had a chance...

2018-10-09 19:29:14 UTC

I went to a mostly black school decades ago for one year and my parents moved us out of that area *REAL FAST*.

2018-10-09 19:29:39 UTC

Dude, I grew up in a town with no buses, no taxi's, no ubers, no trains, nothing. 60% of the people in my home town live below the poverty line. Its just insane that 13% of the population dominates us like this.

2018-10-09 19:29:46 UTC

My mom and her twin sister described going to a nearly entirely black school in Corsicana Texas back in the 80s.

2018-10-09 19:29:52 UTC

They did not have a good time.

2018-10-09 19:29:59 UTC

@Bjorn - MD How will Trump *ever* recover?! <:nervous:359009898115104770>

2018-10-09 19:30:38 UTC

@wayne peek Think of how much time children take up for their parents...that's what blacks are to whites.

2018-10-09 19:30:41 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD Somehow, I think he'll get over it ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-10-09 19:30:52 UTC

In perpetual need of care and coddling so they don't hurt themselves.

2018-10-09 19:32:04 UTC

Yet they still do it...

2018-10-09 19:32:20 UTC

I lived on bouldercrest in Atlanta for two years when I first moved here and Ive also been to Sudan by myself. Want to know the difference between the two? ATL has more cars, junk food and sagging pants lol thats it.

2018-10-09 19:32:25 UTC

Why don't Africans receive the Flynn effect? Are they too mixed? @Sam Anderson

2018-10-09 19:32:34 UTC

We need to pull generational welfare, stop affirmative action...and see what happens.

2018-10-09 19:32:48 UTC

>been to Sudan

2018-10-09 19:32:54 UTC

Uh. Military?

2018-10-09 19:33:10 UTC

Freedom of association is the best thing to shoot for.

2018-10-09 19:33:24 UTC

Over turning civil rights might be impossible.

2018-10-09 19:33:40 UTC

racial discrimination isn't a civil right...

2018-10-09 19:34:18 UTC

we gotta get Asians on board with destroying affirmative action

2018-10-09 19:34:22 UTC

affirmative action is unconstitutional and if that can be challenged we could possibly win that especially if Ginsberg leaves the court.

2018-10-09 19:34:31 UTC

then we have "POC" on our side to stop that stupid crap

2018-10-09 19:34:53 UTC

even with her on it we could technically win if challenged by the right people.

2018-10-09 19:35:14 UTC

I just wish they would allow us white flight and leave us alone once we leave an area. They inevitably find us and move back in where were didn't want them.

2018-10-09 19:35:49 UTC

if we can get freedom of association secured our problems will mostly work themselves out like uncle jared says.

2018-10-09 19:35:56 UTC

I think Trumps 2nd term should just push the boundaries of all of this. What is the left going to do...freak out even more? <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2018-10-09 19:53:10 UTC

Portland, ladies and gentlemen!
White people screaming at other white people...for being white people. <:sad:366743316475281408>

2018-10-09 20:15:16 UTC

this stuff is making me depressed. what's the animal of the day ? ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2018-10-09 20:17:00 UTC

Southeast Asian Binturong (or "bear cat":

2018-10-09 20:17:03 UTC

2018-10-09 20:17:30 UTC

aww.. look at him

2018-10-09 20:17:52 UTC

sleepy boi

2018-10-09 20:19:57 UTC

that's how i feel right now

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