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2019-05-17 23:25:55 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat

2019-05-17 23:26:28 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat

2019-05-17 23:26:29 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat

2019-05-17 23:26:45 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat

2019-05-17 23:26:49 UTC

join debate vc

2019-05-17 23:26:50 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat

2019-05-17 23:26:53 UTC

jion debate

2019-05-17 23:26:54 UTC

join debate vc

2019-05-17 23:26:56 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat

2019-05-17 23:27:36 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat

2019-05-17 23:27:43 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like that the earth is flat??????????????????

2019-05-17 23:28:36 UTC

anyone wanna talk real science? like polymorphic relations between earth and moon?

2019-05-17 23:54:35 UTC


2019-05-17 23:54:35 UTC

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **BIG GAYMER**#1639

2019-05-18 04:29:56 UTC

aliens are deffo dimensional shifting creatures from the abyss.. not from Galaxies "billions and billions of light years away"

2019-05-18 04:30:44 UTC

they can shift dimensions... but CANNOT approach the ALTAR of GOD

2019-05-18 04:31:10 UTC

they are bound to Universal law put down "in the beginning"

2019-05-18 04:32:12 UTC

all LIFE anywhere in this giant universal plane is subject to the laws of matter and substance as well as spirit..

2019-05-18 15:40:51 UTC

Alright lads I have a question
Do we accept the principle that gravitational potential energy = mass * gravitational field strength * height?

2019-05-18 16:51:39 UTC

no.. mass does not attract mass.

2019-05-18 17:21:12 UTC


2019-05-18 17:26:35 UTC

@A Search for Roche's Rifle it's been measured in the lab

2019-05-18 18:05:11 UTC

Mass does not attract mass... and no it is not been measured in a lab

2019-05-18 19:03:53 UTC

Earth is a froot loop shape

2019-05-18 19:05:45 UTC


2019-05-18 20:15:53 UTC


<@579379618885140480> Debate what?

Do you think the Earth is round?

2019-05-18 20:45:31 UTC


2019-05-18 20:45:34 UTC

Round and flat

2019-05-19 01:05:50 UTC

2019-05-19 02:08:58 UTC

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @mitch has been warned
reason: Posted an invite

2019-05-19 03:02:02 UTC

2019-05-19 04:36:05 UTC

2019-05-19 04:45:41 UTC

You canโ€™t even calculate the speed of celestial bodies.

2019-05-19 04:46:05 UTC

Your questions are based on hypotheticals. And you donโ€™t even know it.

2019-05-19 04:46:40 UTC

We can see they move, we canโ€™t measure how fast. Neither can we measure how far away they are.

2019-05-19 04:46:50 UTC

2019-05-19 05:06:37 UTC

Makes zero sense

2019-05-19 05:07:32 UTC

If earth was spinning why would cyclones or hurricanes spin in different directions?

2019-05-19 05:08:38 UTC

Prove to me gravity is bending light

2019-05-19 05:09:02 UTC

@viherkasvi no you bullshitter

2019-05-19 05:09:09 UTC

Ban then

2019-05-19 05:09:15 UTC
2019-05-19 05:09:16 UTC

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned @viherkasvi

2019-05-19 05:46:04 UTC

he was a real dik

lols @ " `Smarter THEN you` " ๐Ÿ˜† โ˜

@oMerric <:BigSmiles:556070613224259594> ?? ...

2019-05-19 18:08:05 UTC

Earth is flat

2019-05-19 18:08:37 UTC

>>mute @oMerric

2019-05-19 18:08:40 UTC

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **oMerric**#4421

2019-05-19 18:09:02 UTC


@oMerric -- Let's chat all about it, in <#484517419637800970> <:BigSmiles:556070613224259594> ?! .......

2019-05-19 18:09:18 UTC

The model with Antarctica on the outside and the sun and moon floating around is the working model

now Merric's comments are gone ๐Ÿ˜†

eh well, oof
***He wasn't here to learn or etc, .. we found out just how STUBBORN he was/IS icebox, \ done.
too rigid and stubborn, inflexible, and ... willfully ignorant, etcc, smh at him


yeah, ..keep going , Ethan .....

2019-05-19 18:17:07 UTC

The sun and moon rotate around making day and night

2019-05-19 18:17:13 UTC

How could that not work

2019-05-19 18:20:46 UTC

Moon is out as often in the day as at night. Will point that out. Usually people just dont notice it duringthe day because the skylight doesnt make it as obvious. It is up there though. Find out when the moon is supposed to be where and look up at that time and you should find it

2019-05-19 18:21:26 UTC

Yeah cuz the moon goes around at a different rate than the sun

2019-05-19 18:22:42 UTC


@Ethan#9839 ? lol? you left? ๐Ÿค”
thats kinda weird -wow

2019-05-19 19:32:34 UTC

Wow choosing to waste their time on different discord server; how rude

2019-05-20 09:23:20 UTC

Did brunder wood get banned

2019-05-20 11:57:34 UTC

@CreeperPiggy @Vert Let's have a civil debate. Right here. Right now.

2019-05-20 11:57:49 UTC

Commit fortnite

2019-05-20 11:58:02 UTC

No u

2019-05-20 11:58:03 UTC


2019-05-20 11:58:21 UTC


2019-05-20 11:58:25 UTC


2019-05-20 11:58:31 UTC


2019-05-20 11:58:50 UTC

Flat chest or flat minecraft world

2019-05-20 11:58:58 UTC

Minecraft isn't flat

2019-05-20 11:59:00 UTC

It's a cube

2019-05-20 11:59:09 UTC


2019-05-20 11:59:11 UTC


2019-05-20 11:59:18 UTC

For good discussions ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2019-05-20 11:59:33 UTC

But flat chest obv

2019-05-20 12:02:21 UTC

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @Vert has been warned
reason: Bad word usage

2019-05-20 12:02:33 UTC

No you neef to bulges

2019-05-20 12:02:36 UTC


2019-05-20 12:06:20 UTC


2019-05-20 13:02:05 UTC

@Citizen Z cyclones spin differently due to the coriolis effect. Simple google search

2019-05-20 13:02:13 UTC


2019-05-20 13:02:27 UTC

Google like you mean your Oracle?

2019-05-20 13:02:41 UTC

Show me in experiment

2019-05-20 13:02:46 UTC

I mean, if its false what do u believe in?

2019-05-20 13:03:12 UTC

If the "oracle" is a lie, whats ur beliefM

2019-05-20 13:03:13 UTC

Show me using the scientific method

2019-05-20 13:03:41 UTC

Your belief ? You mean like a religion?

2019-05-20 13:03:51 UTC

Wind direction in different hemispheres of the earth

2019-05-20 13:04:03 UTC

Wind direction from what?

2019-05-20 13:04:29 UTC

From the equator to lets say the us or brazil, they will go in opposite directions

2019-05-20 13:04:34 UTC


2019-05-20 13:04:51 UTC

Because thats how wind works ๐Ÿ˜Ž

127,199 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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